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Have a cheetah ever exhibited at coursing meet?

tlewis said:
T Lewis wrote:pass the bottle catchjack!

For those that don't know Merril has some of the best coursing and racing Whippets in the USA

I strongly suspect that Robyn and catchjack come from the same part  neck of the woods and have a similar background.

I think we are just wasting our time in feeding the Troll sidewinder  (Shouldn't that be changed to SIDEWHINER?)

If he ever gets around to posting something sensible I'll reply.

I have this feeling that sidewhiner is quite skilled in purposely stiring the shit !  No one can possibly be that stupid and insulting without knowing it.  I just wonder who he really is?  I'd be ashamed if I thought he really was an American.

Maybe I should apologize on his behalf.  I don't know any other Americans that course that think like he does.

Please don't feed him any more!!!
I don't know about "skilled" Tony, but a shit disturber none the less. I'm embarrassed that he claims to be an American courser. Like you said, I don't know of any folks who course here (USA) that think like him. I'm also rather ticked that he lifted the lovely Io's image from the NOFCA website and used it, I'm sure, hoping we would all think it was one of his own. pshaw! Io was bred by Merril and is owned by Lisa. I hope our English members here won't hold it against Io, for she is a truely awesome coursing whippet who has absolutely zero connection to this obnoxious braggart!
As I've said earlier in this thread.

From years of being on US performance based lists I am aware of the superb performance whippets that you have in the US. I'm also aware of the trolls that come and go in the biker bar. ;)

Well I guess that this troll has got what he/she wanted. Livened up the coursing forum for a while though. :- "

Great performance from Best Mate on Thursday. Wonder if he can make it 4 in a row. ( I should be able to get away with this comment as it has about as much relevence to coursing as some of the rest of the posts under this thread) ;)
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BJ, Best mate ran very well especially when you think he was blocked in just as he started his run and had to be snapped up for a moment then had to switch wide to get a run.

if he stays sound I can't see any reason for him not to make it 4.
BeeJay said:
As I've said earlier in this thread.
From years of being on US performance based lists I am aware of the superb performance whippets that you have in the US.  I'm also aware of the trolls that come and go in the biker bar. ;)

Well I guess that this troll has got what he/she wanted.  Livened up the coursing forum for a while though. :- "

Great performance from Best Mate on Thursday.  Wonder if he can make it 4 in a row.  ( I should be able to get away with this comment as it has about as much relevence to coursing as some of the rest of the posts under this thread) ;)
Thanks Bee Jay,

Of course we are something of a Foreign Legion. Merril and Robyn were originally from Australia with Merril married to a Brit in the USA. I spent my first 40 years in England and the last 20 plus in the USA married to another Brit. We are probably a bit biased! :D

So who is Best Mate? Horse or Dog? :b
Wow! Two pages of responses just for me? Is it that bad fellows? I don't know who should have the honor of hearing a response from me. It seems that you guys are bent on winning some type of an argument. It went clean from coursing comparison to looking for a spelling B champ. Ever hear the saying " I might not have dotted every i or crossed every t. :huggles: I guess if you feel you have lost every other argument, why not chance it on spelling. Paul had to many digits in one of his post when he was trying to refer to me as well as forgetting to capitalize his I's. Greenwood who is just as bad needs to chill out. I believe that's the crackpot that thought we push dogs out of moving trucks. Matter of fact, it isn't me it's you thudsuckers that got mad at American coursing superiority. Our hounds and game are just simply....better. That is a fact that have proven with links. Yours still remain UNproven(giggle). I need more than word of mouth chatmates. This all started with a simple question and comparison. Then I presented the idea of the ultimate coursing event in the ultimate coursing terrain which happens to be in the United States. Then one jealous of the U.S. allied with their drinking partnas and a few U.S. baseheads decided to get mad. This all started with a guy name Greenwood that was going at everyone really. His British buttscum decided to release the pent up rage and jealousy when they found my words to be truth. THAT is how this started. As the facts became more exposed ,the drama increased on your behalf. Strike Wimps is just a cry baby anyhow, anyway. You guys are eager to see my dogs but yours' are in serious question. The posting wasn't mines and certainly NOT yours. But it was that of an American dog in full flight. What does the U.K. have to display? You have something to prove! Your folks AREN'T really known for the coursing hounds you know. You couldn't even answer my question and that was what the posting was about! Yet, you come here IGNORANT with YOUR full of demands. If I was to shame you in the fields what different would

