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Hare Coursing

are you for or against

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  • or against.

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shameless52 said:
please be honest
well I want to catch the hare I dont want to see a dog put loads of effort in and never catch one, to me the term its not about catching the hare is an excuse for having a dog that cant catch one, its great catching a rabbit but its better catching a hare, in some areas there are less rabbits than hares, and even in those areas you wouldnt come out with the statement "its not about catching the rabbit etc" if your dog missed , you would infact be pretty pissed of if the dog missed a rabbit in the middle of the field :oops:

You might be

We have always enjoyed the spoils of the catch but the catch isnt everything

And we have a great worker who is training her daughter to the same work rate

She catches when she can you cant ask any more than that :thumbsup:

And as previous posts have shown she does the biz thanks.
Shameless, I cast no aspertions on you or your dogs, in fact I,m happy to applaud .

In my experiance, in my fields, anymore than 50% on bolted winter bunnies in daytime requires a dog better than any I,ve seen. When it comes to the ultimate quarry, true winter hares walked up natural, I have not heard of dogs with better than one in three(single dog). Yes there are nice little fenced runs, but open runs??

Again, in my experiance, most escape none the worse. Maybe I need better dogs??(or weaker hares). Regardless, for me its the chase, a catch is just iceing on the cake and motivation for good hounds,

cheers :cheers:
Glen Loth said:
Shameless, I cast no aspertions on you or your dogs, in fact I,m happy to applaud .  In my experiance, in my fields, anymore than 50% on bolted winter bunnies in daytime requires a dog better than any I,ve seen. When it comes to the ultimate quarry, true winter hares walked up natural, I have not heard of dogs with better  than one in three(single dog). Yes there are nice little fenced runs, but open runs??

      Again, in my experiance, most escape none the worse. Maybe I need better dogs??(or weaker hares). Regardless, for me its the chase, a catch is just iceing on the cake and motivation for good hounds,

                cheers :cheers:

Absolutely agree Glen

jinx and rubys mum said:
Glen Loth said:
Shameless, I cast no aspertions on you or your dogs, in fact I,m happy to applaud .   In my experiance, in my fields, anymore than 50% on bolted winter bunnies in daytime requires a dog better than any I,ve seen. When it comes to the ultimate quarry, true winter hares walked up natural, I have not heard of dogs with better  than one in three(single dog). Yes there are nice little fenced runs, but open runs??

      Again, in my experiance, most escape none the worse. Maybe I need better dogs??(or weaker hares). Regardless, for me its the chase, a catch is just iceing on the cake and motivation for good hounds,

                cheers :cheers:

Absolutely agree Glen


Me too :thumbsup:
bertha said:
jinx and rubys mum said:
Glen Loth said:
Shameless, I cast no aspertions on you or your dogs, in fact I,m happy to applaud .   In my experiance, in my fields, anymore than 50% on bolted winter bunnies in daytime requires a dog better than any I,ve seen. When it comes to the ultimate quarry, true winter hares walked up natural, I have not heard of dogs with better  than one in three(single dog). Yes there are nice little fenced runs, but open runs??

      Again, in my experiance, most escape none the worse. Maybe I need better dogs??(or weaker hares). Regardless, for me its the chase, a catch is just iceing on the cake and motivation for good hounds,

                cheers :cheers:

Absolutely agree Glen


Me too :thumbsup:

its not just about catching the hare,its the thrill of the chase isnt it ? how many hares used to get caught at the waterloo cup ?
I dont expect my whippet to catch many hares, but I will expect him to catch the odd one if I wanted to kill loads of hares I would use lurchers, I know what hare catching is about as Sniper and Lucky and Keera came from my line all very well known match dogs in their time, what I am trying to say is if my dog puts a hare up I'd rather it caught than missed
shameless52 said:
I dont expect my whippet to catch many hares, but I will expect him to catch the odd one if I wanted to kill loads of hares I would use lurchers, I know what hare catching is about as Sniper and Lucky and Keera came from my line all very well known match dogs in their time, what I am trying to say is if my dog puts a hare up I'd rather it caught than missed

who does want to kill loads of hares ? let the whippet have a good run most of the hares escape and are left for another day but i suppose its each to their own

never coursed with a whippet have with other dogs i used to love going it was good fun
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Scott Frodsham said:
It's a HELL YES from me!  :thumbsup: Loved setting off at midnight, driving through the night, walking through the fields for hours, then getting stopped by the police on the M61 for speeding after dropping Tony off. Good times.  :)

Happy days scott, :cheers:
there is no feeling like a good whippet tucked in behind a good fit hare stride of stride turn after turn strike soil in the air the dog misses the course goes on but its a even nicer feeling when it end up in the dogs mouth


In this poll it seems like the majority seem to be in favour of hare coursing and are willing to air their oppinion ..... :thumbsup:

Yet the minority, who have voted against are willing to vote but not give any reason why.. :(
it because they have know lawful reason to say why its there own fews just i dont belive that this poll should of been put here put it in genral whippet or show whippet im sure it would be the other way round as most wont come in here

i think its kinda obvious why people should vote no. its illegal. wed all like to course but i dont fancy a hefty fine or my dogs taken off me for the sake of a bloody hare so i voted "no" but in a different world would vote "yes".
The question is not about current legalities. Its a simple quesion of for or against. Those wishing to maintain the breed at is current standard rely on selective breeding from proven field performers. This is simple stuff. You need proven performance and selective breeding on performance to maintain standards. Without testing on the ultimate quarry, the breed cannot hope to maintain its current standards. Field coursing of hares is still legal in many places, such as here, and, as generations pass, we may well end up with real whippets where those places that don,t have the test will fail,

stormydog said:
i think its kinda obvious why people should vote no. its illegal.  wed all like to course but i dont fancy a hefty fine or my dogs taken off me for the sake of a bloody hare so i voted  "no"  but in a different world would vote "yes".
john as you know we are able to course hare legal here in ireland but restricions aply in the north where a law come into place in october and ends in march then its the hares closed seasons but it is legal to course them in september it does not make secens as this is when alot of young hares get killed if they started the restricions in september and ended it febuary when hares are stronger and fitter it would do more good as for me ill hunt then from sepetmber to march with the land owners perrmision

yes me too i would love to see my two do what they were really bred for its such a shame and like someone has said the hare normally lives to see another day :thumbsup:
milliken said:
it because they have know lawful reason to say why its there own fews just i dont belive that this poll should of been put here put it in genral whippet or show whippet im sure it would be the other way round as most wont come in here

I think you have missed the point. I know the people who voted against have no lawfull reason to do so but there oppinion would be valued..

Also why would we put the poll in general whippet or show, hare coursing concerns the working dog and this is why i did the poll in the working section.. :thumbsup:
then if its working people whey would they not want hare coursing sorry sparky but if they really work there dogs then they would have no problem with hare coursing the one that vote no must no hunt so do really belong in this section so whey not show or genral

milliken said:
then if its working people whey would they not want hare coursing sorry sparky  but if they really work there dogs then they would have no problem with hare coursing the one that vote no must no hunt so do really belong in this section so whey not show or genral

Robert, You would imagine people who work there dogs would be pro hare coursing....... but maybe a few that hunt only hunt for the pot and not sport.???

This is why i did a poll..
cheers sparky there are people who hunt for the pot myself included i hunt to control pests for the pot and the course each to there own i just cant see hi some one would want kill rabbits but not watch a great whippet course a hare
