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general cleaning house and dog


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Just wondering how people keep their house smelling fresh, along with their dog. With keeping the house dog friendly not creating any problems for their pets
I have a good one.

Put a few drops of essential oil on a cotton pad, and put it in your vacuum cleaner cylinder. It gets rid of the wet dog vacuuming smell.

You do need to check the oil is dog safe though.
I have wooden floors throughout my house with leather furniture that way everything can be cleaned every day ...i use vegan cleaning products and natural products such as lemon and vinegar. ...
I dont think you can ever eliminate dog smells when you have one especially some breeds..;);)
You could try occasionally sprinkling dog beds and carpets with bicarbonate of soda, leave for a bit (brush it in if you have the time/energy), then vacuum up.
We use LOTS of blankets and sheets, old towels. Ours are allowed on settee so it has always some sort of blanket on that is regularly changed, arm chair which is girls look out perch when we go out .so that they can see us exiting and entering is covered with towel. Carpets get a shampoo every once and a while.
Their baskets are washable and those too have blankets over to save washing the basket cushion quite so often.
We have windows open through out the year for a fresh air.
Basically I tend to use lot of various fabrics all over the place to minimize dirt bedding into more permanent fabric surfaces. And as we also burn logs for heating, we tend to have scent of burning wood in the air, that does neutralize any possible odours as well.
I don't use any natural or artificial scented products as they irritate our lungs. Nobody has ever complained that our house smell and if they would...they would not need to come again.
Not that we do get many visitors....but when we do, it is quick and easy to take off all the extra fabrics and shove them into washer for out of way. House look much tidier with not much effort ;)
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Wooden floors. Doors and windows open as weather and security permits. Draughty old house. And MOST importantly - the type of dogs that don't smell strong or unpleasant.
well I have a ddb, he doesnt smell too bad, just looking little tips to keep it fresh with his bedding as he doesnt always use the couch with the blankets on them. He often gets too war and prefers the floor. Thanks again for the advice
I don’t think my house smells of dog (much) but here’s what I do. I vacuum and steam clean hard floors. Tiree isn’t allowed on the beds and I try to keep him as clean and groomed as poss, washing his feet after every walk.
Nothing much. Just wash their beds and blankets and open the windows. I prefer the smell of dogs to the scented plug in and sprays, They give me a headache.
If your dogs clean, groomed, and also has plenty of fresh air then they mainly ok, and totally agree with poptart, wash them feet every walk, do that so much it becomes the norm,
Some of this comes down to breed as much as anything else. The dear departed Molly in my photo had a very German Shepherd smell, particularly when damp, but current pooch Narla has very little smell in general. She's a mongrel with a face that is either a bit collie-ish or a bit husky-ish but other than that we have no clue on breed.