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Hellbound X Moonpie

Lovely pics Jacs, beautiful babies :wub: :wub:

You are soooo bad making us all wait so long :lol:
Amber looks so pleased with herself bless ! think i'm in love :wub: with the little black dog (w00t) just keep me away from him no more dogs
Beautiful puppies, and beautiful pics. :wub: :wub:
:wub: :wub: Pics are gorgeous Jacs......................think you've nicked two of daisy's tho!! The two black lads look the double of her pups (w00t) If they ever run in races together when they're older I hope the judges have good eyesight!!
there lovley i bet that little girl beats all her brothers up when shes biger firey red heads allways do lol
Ha she's giving them a hard enough time now! Won't be shoved about and suckling's that strong on her I recon she'd stick to windows! :lol:

Weights taken yesterday

Fawn bitch 232g

Silver fawn dog 312g

Fawn dog 308g

1st Black dog 505g

2nd Black dog 410g
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Jacqie stop being politically correct what the hell are those weights in pounds and ounces :clown: :clown: i hve to keep converting from the mobile lol

fawn bitch 8.18oz

silver fawn dog 11oz

fawn dog 11oz

1st black dog 18oz

2nd black dog 14.5oz

I think!?!
:) fawn bitch 8.18oz

silver fawn dog 11oz

fawn dog 11oz

1st black dog 18oz

2nd black dog 14.5oz

I think!?!

still not sure what weight they are Jac :oops:

fawn bitch i hope is 18oz not 8lb 18oz or should that be 9lb 2oz or 1lb 2oz lol i'm going with 1lb 2oz

silver fawn 11oz

fawn dog 11oz

1st black dog think is 1lb 2oz

2nd black dog 14.5oz

thats for me and karen who still work on lb and oz :thumbsup:

think we need more pic's now jac just to keep you busy :thumbsup:
Hey give me a break!! I race a scratch dog! :lol: Had to ask Tony how many ounces are in a pound after I posted!! :b

Little bitch is 1/2 a pound weight -awww :wub:
come on jacs let have lots of picks of the little popet and her brothers i need cherring up and ony fawn girl pups will do lol
I'll get some tomorrow, don't want to zap them with the flash as I think their eyes are starting to open.

They're all plump balls of fluff now and I spend waaay to much time watching them!! :wub:
I'll get some tomorrow, don't want to zap them with the flash as I think their eyes are starting to open.They're all plump balls of fluff now and I spend waaay to much time watching them!! :wub:

looking forward to new pics. u cannot spend too much time watching pups its impossible lol
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Jac they are gorgeous :wub: Love the silver fawn dog,he is sooooo cute,and he lays on his back just like his Dad :lol: Don't know how you and Tony are gonna pick from such a lovely litter
Hi Karen, hope you had a lovely holiday 8)

Not took any piks today, and I'm blaming Vicky!!

The pups might not have seen Vicky yet but they'll recognise her voice for sure!! :p

Matey if I'm gona get busted for doing buggerall I'm taking you down with me!! :D I recon Mark took the dial button off your moby :shifty:

We've - well I have picked a pup for myself, the big black lad and Tony suggested the name Morgan which I like but we'll see if he suits it as time goes on. It was a done deal with him as I'd already described a pup to Tony that I'd imagined so when he popped out there wasn't a doubt. :D

Tony's yet to choose........ and they say women are indecisive!! :lol: