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Global Warming

23% of the gasses in the atmosphere is CO2 and only 3% of that is what humans have added. Far more methane (the main greenhouse gas) is polluting the atmosphere daily & most of that is natural escape from the ocean floor.

The average global temperature plateaued in 1998 and is now falling. Scientists are frantically trying to come up with all sorts of reasons to continue their scary AGW theories but the point is that the climate changes all on its own, regularly, and will continue do do so during its lifetime!

So we are now in a period of Global Cooling but who will admit it? Those who have no vested in Government spin!! We are being made to pay more for everything so it's a very lucrative spin! Another warming period is due after 2015.

Poverty is being created in the third world by the unecessary growing of crops for biofuel. The Governments need to address policy on mandatory inclusion of biofuel in transport fuel NOW before the forests,rainforests & indigenous species become extinct. Not to mention the effect deforestation has on our atmosphere. :rant:

Rant over!! :)