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Green mucous from one nostril


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Hi, I'm new to this forum so firstly wanted to say hello! My dog is a female standard wire-haired dachshund, 5 years old, called Roxy.

Since March this year she has had green thick mucous coming from her left nostril which she sneezes out throughout the day. Three different types of antibiotics did nothing. She has seen a specialist vet who has ruled out any tumours or fungal infections. They have also done X-rays and put a camera up there to see if anything is stuck and they have flushed her nose under anaesthetic twice - no further luck! This is where the investigation ends as we reached our insurance limit and cannot afford the next stage which would be an op to open her up.

The problem is still as bad as it always was. Sometimes we have to get her really excited which makes her sneeze and gets some of the mucous out. Apart from this, Roxy is in good health. Has anyone else's dog had this before, and what was the outcome?
hiya, i don't have experience of this, but my dog does get hayfever, lots of backwards sneezing if you've ever come across that... anyway.....i have previously put "sneezing" into the little search bit at the top of this site that brings up all previous threads that mention the word. I remember coming across a thread about a whippet with a permanently snotty nose, had all the tests as yours has with no diagnosis, the owners just carried a tissue for her i think and put up with the snot..... no help to you, but might be worth a go, see if it turns up anything of use to you,

good luck, x
I got an eight year old rescued whippet several years ago . Quite quickly it became apparent she had this same problem (probably why she was dumped ) She had every investigation just like your dog and there was no obvious cause . We just had to put up with it and so did she , when it got really bad she got antibiotics for a while which helped a little bit . We just had to be vigilant in wiping up the snot . I would not even consider having the dog opened up . It would be a horrific operation and the chances are there would be nothing obvious if all the other investigations have shown no cause .
Thank you for both replies. It helps to know that we've not missed anything obvious. We're not going to put her through any more investigations. When she had antibiotics the last three times, it cleared it up for a bit so I think we'll do the same again as she's having a bad spell of it at the moment. We go through a lot of tissues and floor wipes!
oooh, there you go, it must have been hula's post i was on about........ I've been thinking and my sister had this (admittedly pretty gross) device for sucking the snot from a babies nostrils, for when my niece was very tiny and got very bunged up.... maybe worth a look??
I was using one of those for my baby last night and thought the same thing at the time! We call that sucking thing 'The Snotinator'!! I'm going to try it on Roxy tomorrow morning if I have time before work (I'd imagine it's not going to be easy!) Fingers crossed.