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Guess Whos Bloody Ancient !

[SIZE=11pt]Late in the day but i hope you have had a great day...[/SIZE]

:cheers: [SIZE=11pt]" HAPPY BIRTHDAY KEITH "[/SIZE] :cheers:
only just come on so bit late in the day, sorry! but we all wish you the very best ! happy birthday hun , hope you have a good one , you deserve it! :cheers: :huggles:
:cheers: :cheers: sorry im late with this but [SIZE=14pt]happy birthday keith![/SIZE] :cheers: :cheers:
pollyanna said:
Hope you have a great birthday, Keith.  :huggles:   Here's a birthday hug for you!!
oooooohhh, i can practically feel your loving arms around me Janet, ya nowt but a demure little darling :huggles:


keith :lol:
Missed this..sorry Keith :b

BUT,hope you made it a great one!!!!! HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY. :cheers:

was it a special one ? like a perfectly rounded number :- "
Ooops sorry, better late than never :b

Hope you had a good one mate :cheers:
Happy Birthday from sunny Co Tyrone too Keith,and many more to fallow. ...Billy... PS.Hope this isnt an excuse for a fag.Ha Ha .
billyboy45 said:
Happy Birthday from sunny Co Tyrone too Keith,and many more to fallow.  ...Billy... PS.Hope this isnt an excuse for a fag.Ha Ha .
Cheers billy, and the reast of you, as for the fags, done with em, hope you and your dogs are well


midlanderkeith said:
billyboy45 said:
Happy Birthday from sunny Co Tyrone too Keith,and many more to fallow.   ...Billy... PS.Hope this isnt an excuse for a fag.Ha Ha .
Cheers billy, and the reast of you, as for the fags, done with em, hope you and your dogs are well



everyone else gets a happy birthday, i get, guess who's bloody ancient,

LOVE IT :cheers: