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Global Warming


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I am totally convinced that this worn out catch-phrase was introduced by the worlds biggest countrys to justify massive fuel price hikes and taxes on various other items deemed as ozone unfriendly !

im open here for somebody to convince me different.

personally i think its a load of crap, the earth has moved in cycles for millions of years..icing over ..melting..warming up. if anything its just another period in the earths cycle of reinventing itself.

spraying stuff into the sky and turning of lights..crap ! get spraying i say..lets make this hole bigger if there is me heat 8) show me lovely coloured fish i our coastal waters..not bloody silver ones that all look the same. -_- ..bring in the sharks to spark-up a day at the beach :))

ice caps melting...yeh right mate ! they show us a bitve ice falling into the sea and tell us "london and eastern englands going to sink quick change your light bulbs !" (w00t) really yeh that oughta save ya :wacko: ?

show me a penguin at a zoo who hates sitting out with the family in the sun....and polar bears..they really enjoy having there spuds constantly froze dont they ? :wacko:

my daughter was spoken to by a long-hair about using hair products outdoors...ffsake come on :rant: and leaving your skybox little red light on is wasting energy...use more getting up to turn the bastrd off me thinks :wacko:

last thought...the earth has froze and melted before millions or thousands of years ago. its what it spins on an axis getting closer to the sun and backs off why did it melt then ? ? ok then put it like this put your hand up whos forebears that were around then drove petrol guzzlers..or sprayed hair stuff.....what prehistoric apeman didnt turn his immersion heater light off......SHAME ON THEM WASTEFUL APES ..TUT TUT :b



--------- LETS WARM THIS BABY UP------------

john..whos recuperating dog loves lying in the sun while the racing monkey raids the ice cream vans :(
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i drive a 4x4

i spray deoderant/air freshener........use a spray polish and leave all my tv's on standby :eek:

will i rot in hell :blink:

probably..........along with millions of others :oops:
a question mr stormy..........what the hell brought that on :wacko:
Very true and I agree :thumbsup:

After all, matter can neither be created nor destroyed. Therefore everything that is here now was here millions of years ago too and will be long, long after we are gone. It just takes a different form!

It is a natural process for the earth to evolve and change, just as all living things do, including humans :thumbsup:

Pass the remote control please ..... I need to turn the sky box on :- "
i have to slightly disagree (ducks for cover)

i dont know much about global warming but i do believe its happening,

yes the world goes in cycles and yes it has frozen over before and yes it will happen again,

the big problem is it is happening faster than ever before. due to more co2 going in to the atmosphere which is sadly to say a human problem.

cars, 100 years ago there were very few now there are millions

central heating, 100 years ago it was a wooden fire in one room, now we heat whole buildings

industry in general

chopping down the rainforest, (trees convet co2 to oxygen)

as the world heats up from all our machines the sea heats up which produces co2 (when you boil water the bubbles are co2 being produced)

anyway the problem is not the world warming up and then freezing over its the speed that it is doing it at and what will happen when the sea rises and there are millions of people homeless as there land is flooded, yes the polar bears might like the wormth but is some one going to take a huge ship up there and offer them a ride to land or are you expecting them to swim the thousands of miles.

before i get shouted at i believe in globle warming and i worry that my kids or there kids will have to live through a time where scotland is frozen over,

BUT do i believe that the government is using global warming to cash in? YES!

do i think they could do more about it? YES!

am i ticked of that they spend our hard erned money on buisness lunches and weekends away? YES!

am i even more ticked of that when it comes to the end of the tax year the councils who have money left over spend the money on £30000 peices of art to put in the worst areas to get graffitied on, just so they will get the same budget next year? YES!

so to answer your question is global warming happening? YES!

are the government bothered? YES! but only because its a new way to make money :b
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Whilst global warming is occuring, I really don't think humans can intervene.

Volcanoes produce significantly more CO2 than humans, as do animals and the sea. Furthermore CO2 is a symptom of temperature increase, not the cause.

Personally I believe in the 'Big Bang' theory and that global warming is meerly an evolutionary process we are incapable of stopping.

I think John's into the Big Bang theory too! :lol: (w00t)
wild whippies said:
Whilst global warming is occuring, I really don't think humans can intervene.Volcanoes produce significantly more CO2 than humans, as do animals and the sea. Furthermore CO2 is a symptom of temperature increase, not the cause.

Personally I believe in the 'Big Bang' theory and that global warming is meerly an evolutionary process we are incapable of stopping.

