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Good Luck Michelle (& Tony) !!


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Michelle's baby is coming this morning by c-section, just to say good luck & hope everything goes well.

Tony we want *FULL* details asap!!!
Hope everything goes ok with you both and that michelle is back walking the dogs tomoz. :D Bet young sam cant wait, Christmas will come early this year Tony. Vicky will be next on the production line, and i wish her well, at least you should have two more willing hands for the future of your club.
Yeh you may well bloody look at this thread Nigel!!!!! :D

Might be worth us getting onto the CSA see if we can claim owt from you!!!
Good luck to Tony & Michelle - hope all goes well.

When is yours due Vicky ? Sounds like Nigel is going to have to go on the run :D
:D take it easy michelle when you get home i know what you will be feeling like i have had 2 c sections, so tony you will be very busy lol ;) good luck. Debsxx
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Hope everything goes well for you both ...hurry up and let us know :D
Get away with you Debs, owt to get out of housework and let the poor long suffering husbands do it, Its just like shelling peas, aint it ;)
Baby Madeline born at 3.21pm Friday 5th Dec, 7lb 4oz.

Mum and Baby doing fine. :D

Michelles hoping to be home on Monday so I suppose the housework can wait till then. ;)

Thanks to all for your kind words.

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A big congrats to you both and i am glad that all is ok with all of you. Think that Michelle must be pulling a flanka Tony, not home to monday!! bet she bribed the midwife and doctors. ;)
Well done both of you ,...lets hope shes a good baby
Congratulations Tony & Michelle,

What No pics yet! ???
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Mark the official pic's are in this week's ok magasine, they beat k9 to the rights!!!!
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You enjoy the rest while you can Michelle and CONGRATULATIONS. Tony too of course
Just to let you all know we went to see Michelle & Maddie today, baby is gorgeous & Michelle looks really well. Both should be home tomorrow so i'm sure k9 will be one of her first stops once she get to the computer!!!

Didn't take camera so no pic's i'm affraid.
Im back!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

thanks for all my good wishes, maddy is an angel :D even when sam is a bit rough with her.

she's had soapy joes lick of approval this afternoon :p (so she's officially whippet affiliated).

Hospital food was'nt too bad.....unfortunately there was no private rooms so on my last day they had moved an "interesting" lady next to me (she asked if i had a spare pair of knickers she could i knew it was time to go home then and of course i declined her the use of my knickers)

so im really glad to be back and of course coming on the internet doesnt affect my very small and discreet incision.......wherehas housework will :0