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:)) Hello everyone, I thought I would introduce myself. I have been reading for a while but have got up the courage to do my first post ! I have 3 georgous whippies, 2 dogs & a bitch which are a delight to own. I look forward to chatting with you all in the future. i will try & figure out how to put some piccies on and do that shortly !!

hello lisa welcome to k9. :thumbsup:

you will find k9ers a helpful bunch. :- " ( on the whole)

do you race your dogs?
:cheers: WELCOME TO K9 LISA :cheers:
:) Yes I hope to race, they are not old enough yet. My oldest boy turns 1 yr on the 10th Nov & the next one is a year in early january (the bitch pup is only 13 wks).

The oldest (Jay-Z) is a fawn with blue mask and is a Laguna boy !! He has had a trial and we went again yesterday for a visit to Sussex Longdogs association & boy is he keen !! I am going to the WRC one at Maidstone in Kent this sunday for another trial and we will start next season, not sure about the next boy 'Snoop' He is a blue brindle & white, but is not so keen, we will see what happens.

I have a question for the forumites......I am having a little trouble getting & keeping the weight on Jay-Z, now that I have another pup he is getting 4 fed times a day but even that isn't helping, They have, goats milk (with evaporated for extra calories) mixed with rusks, Meat, tripe, chicken & and James Wellbeloved complete food. And the usual occasional Scramled eggs, cheese, roast lamb shoulder (nice & fatty).....

anything else I can try......while he's not super skinny, he just needs a bit more on him for my liking, he's very healthy, well muscled and super shiny !!

Any suggestiosn gratefully received.
hello and welcome, lisa :D

sorry to be a bit crude, but how are his motions? too much milk can be bad for dogs, as it contains sugar naturally (and dogs cannot process sugar, leading to kidney problems etc) or because theyre lactol intolerant like people. this can show itself with runny poo, and if they have the trots they arent digesting anything on top of getting dehydrated. doesnt sound like your problem, as youve said everything else is fine. more info?

His poo is fine....he has been on milk since he was a pup.....we just never managed to give it up in the morning (sounds like a kid with is bottle!) But may be a good idea to give it up a while and see if that helps, maybe he is lactose intolerant , wondering if that would impact his ability absorb the rest of the goodies in his diet ?
Hi Lisa

Welcome to K9. I too have a skinny whippet, she's called Nibble. I worried about her at first, but the vet said not to, as she has plenty of muscle. She has been spayed, and still hasn't put weight on. I feed her extra sausages, and fatty bits off the meat sometimes, but then she won't eat her normal food. Now I try to top her up when she is already full of her complete food - hopefully to stretch her tummy so she can fit more in!!

You might find that you get used to seeing the dogs a bit more skinny when you get into racing. We did!

Have fun at Maidstone - they're a lovely crowd.
Lisa said:
Hi,His poo is fine....he has been on milk since he was a pup.....we just never managed to give it up in the morning (sounds like a kid with is bottle!) But may be a good idea to give it up a while and see if that helps, maybe he is lactose intolerant , wondering if that would impact his ability absorb the rest of the goodies in his diet ? an alternate source of calcium you could try sardines. the bones are so fine and fragile theyre easily digested, plus sardines provide omega 3 etc, which boosts brain power (3 weekly portions for a person apparently slashes the odds of alzheimers, and a study on school kids showed an increase in thinking ability and improved memory.) on top of maintaining coat shine.

he may just have a high metabolism (wish i did :D ) and aside from weight gain meets all signs of health. if in doubt, keep a food diary, stating whats eaten, behavior afterwards, motions, peeing etc. my sister in law was told to keep one for her son to eliminate foods that sent him hyper or made him sluggish and depressed. she was shocked to find that, while not being allergic, there were numerous food items he had an intolerance to. the problem with intolerance is that its so hard to pinpoint. once she, after about a month, thought she'd identified the trigger foods, she removed each one on its own for a week (take them all out together and you wont know which does what) and noted down his behavior. after each had been 'vetted', she learned to tailor his diet to suit his individual needs.
Lisa said:
:))   Hello everyone, I thought I would introduce myself. I have been reading for a while but have got up the courage to do my first post ! I have 3 georgous whippies, 2 dogs & a bitch which are a delight to own. I look forward to chatting with you all in the future. i will try & figure out how to put some piccies on and do that shortly !!Lisa

hi lisa, this is my first time as well!! Im not quite sure you will even get this message but Im given it a go. Lorraine who is my partner and myself have three whippets to, we have three bitches. I have been in the game for a long time but this is the first time I have been on a computer.

Dear Lisa,

This to is our first time we have posted, Im not quite sure whether this will just go to you or everyone? so if it does go to everyone hello to you all. We to have three whippets which are all bitches. Do you race your whippets?.
Hello Lisa & Jimi welcome to k9 both of you :D would love to see some pics of all your whippets :cheers:
:)) Thanks for the advice lalena, will try some eliminating/adding and see how it goes...will post some pics and see what you all think....the vets also said not to worry, that he was in perfect health...but you know what us whippet moms are like, don't like to see the outline of 1 or 2 vertebrae !!

Welcome jimi to you also....

I will try and post some piccies tonight, should be interesting what mess I can make of it !
Hi lisa, i too have a very skinny whippet, she was a very fussy eater as a young pup, all she would eat was one lamb chop a day, she will be two on xmas eve and she eats like a horse now, we feed her nature diet which is a complete food with no aditives etc, and along with that she has raw mince beef and skinners or purina dried complete food, all mixed together.

i give her the same amount as my other whippets, and my cocker spaniel, and she still remains as thin as ever, my vet actually said that i needed to watch my spaniels weight as he was getting a little on the heavy side, and they eat the same amount. i think that some dogs are just naturally thin.
Hi Lisa & Jimmi. Welcome to K9 :thumbsup:

To be honest Lisa, if your puppy is eating well, the poos are OK and he has plenty of energy I really don't think you have a problem unless he really is very skinny. Its easy to worry too much about puppies. If you start thinking he might be intolerant to some foods without any real reason and start messing about with his diet too much you probably will upset his digestive system. So before you do that why don't you ask the people at Maidstone what they think, or put a picture on here. I bet we all think he's perfectly normal :thumbsup:
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Lisa said:
The oldest (Jay-Z) is a fawn with blue mask and is a Laguna boy !!....anything else I can try......while he's not super skinny, he just needs a bit more on him for my liking, he's very healthy, well muscled and super shiny !!Any suggestiosn gratefully received.

Hi, I don't know whether it's a laguna characteristic, but I've never been able to keep weight on mine either, and I've known other whippets with similar breeding just the same. It's a pain isn't it, I hate having comments like 'do you ever feed that dog' etc :rant:

He's now on Burns working mix again now, as this is the only complete food I've found that helps. The normal Burns, Redmills and most of the others I've tried don't seem to make a jot of difference. I know some people here have had problems on it though (mainly scurf and poor coat), but it seems to suit ours well.

best wishes,

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Thanks it makes me feel better, I feed all 3 the same and my girl is almost tubby !! She is 5 1/2 mths so still a little in that puppy tubby squashiness !! His appetite is great and he is shiny coated and very very energetic !