I think John's into the Big Bang theory too! :lol:   (w00t)

Yep I agree with this :thumbsup:

I loved that post Stormy - nearly peed myself laughing :lol: :lol: :lol:
the storm for prime minister :thumbsup: to answer your question is global warming happening? YES!are the government bothered? YES! but only because its a new way to make money  :b
Couldn't agree more Katie :cheers:

I've been into wildlife and a serious naturalist for over thirty years (I've just turned 40 last month) and in that time I HAVE noticed a change in the weather patterns, bird/flower/insect species and do agree that man IS rushing headlong into TOTALLY screwing up this planet :rant:

But what really gets my goat is the fact that all of a sudden, in the past 18 months especially, it's now 'trendy' to pretend to be green and big companies and the government are jumping onto the bandwagon and charging folks extra yet, if you look closely enough, the bar stewards aren't really doing anything!!!!!!!! :rant:

Yes, I do think we should all try to cut down on the sheer wastage of plastic bags (us doggy folk may use them to pick up after our dogs but most other folk grab handfuls of the damned things and only uase them once to carry the shopping home before bunging them in the bin!) and recycle more but the ONLY way we are going to make a real, significant difference is the unmentionable one - cut down population growth! There are far too many humans on this planet and in this country especially the stupid government is REWARDING folks to have more by giving them extra benefits, council houses et etc :rant: :rant: :rant:

That's what alienates folk about doing their bit...they feel that they are CONSTANTLY being nagged all the time! :angry:

very funny

me and my mum just laughed our heads off and cranked the heating up a notch!!


x x java script:emoticon(' (w00t) ')

Global warming and climate change are reality - the world's climate/temperature have heated and cooled many times since the start.

I don't believe in wasting stuff, it's just common sense (and specially with everything being so expensive nowadays) not to waste things - BUT - there is a hell of a lot of money floating around connected to anything to do with "Global warming" and "climate change" - it is such a huge industry! If scientists want any kind of government funding the magic phrases have to be incorporated before the funds are released.

I'm afraid that one day, hearing the over-use of that lovely buzzword "sustainable" (w00t) (w00t) which seems to be sprinkled liberally everywhere now, like magic pixie-dust, will send me as berserk as seeing commas where they don't belong!!!! (ie, potatoe's, cabbage's and the like :- " ). I'm sick of hearing it!

The planet will always heat and cool, long after we've gone ... rant over.

(And what did I read some time ago about the huge amount of carbon dioxide emissions from sphagnum moss, if I remember that correctly???).
Foxglove said:
but the ONLY way we are going to make a real, significant difference is the unmentionable one - cut down population growth!  There are far too many humans on this planet and in this country especially the stupid government is REWARDING folks to have more by giving them extra benefits, council houses et etc  :rant:   :rant:   :rant:
I couldn't agree with you more :thumbsup: Call me a cynical old git,but i really can't understand why anyone would want to bring kids into the world as it is now :wacko: I certainly wouldn't want to be a youngster in this day & age :sweating:

John i pmsl at your post.......classic :thumbsup: :lol:
alfyn said:
I couldn't agree with you more :thumbsup:   Call me a cynical old git,but i really can't understand why anyone would want to bring kids into the world as it is now :wacko: I certainly wouldn't want to be a youngster in this day & age :sweating:
That's one of the main reasons I decided not to have children - I didn't like the way society was going............oh, and the fact that passing a melon darn well hurts and I don't 'do' pain! (w00t) :b :- "
Foxglove said:
alfyn said:
I couldn't agree with you more :thumbsup:   Call me a cynical old git,but i really can't understand why anyone would want to bring kids into the world as it is now :wacko: I certainly wouldn't want to be a youngster in this day & age :sweating:
That's one of the main reasons I decided not to have children - I didn't like the way society was going............oh, and the fact that passing a melon darn well hurts and I don't 'do' pain! (w00t) :b :- "

a melon (w00t)

wuss :- "
That's a very valid point though about the population the planet is "expected" to support. Just far too many people, I agree entirely.
Foxglove said:
alfyn said:
I couldn't agree with you more :thumbsup:   Call me a cynical old git,but i really can't understand why anyone would want to bring kids into the world as it is now :wacko: I certainly wouldn't want to be a youngster in this day & age :sweating:
That's one of the main reasons I decided not to have children - I didn't like the way society was going............oh, and the fact that passing a melon darn well hurts and I don't 'do' pain! (w00t) :b :- "

me too anyway id probably foget what ive done with my kids :blink: :lol:
wonder is the so called warming anything to do with the amount of kebab shops that are around now... :wacko: :)

i read a thing earlier about how in parts of the south of england theres parakeets and stuff flocking au this not a good thing?


from some ive seen that oughta burn another hole in the ozone :- "
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John u never cease to amaze me


bring on some heat 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)