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Good Thoughts For Little Eve Please


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Eve is a tiny black whippet bitch who was recently taken in by Greyhound GAP, very thin and neglected, but a really sweet little girl.

Unfortunately within a few days in her foster home she became unwell, and has since been confirmed as having parvo. She is now at the vets fighting for her life. I know that GAP will make sure everything possible is done for her but the next 12 hours are critical for this little lass, so please send her all your good thoughts.

Little Eve:


:luck: :luck: Healing thoughts to little Eve, bless her :wub:
Sending positive thoughts and healing hugs to poor little Eve. :( She looks such a sweetie. :wub: :wub: What a terrible start she has had - I do hope she pulls through. :luck: :luck: :luck:
Poor sweetheart. Sending her love and all good wishes :luck: :luck: :luck:
Poor little Eve - so thin. I really, really hope she pulls through and has a chance of a loving home. My thoughts are with you.

Oh no, the poor little mite :'(

Please get better little Eve xxxx

If there is anything Scruples can do to help, please let us know :thumbsup:
Thank you all and thank you Fee for thinking of her :*

This has been a terrible week. Eve was one of four who joined us from the pound. 2 pups who both had enteritis followed by kennel cough and are now recovering, a saluki x girl with very bad KC and then poor Eve. We hoped at first it was enteritis the same as the others but sadly I think being so thin she is just under 11kg that she was way to low to fight anything more potentially nasty off.

I have just spoken to the vet and we are hitting her with everything possible to give her the best chance. She had a plasma transfusion and interferon administered this afternoon at 4pm both the best chance any dog with parvo has. The transfusion has taken well and she has had no adverse reactions to it as some can. We have had massive success with parvo dogs with these drugs before. She will have another transfusion at 4am and then another interferon jab tomorrow at 4pm. This is combined with combination iv antibiotics and fluids. The sickness has stopped but we still have diahorrea, she is currently with the emergency vets and we have made the decission NOT to transfer her to our own vets tomorrow because of moving her so poorly we dont feel is for her best interests, also our vet is away and we have a locum and dont want to be moving parvo around either. We just have to hope and pray now that she fights her corner and helps us help her beat it. The vets are pleased that she is doing all she can to help us whoop its backside at the moment and staying with us. Such a nasty dirty horrid disease! We have not lost any of the dogs in our immediate care yet to parvo and I am sure that we wont this time if we can help it. Sadly its something we have to much experience dealing with but is part and parcel of being commited to the pound dogs.

Please continue sending her your good thoughts xxx
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Bless her, poor little mite. I have everything crossed for her & will say a little prayer for her tonight. She deserves a chance of love & happiness. Sending healing thoughts to little Eve. :luck: :huggles:
Poor little mite :wub:

At least she is being given the best possible care now.

All we can do is hope, sending healing wishes :luck: :luck: :luck:
Healing thoughts and gentle ear ruffles for little Eve, stay strong little one :wub:

We're all thinking of you.

Thank you Greyhound Gap for doing everything you can to help this whippety girl.
Sending healing thoughts to a sweet looking little girl :wub:

Come on Eve fight with all you've got, i'm sure there is a forever sofa just waiting for you :huggles:

:luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck:
Lots of get well licks and love from all here. Lets hope there's some good news soon. :luck: :luck:
There has been no change overnight she is still lethargic and disinterested but that also means she is resting and fighting and showing no signs of distress. Its been a bit of a nightmare as my own vet is on holiday in Germany till New Year so we have a locum in meaning I couldnt do what I usually do and turn up with a parvo dog and through the Maestro into action. Therefore I made the decision this morning to allow Vets Now who she is currently with to sign her over to the care of the vets whose premises they rent at night for her daytime care. Had my vet been around he would have taken over the care and stayed with her but sadly with a locum we have no overnight care at the moment and I am not moving her to our vets then back at night and repeat its not in her best interests. :( My own vet bless him took the time to ring me from Germany this morning to talk me through what I needed to check out and also had his locum check out everything with the current surgery to make sure they were happy and sorted and didnt need anything sourcing that I could have done the running round for. I can not thank him enough for just being willing to be on the other end of the phone for us. He feels awful he is away and this has happened but thats Gap for you :rolleyes: Always the most problems arise at the most in oppurtune times.

All we can do is keep up the hope, the treatment and willing little Eve to realise she is safe, has a lifetime of love in front of her and as long as she wants to stick with us and fight we will stick with her and help her. The vets have been told that any signs she is in alot of pain or they can not keep her comfortable we are to be told immediatly, if she decides at any point she has had enough as much as it breaks our hearts we will do the right thing.
Lots of continued good thoughts for her Lisa, she couldn't be in better hands than Gap's :luck:

C'mon Eve, you have a lovely life in front of you, keep fighting baby :huggles:
You sound like you have a lovely understanding vet.....and sounds like Eve is in good hands. :thumbsup:

Wishing this little gorgeous black girly all the best..... :luck: :luck:
Sounds like you have a marvellous vet, but as you say, it's typical that these situation arise at awkward times.

:luck: Keep fighting little Eve, we are all rooting for you :huggles: :huggles:
Sending lots and lots of positive thoughts Eves way :luck: Keep fighting Eve as there is a loving home waiting for you out there. She sounds like she is being well looked after and given the best possible chance :huggles:
I am trying to think & hope positively & the fact that she is hanging in there & hasn't got any worse even if she hasn't improved drastically surely is a good sign.


I have thought of her constantly today & will say a little prayer again tonight & am sending her all the healing thoughts in the world. :luck: