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Grief of losing dog unbearable

I must admit we didn’t have pet insurance for Rusty and Pepe as we paid ourselves when the need arouse so not sure whether we will get insurance next time, because I think although we spent an awful lot on vet bills the last coupe of years I think we would have spent more on insurance over the years.
I agree. I cancelled Murphy's before he got sick as just for allergies it had risen to £300 a month at 9 years old. Then he got sick. Two months later his bill was £2500 for just one visit. No insurance. Regretted cancelling but all in all, think it's no win situation
The pet insurance thing is really hard. Harri had vets bills well into 4 figures in his first 9 months thanks to his flea medication reaction. I am now a bit stuck. If I let it lapse or change insurers I won't ever get full cover for him again, anything regarding liver or kidney problems will be excluded.

Luckily we are with one of the (at first sight) more expensive insurers who set the premiums honestly so I had no increase on renewal. I dread to think what I'd be paying had I gone to one of the cheaper seeming ones.
The pet insurance thing is really hard. Harri had vets bills well into 4 figures in his first 9 months thanks to his flea medication reaction. I am now a bit stuck. If I let it lapse or change insurers I won't ever get full cover for him again, anything regarding liver or kidney problems will be excluded.

Luckily we are with one of the (at first sight) more expensive insurers who set the premiums honestly so I had no increase on renewal. I dread to think what I'd be paying had I gone to one of the cheaper seeming ones.

I would keep it, esp if renewal doesn't go up. Murphy's would have been in 400s, 500s I'm.sure if we had kept going and claimed. We were with M and S.
My beloved boy went suddenly despite our attempts to save him, so I never felt the guilt of letting go, but the pain is still there, 7 months later.

I don’t know what really helps.

We have a new dog now - that certainly helped, but it’s a huge step, not to be taken lightly.
Keeping his ashes helped too, to this day I pick up the urn and hold it in my arms from time to time, and it almost feels that I can still hug my dear boy..
Talking about him, telling some of our stories to those who listened helped.

But, I think, it will really never go away. I have tears in my eyes as I am writing. The pain and shock of losing him was indescribable, but in my heart I am convinced that it was well worth the wonderful 8 years we were inseparably together, and the unconditional love he gave us.

So, how much it hurts for you is a reflection of the relationship you had. You were both lucky to have one another, but everything comes to an end. And when it does - a quick ending is a blessing.

Hang in there. Time is the best healer. Meanwhile - do feel free to share with us more about your wonderful friend.
We have just lost Henry to a prostate infection. He showed no symptoms and four weeks on we are devastated. Reading your reply I am going ghough thd same thing. ....guilt anger bewilderment but most if all huge depression.People say are you having another annoys me. Henry is irreplaceable. And we have had other really nice dogs. Henry cost us 2000 pounds at the vets but I would have paid double to have him back.
So sorry- been through this and there's not much to say that helps. Yes- we always got a dog again but never a replacement. A bit like saying 'why don't you adopt a new brother'? Each dog is a unique creature and so is the relationship. The pain at loss is what you take on so that the dog you've loved doesn't have to. Take care of yourself if you can.
So sorry for your loss, it's unbelievably hard to go through when you know it's coming but when it's unexpected the loss is quite devastating...years ago I lost one of my elderly yorkies, she got killed by a dog in the park and died in my arms, there was no warning and it was quick and sudden, we knew the dog(it was a collie cross)and the woman also had a yorkie, we used to meet up and walk together regularly... I have to admit it was one of the hardest losses I've ever had to come to terms with and it did take some time... but it did get easier...about a year after her loss another little old yorkie needed a home, all my family and mates were despairing of me, having seen the heartache I'd been going through, but heyho, she needed me and I couldn't see her being put down now could I?? ( I should add that her previous owners had only decided to have her PTS because she had become a bit incontinent, which I managed to remedy with hrt and regular toileting)
I can only say what others have said, with great love comes great loss, in time it will get easier, take care...
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I would keep it, esp if renewal doesn't go up. Murphy's would have been in 400s, 500s I'm.sure if we had kept going and claimed. We were with M and S.
Insurance companies are fine.....until you try to claim. Then they look into every nook and crannie to try and reject it. Henry had a previous condition so no chance . Cheap insurance is full of loopholes and exclusions. we found out.