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Good Luck Michelle (& Tony) !!

By the looks of you on the photo's Michelle i would say that you are fit for housework, but if you feel a bit under your peak then you could always take baby down to the field, but put her in the trap before you move it, and dont forget to take her out again. Dont get spoiling her Tony, no cider till she is back working :p
Congratulations to you all!! Hope you both continue to do well.

BTW thought the scan showed a boy??

Terry & Sheila
the scans (apart from the ones that showed she was breech) all said she was a girl .

Vickys got to have a boy.....girls are seriously starting to outnumber the lads at gin pit :D .....there keeping my bed warm for her at hospital....hopefully vicky will have a better bed neighbour than i had :8
:D Congratulations, shes a beautiful baby.

Pauline and Ken.
No point having boys at Gin Pit though seeing as it's the girls that do all the hard work !!! ;)
Oh Vicky, we know that you ladies are all wonder women when it comes to organising whippet racing, so who are we to get in your way, its the way with the world vicky, you ladies have to grow up and organise everything, we, on the other hand can stay and act as boys all our lives, its expected of us :D
we, on the other hand can stay and act as boys all our lives, its expected of us
It's when you men blame it on the kids though, apparently Robyn *REALLY* wanted that playstation 2, remote control car, jeep & kite - funny she never gets near um!!! :w
lol.......maddys having barbies and pink n fluffy things for xmas :D .
hey barbie, what is the world coming to i played with action man the best toys ever, but then again all me cousins were boys and i dint get to choose what we played lol :D well done though michelle and tony, bout time u get drunk aint it michelle :D
The pink stuff & barbie's isn't really for the baby, it's for Michelle, she just doesn't like saying!!! :D
my barbie secret is out :D ......i think maddy's gonna have swan lake barbie for xmas.

drinking doesnt bear thinking about at the moment....1 glass of wine and i wont be able to stand up. Anyway ive got to wait till my drinking buddy has given birth as well (hurry up vicky!!!!)............ :p
I'm trying my best, I've had curry for my tea & am currently munching on a pinapple as i type (don't know if i'm that desperate to try the other thing just yet), don't worry we'll be supping scrumpy in gin pit with kids next week lol
btw michelle, i can't believe you know the names of barbies you scary women.
Im really a pink n fluffy person at heart.....just wait till my daughters running around tracks in barbie wellies and sequined jeans.

if nowts happened by sunday you'll have to give in and try "natural induction".....just close youre eyes and think of cider :D :0
I always thought barbie was a west country name for a baby

now get some house work done while sorting out a redmills vindalooooo for your mate


peter & natalie
housework...... :p . the midwife had a go at me for lifting the baby.....she reckons i shouldnt hoover/do any washing for 6 wks :0 .....mmmmmm cant see tonys sympathy lasting that long.