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Glos Open Pictures

we will have to put our van in the next pic then whippet racing will look that poor we shuold get charity donations :lol: :lol:

Judy said:
I thought the B&W looked pretty young by the way it's running. Photo Finish ?
Vans are almost compulsory, even if not white. Gazebo thingy's... only if you like languishing.
Deffo not Barney either (Photo Finish), again the muzzle is wrong and too much black.

Don't think it's a dog from the northern! :b

It could be Roxy (Fields of Gold) but looks a little too big!
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The more I look at it, the more I think it's Fields of Gold, but Stephen will need to confirm! :b
I did wonder if it mat have been Fields of Gold she was in Bl;ue in her heat (I think)
Hi All

The very first pic is Fields Of Gold in the trap and Helen walking away . The other pic is not Roxy , i think it is Diamomds Ruby Willow :D
And the second picture really looks like Sudden Flight trap 4 and Reet Petite trap 2 :thumbsup:

The other picture (the black and white) definatly looks like Willow now ;)
the bw in the photo isant inching closer....she has a white face and is a blue & white brindle could be taz but im not sure
Well, some of you were nearly right! Angie Parker has confirmed that it is RCH Diamonds Sapphire Star. I think that we have them all now. o:)