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Happy Birthday To Our Dad Jack

The Bruvs

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:clown: :clown: A very Special Happy 9th Birthday to our dad today March Wind (Jack) :clown: :clown:

Lots of Love Your Special Boys RCH Diamond Geezer, RCH Big Ron, and Stan the Man, :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:
happy birthday :p to a great litter happy birthday dad,fuller spirit love rolo ,deadly spirit
happy birthday to all the litter hope you all got loads of treats :wub:
:clown: Happy Birthday Jack.... :clown: Hope your Dad gave you lots of treats, from your son Richie :wub:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACK ,your son SPUD :clown: .hope you had a good one :thumbsup:
:clown: :clown: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ALL THE LITTER :clown: :clown:
And an EXTRA SPECIAL happy birthday from maybe Jack's youngest son :p Yes the boy SOLO :D







HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Happy Birthday March Wind. Hope you like the pictures Jeff. Thank you Derek for your help in getting the picture on, from one of your youngest sons Reggie 18 weeks today

Oh Reggie. What a lovely boy :wub: :wub: I'm sure Solo would love to play with him :thumbsup:
:D :D He's looking :)) :wub: :wub: Go Reggie and it was no problem Roger now can you tell me lol lol :luck: :luck: :luck: with him and our Ronnie o:) o:)
Yes thats a lovely picture. That boy is more like Solo than er..... Solo. :wub: :unsure:
Fizz says Happy birthday dad :cheers:

Reggie Ron, Solo & Richie :wub: All very handsome, Jack & Jeff must be very proud :D
:D :D Happy Birthday to a special litter especially Dad, Grandad,and Great Grandad "RED DEVIL" from son Gazza and Grandson Hateley and Great Grandson Novo, also to Dad "FULLER SPIRIT" from your Blue Angel ( Deedee ) and of course to "UNCLE JACK" form your neices and Nephews in Scotland. :D :D

What more can be said but what a cracking litter they are.

And not only is he another mini Ron, Tina but his kennel bro is called Ronnie and he is called Reggie if they are as good as them my god they will have some fun in the years to come. :D :D

And Chris ( Lampy ) SOlo is looking absolutely fantastic you must be realluy looking forward to the year ahead the very best of :luck: :luck: with him cant wait to see him in the flesh what weight is he now????
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Hi Mandy. Good to here from you . Hope you are all fit and well. Solo, I weighed him on Sunday. He was 26 and a quarter. His weight gain is slowing now of course but he still puts a little on week on week. Will be taking him to the Champs so he can have a look. Looking forward to seeing you all again then :thumbsup: