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Happy New Year - I am new here :)


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Hello everyone, and Happy New Year. I have a beautiful 10 year old mini labradoodle whom I have been feeding "cooked raw" for four years or so. He has suddenly developed itchy skin with small scabs. The vet says it's an allergy and wants to put him on Hill's Science Plan. I don't want to go down this road so have come here to browse threads to see if I can glean any tips from like-minded people! Thanks in anticipation ☺️
Hello and welcome ;)
Have you tried feeding her raw and not cooking it ...raw food is great for allergies
We also give Murphy cooked meat.. Tried raw he wont eat it. He also had problems with itchy skin and we eventually tracked it down to a beef allergy and a problem with fresh cut grass. It took time and a fair bit of money but we sorted it out ourselves and now days hes mostly ok if we avoid all beef products and are careful to medicate as soon as we know the council will be mowing the grass.
Thats of course if you are 100% sure its an allergy.. Has your vet done a skin scrape to rule out other possibilities?
Hi - thanks for your replies. I cook the meat because Podge won't eat certain types raw. He doesn't like raw offal or meat which is "mushy". The vet hasn't done a skin scrape, he just prescribed a shampoo which I have to use every three days. He said the next step is tablets and Hill's food! He shrugged his shoulders when I asked what Podge could be allergic to! I was thinking maybe just feed turkey for a while and see if his skin improves?
@MrsF I hate to say it but your vet sounds a bit lazy. I would be looking for a new vet.

Ours did quite a lot of tests to rule out parasites then gave us a list of options before suggesting a food allergy ..
I have to agree Mad Murphy! I was thinking the same. I will take Podge to a different vet.
Hi and welcome. Hope you get to the bottom of the itchiness.
Hi and welcome. Hope you get to the bottom of the itchiness.
Thank you. Me too!! I am persevering with the Epi Soothe shampoo from the vet, keeping his diet free from anything dubious and applying Skin Soother. Fingers crossed his skin will improve
Hi and welcome, and yes definitely try another vet! Good luck:)