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Has your dog ever embarrassed you?

There was the time Jasper stole a pork pie from someone's shopping bag. And having thought he was on to a good thing, the times he stole a wooly hat and some car keys, and the time he attempted to raid a carrier bag and a bottle of perfume, still packaged, hit the ground.

Then there was the time he got completely overaroused and had a major tantrum in front off all the local schoolchildren on their way to school. Think Hound of the Baskervilles... And when he had a meltdown at a dog socialisation class run in an equestrian centre - I think the atmosphere/acoustics got to him.

I'm sure there's more, but I've probably suppressed the memories for the sake of my sanity.
When Misty first went to the groomers they rang me up to collect her after about 20 minutes because she was being so naughty and they couldn’t control her. When I got there she was sitting there like butter wouldn’t melt and wagging her tail. I felt like I’d been called to school to pick up my naughty child!
I found out afterwards that this particular groomer didn’t have great reviews and I’ve cut her myself ever since :D
I nearly fell off my chair laughing reading this, plus all the others too - so funny, I thought I might need oxygen!
but it wasn't that he was on the phone and it sounded important! :)
Dennis used to embarrass us with his eating when he was younger - if we didn't spot a picnic or fisherman in time it was game over!

These days the only thing he does which is embarrassing is if I'm talking to someone whilst he's on the lead he will start humping it :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: I think he does it on purpose if I've been talking for too long!!
Every time I take him for a walk and he meets another dog!! He jumps around like a demented ballerina, barks and lunges. Our last dog was the antithesis of this one and we were smug when we saw badly behaved dogs, now we are those people with that dog. I feel like yelling, 'I'm training him, he's in training,' mostly I just go the opposite way as quickly as possible.