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Gizmo Almost Died

So glad Gizmo is ok, that must have been a very frightening experiance for you :huggles:

We had a bit of a scary moment with Molly not long ago, she had ran head first into the door when running around with Tam and was very dazed for a bit and just stood very still, we were so worried she nearly knocked herself out :blink:

But being Molly she was fine and was prancing around minutes later!

Tam and Molly send a big kiss and cuddle for you and Gizmo what a brave little man :)
thanks for posting,, and take it as a big warning people..
Just shows what can happen when you least expect it , Pleased Gizmo is none the worst for the experiance :D

Many years ago my old girl Camilla ( Mayzees mum ) managed to get her head through a hole in the banket that she had made, (w00t) and as Camilla loved to bury hearself and go around and around she some how managed to strangle herself (w00t) By the time I noticed what had happened her eyes were bulging and her hole head was swelling up (w00t) Quick thinking with a pair of scissors saved the day just in time I think , she collapsed on the floor and I quickly massarged (sp)her neck and blew into her mouth and she made a gurgle noise and after a short while her eyes went to normal :sweating: , But after that all blankets were inspected daily for signs of holes :- "

Gosh, that was such a long time ok now and it still gives me the shudders just thinking about it :(
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Sooooooooo glad that Gizmo is o.k. :thumbsup:

Poor Bailey nearly strangled himself in a dog bed the other day (w00t)

I hadn't noticed a hole at the seams & he had managed to get his head stuck through it,luckily i was about when it happened :sweating:
So glad that you were able to rescue Gizmo :luck:

After the initial shock of reading the different stories about blankets and the like, I think this is a good thread as far as awareness of potential dangers :thumbsup:
Im glad hes ok Susan, cant take your eyes off that little dog for 5 minutes :huggles:
Gizmo is fine now, the goal posts are still being used, but in the front garden :thumbsup: ,,one with a big hole in the netting :- "

Gizmo has also got himself wrapped up in a blanket :( ,,not his neck but he was yelping the house down and scared me again :angry:

Pups/dogs/all pets can get themselfs into such trouble with the normal household things :blink: ,,,keep an eye on them :thumbsup: ,,,I have all mine on Gizzy now :wacko:
suvi said:
Exactly the same thing happened to us recently.  One of our whippets ran into a goal net and got completely tangled up especially round her neck and the more she pulled of course the tighter it got.
Thank goodness there was someone else in the garden who could hold her still whilst I managed to release her, if I had been on my own I dread to think what might have happened.  The nets are made of thick nylon and without a knife I just would not have been able to fee her on my own.

I'm afraid the boys have to use a couple of jumpers as goal posts now, the other one is headed for the dump!

Its scarey what pradicaments they do get themselves into. My neighbours pup decided she liked the water in the watering can and got her head stuck. Luckily it was a plastic one so could be cut off.

Glad the little mans ok :wub:
While we're on the subject of potential dangers,it's worth pointing out again to never,ever leave a collar on a dog if you're not about!

I remember the tragedy of a young dog catching it's collar on a cupboard door handle & hanging itself :(