it be from what I am doing now. You better try to win level 1 of the game first. You gotta crawl before you walk. Note: I was reading another forum message and guess what I saw (w00t) !! Now don't be to alarmed because i forewarned you. But... here it goes. This guy had something similiar happen to him that happened to that guy who's dogs got beat by the deer after his dogs chased one. You wouldn't of guessed what happened. The guy's whippet took off after a fox, just as this other guy posted in his incident with deer, and somehow his fox got lost and though it eventually was found. Take note of these events. If you happen to come to America and be bold. Well.... just take note of...well these events. I never downed the whippet as you guys would have one to believe but I am not going to lie, knowing the history and performance. How could you think the whippet is the best courser when Green says it's unfair to course dogs of different sizes. Notice my talk with lack of profanity and full of facts(the awe).
Hi Tony,

Best mate is a horse, he's won the Cheltenham Gold Cup 3 times and as long as he stays sound and trains on well should have every chance next year.
Good god are you still here :- " I'll be so glad when you are finally banned :thumbsup: .......Don't you have some friends that you could bother :oops: .....probably not (w00t) (w00t) .......from the ever lovely Hannah and the wonderful Strike Whippet team :* :* :*
Do you all not realise that for as long as you keep responding to this person Sidewinder, he will keep sending his posts to wind you all up?? The time has come I think to STOP and draw a line under the whole episode.

Wise up everybody

>Do you all not realise that for as long as you keep responding to this person Sidewinder, he will keep sending his posts to wind you all up?? The time has come I think to STOP and draw a line under the whole episode.

Wise up everybody

Quite. It takes more than 1 person to keep an argument going. Leave him here gibbering on his/her own.
Mark Roberts said:
Hi Tony,
Best mate is a horse, he's won the Cheltenham Gold Cup 3 times and as long as he stays sound and trains on well should have every chance next year.
Best Mate is trained by Terry Biddlecombe. Who I guess would have been a top National Hunt jockey when you were here Tony. He was NH Champion jockey 65, 66 & 69. Hails from Herefordshire I believe.
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Yeah, I'm really kinda bored with it myself. I had a little fun with it but, now it done got kinda old. But, others tend to find what they are looking for. I won't speak to Strike Whimps and the chum won't speak to me. I did my part overtime in providing info for comparison/contrast choices amongst multiple species for curious inquiring minds. Checkmate :thumbsup :D ! But, I do have another question(hopefully this one'll get answered). What are the HONEST feelings about borzoi and whippet measurements, not bodywise. If you were Russian you would likely be pro-borzoi and we already know what to expect from the U.K./American pro-whippeteers. But what about those looking outside in, such as italian greyhound owners and etc. The whippet doesn't have advantage size to tackle large game effectively with 22" being the standard hieght, even in America. Yet it is the fastest accelerating dog at 0-35 in two seconds. The borzoi is problem free but is said to be generally slower in the West. Yet, in South Africa, where gazelle is an option as well. it is said to be even better than the greyhound. The borzoi is self proven ,to me, to have the best agility to most other sighthounds. Staying on the animal's tail in some cases is more imortant than speed.
Hi BJ,

I think you'll find that Best Mate is actually trained by Henrietta Knight & I think Terry Biddlecombe is her hubby.

but he is definatly trained by Henrietta.
Mark Roberts said:
Hi BJ,
I think you'll find that Best Mate is actually trained by Henrietta Knight & I think Terry Biddlecombe is her hubby.

but he is definatly trained by Henrietta.

Sorry to the lady wearing mink. :lol: Clearly a sexist remark by yours truly. :- " Terry B is defo her husband.
Mark Roberts said:
Hi BJ,
I think you'll find that Best Mate is actually trained by Henrietta Knight & I think Terry Biddlecombe is her hubby.

but he is definatly trained by Henrietta.
I certainly remember Terry Bidlecombe. Lived in Ludlow I think. He was a friend of a guy I used to follow the hunt with and I met him several times at joint point to points held by the South and North Shropshire Fox Hounds at Atcham.

He wasn't riding, just visiting.

Can you get any odds on Best Mate. Surely the bookies don't think he can do it a fourth time?
Hi Tony,

Not sure what odds for a 4th win are but if you go on i'm sure there will be something on it about it.

He was odds on for the 3rd and I doubt all being well he would be any higher unless a new kid on the block comes through as he was very impressive on Saturday.
Mark Roberts said:
Tony was the bottom picture of this years Waterloo Cup?
No Mark. Those were a couple of years ago when I was just a young lad. :D

This one is of this years waterloo cup. Note the weather was so mild the Slipper had to take his coat off.

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