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Hello and volunteering/paid work

Victoria Salter

New Member
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I’m new here. I’m a 23 year old female who is on the Autistic Spectrum. I live part-time in Exeter, Devon, UK (supported living) but I go home to Whimple, Devon, UK regularly.
For ages, I have wanted to either get paid or voluntary work. I would like to either work with animals or to help the poor and/or homeless. I’m quite desperate. I have limitations due to my beliefs. I’m a passionate vegan animal advocate. For instance, I won’t do Cancer Research UK because of my beliefs on animal testing. I also won’t do Oxfam due to the donations of live animals such as goats and chickens , which I disagree with. I also would not want to work with meat and,preferably, not any other animal products either.
I have contacted RSPCA Little Valley multiple times, but they haven’t accepted me as a volunteer. I have been to visit ARC (Ottery), but that isn’t practical due to the location and the fact that they have a lot of dogs with behavioural issues that wouldn’t be suitable for me to care for and walk. The Donkey Sanctuary also isn’t practical.
Can someone please give me suggestions as soon as you can?
I don’t mean to be rude or upset anyone here. Apologies.
Thank you to the moon and back.
Best Wishes to all,
Have the best day and night ever!
I think instead of people suggesting places you might be interested in you need to sit back and take stock of your needs V your desires.
You want to work be it paid or unpaid and you would like this to be with animals or with homeless people..
But you cannot put your beliefs aside so you need to work out what you can do that would bridge the gap.
Maybe the vegan society could help you with a list of vegan friendly charities.

To work with animals will often entail contact with meat or animal products due to their feed so maybe this isnt such a good idea.
I think instead of people suggesting places you might be interested in you need to sit back and take stock of your needs V your desires.
You want to work be it paid or unpaid and you would like this to be with animals or with homeless people..
But you cannot put your beliefs aside so you need to work out what you can do that would bridge the gap.
Maybe the vegan society could help you with a list of vegan friendly charities.

To work with animals will often entail contact with meat or animal products due to their feed so maybe this isnt such a good idea.
I don’t mind doing it for dogs and cats , but not for people...
Have you asked at your local library? They often have lists of voluntary jobs available and if there's nothing suitable the library might be able to help you with a list of organisations/charities you might be able to help.

It's great that you're sticking to your principles. Be aware, though, that whatever organisation you work/volunteer for they are bound to have some aspects you disagree with. That's life... You mention Oxfam - poorer people in less developed countries simply couldn't survive if they were vegan. Poor land means they need to graze goats and eat their milk and meat, and a lot can be said for working to improve animal welfare in situations where animals are utilised in this way (e.g. the charity Compassion in World Farming).

But I hope I'm not sounding patronising - these may be angles you've considered and decided that you still wouldn't be happy with this sort of work, in which case of course you need to stick to what feels right for you and no one else. Best of luck in your search :)

Another thought - are there any vegan groups in your area? If so, they might have suggestions too.
Hi Rory- firstly you won't offend anyone by offering to help- it sounds as if you have goodwill and a desire to give to others. I absolutely understand your beliefs re meat (which I mainly share and haven't always had good responses) and also the giving away of animals into uncertain lives. There's no reason for you to be involved in things that make you uncomfortable nor have to defend your moral beliefs. I'm assuming you've thought of contacting say Pinpoint, Community Services in Devon? Try Googling them and just keep asking till you get somewhere- I really think you need some local back-up that can help you find just the right place for you, whether it's dog-walking for a rescue or a helping on an environmental project. Good luck!
I’m new here. I’m a 23 year old female who is on the Autistic Spectrum. I live part-time in Exeter, Devon, UK (supported living) but I go home to Whimple, Devon, UK regularly.
For ages, I have wanted to either get paid or voluntary work. I would like to either work with animals or to help the poor and/or homeless. I’m quite desperate. I have limitations due to my beliefs. I’m a passionate vegan animal advocate. For instance, I won’t do Cancer Research UK because of my beliefs on animal testing. I also won’t do Oxfam due to the donations of live animals such as goats and chickens , which I disagree with. I also would not want to work with meat and,preferably, not any other animal products either.
I have contacted RSPCA Little Valley multiple times, but they haven’t accepted me as a volunteer. I have been to visit ARC (Ottery), but that isn’t practical due to the location and the fact that they have a lot of dogs with behavioural issues that wouldn’t be suitable for me to care for and walk. The Donkey Sanctuary also isn’t practical.
Can someone please give me suggestions as soon as you can?
I don’t mean to be rude or upset anyone here. Apologies.
Thank you to the moon and back.

Best Wishes to all,
Have the best day and night ever!

Well I sincerely hope you never get cancer.
That's unfair! I speak as someone who lost their beloved brother on Boxing Day and a cousin on New Year's Eve- both to the dreaded disease. But I know both my brother and cousin would have said the same thing: people's ethical beliefs deserve respect.
When i had asthma i refused any meds that had been tested on animals ...i think everyone has a choice in this life and shouldnt be persecuted for it ....
Good on you for sticking to your beliefs ....good luck in finding a job you are happy with ;)
So I understand, no porcine insulin. No porcine or bovine heart valves. No vaccination, which has been cultured in eggs.
Many other drugs which could only be tested on animals.

Try working on a Childrens Ward with dying children.

This has gone a long way from being a Dog Forum.
I think it might be helpful to make the distinction between the benefits we (as society, as opposed to personally) have had from medications that may have involved animal testing; and respecting the OP's choice that she personally doesn't want to be involved in anything that involves animal testing/supply.
The OP came here asking for advice, not to have her beliefs (which are highly commendable) attacked. A discussion on the uses of animal in medicine could certainly be relevant to a dog forum, but not in this thread.
@Victoria Salter, please don't let the last few posts put you off this forum - as you will realise, almost everyone here is very supportive and respectful of your views. I hope you find your perfect job soon.
I’m new here. I’m a 23 year old female who is on the Autistic Spectrum. I live part-time in Exeter, Devon, UK (supported living) but I go home to Whimple, Devon, UK regularly.
For ages, I have wanted to either get paid or voluntary work. I would like to either work with animals or to help the poor and/or homeless.

Hello there - have you tried Homepage - Secret World Wildlife Rescue This was one of my favourite charities when I was down Taunton way. I'm just afraid it may be a bit far from you.
The beliefs of using animals in medicine is a passionate subject. As we can all see above!

And although everyone on this forum is entitled to their opinion, it must be done respectfully.

I think In this instance it is better not to start a debate on the subject and move forward with the main point of the OP thread.