Well the gang are 12 weeks old today and causing chaos! :lol: Actually they're being really good and I feel a bit like the Pied piper with the little entourage following us about round the house!
Weights are nicely diverse,
Benson 16lb 14oz
Teddy 14lb 3oz
Stanley 13lb 2oz
Pixel 11lb 13oz - which was heavier than Erin at this age so the 'little' name Pixel seems to becoming defunct! :unsure: Not fair! I was all setup for a handbag dog!
I tried to get a pik of him begging. He always raises a paw for your attention or for food / water bowl / go the toilet etc. None of ours do it apart from Soapy Joe who was taught - I just wondered if it's come from Danny Yvonne?
and as you can see from the second shot, if you ignore him he chucks a wobbler! :lol:
:wub: Stanley has a 'No Angel' look about him, (especially the one with the tongue out ) although at 12 weeks is already nearly as big as her lol
Just hope he doesnt find the noise to go with the look, she's a right yappy one I believe thats a trait from daddy Danny but luckily with her only being small the bark isnt too bad
oh god jac i'v missed all the pic's been on hols I WANT STANLEY he's :wub: :wub: Benson is Danny all over again god help you lol will bring some puppy pic's of Danny its just like looking at him :thumbsup: still think Pixel's is a mummys girl she looks like Amber very pretty girl :wub: and where did Teddy get them ears lol and dont know where the footup comes from will ask Shelly if Zac or Zoe did it ! Danny was to busy looking for food barking or chewing to ask for anything lol did'nt call him HELL for nothing lol (w00t) so looking forward to seeing them :thumbsup:
Both you and Tony must be chuffed to bits with them Jac :thumbsup: You've done a great job with them all.Wouldn't know which one to pick as my favourite from the pics,they are all gorgeous :wub: Am I glad :sweating: me and Yvonne couldn't make it to yours,that time or i'm sure you'ld have had to check our coats before we left :- Keep the pics coming till we get to see them in the flesh :thumbsup:
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