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Gsd Attack


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Here is poor whisper 3 weeks ago after being attacked by a GSD, the wound was awful and you could have got your fist in it, vets did a brill job and he has a tiny scar, he justs needs the hair to grow back

He was very lucky the vet said it was millimieters from his jugular :(


Poor Whisper and poor you, I have been there a couple of times with Sid. I use Aloe Vera and it seems to speed up the healing process and minimise scarring. Why did the GSD attack him and did the owner pay your vet bills. I am sure with lots of TLC he will quickly recover. :luck:
Hope you don't mind but I have re sized the big pic for you.

Pleased to hear he's on the mend :huggles: Looks like it was very nasty ! :(
Poor Whisper. It has healed well hasn't it?

The hair takes a while to grow back...but at least the wound has healed well. Hope there aren't too many psychological'll probably find he'll get rather nervous around some bigger dogs now :(
Thanks Millie for resizing, my pics are either too big or too small!!

Whisper is on the mend now, the owner did pay the bill, its a wonder it didn;t need treatment itself after I was stamping on its head ! :angry:
Really sorry about what happened to poor Whisper, hes seems to be on the mend nice to see that the owner of the dog who attacked him took responsibility and paid the vet fees you dont normally get that. :thumbsup:
Oh no poor Whisper :huggles: :huggles: so glad to see he is healing well, I hope you have both got over the ordeal :huggles:
Ohhhh, pooor Whisper! :(

Mine also got attacked by a GSD some months ago out of blue. She was also bitten at the throat. Luckily her collar saved her from a serious injury. The memory still gives me a shiver or two.

I hope Whisper would overcome the incident, and would be ok with other friendly dogs.


I am so sorry to hear about whisper. What a good vet, though - looks like s/he did a reallly good job.

Can I ask a question about this happening in the first place..... what's the story and what on earth should I do if my whippet gets attacked by a big dog? :(
:( What an awful thing to happen! Still it's great news that Whisper is healing well :huggles:
I can really sympathise with you and poor Whisper. My whippet was very badly attacked by a GSD 18 months ago and nearly lost a front leg. It was totally gratuitous - Fly is nervous of GSDs, and was trying to melt into the woods and sneak past without being noticed, but she turned round and came back to get him.

We were very lucky indeed - he had to have the whole of his shoulder opened up and cleaned out, and then had over 40 stitches and clips in his leg and back. It was very traumatic, but the vets were fantastic and stayed at work late on a Friday night to stitch him up. I think one of the things that was most crucial to his recovery was the fact that he was anaesthetised and being treated within half-an-hour of it happening, so he didn't have time for shock or infection to set in.

I am sure Whisper will heal physically very quickly. The more difficult part is the mental healing, for him and you. I must admit that I was pretty anxious the first few times I took Fly out, and avoided GSDs like the plague. However, I had to be really careful not to transmit my concerns to Fly - he was 9 years old when the attack happened, and is fortunately very strong mentally, but I have been amazed that (apart from his continuing dislike and distrust of GSDs) his attitude to other dogs has been unchanged - he still trots up to them with his tail and ears up! A younger dog might have been more traumatised.

Best of luck with Whisper - take a deep breath and a large stick when you go walking!

Eleanor Gibbins said:
I can really sympathise with you and poor Whisper.  My whippet was very badly attacked by a GSD 18 months ago and nearly lost a front leg.  It was totally gratuitous - Fly is nervous of GSDs, and was trying to melt into the woods and sneak past without being noticed, but she turned round and came back to get him.
As far as I know ours has never been attacked by a GSD, but he at the age of about 18 mths he did develop a very sudden phobia and disklike of them, and now howls when he sees one, even at a distance.

We did walk with one the same age when he was a puppy, which grew increasingly aggressive to the point it couldn't be walked safely with other dogs, I think something must have happened between them. It's depressing how often you see 'attacked by GSD', whether dogs or children - my parents' neighbour's corgi was killed outright by one too :(

Hope whisper gets better soon :huggles: :huggles: :luck:
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Eleanor that was terrible for you, I always thought that Whisper would be quick enough to get away but that bloody dog was so quick and had him in a second, I shall never forget the look in whispers eyes as that dog locked into neck. The sheer difference in weight and size was awful.

Whisper is ok with other dogs (his friends anyway) but I don't think he will forget it in a hurry, he really isn't the bravest of boys and doesn't go far me.

Someone was looking down on him that day :)