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Doreen Hopkins

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Bl.......dy furious, Bill got back from walking Chalky ( Sun Up ), almost home passed a man with his dog NOT ON A LEAD, it proceeded to have a go at Chalky, bit him in his side, the other dogs owner became absuive when Bill told him to put his dog on a lead and said it was Bill's fault ( moron )

I don't normally wish bad things to happen to anyone, but this guy deserves something horrible to happen to him.

One angry whippet owner

Is Chalky alright Doreen? I hate the thought of a loose dog attacking my three when I'm out walking and I always go to the most isolated part of the forest to walk them in

Dont know why my post had a line going through it
Hope Chalky's not badly hurt Doreen ? Wishing him a speedy recovery xxx
Thanks Karen, I have spoken to my vet ( and my unofficial advisor you know who you are ) and because I have thoroughly cleaned the wound and it has now stopped bleeding they don't need to see him tonight so I am going to get him checked over in the morning, so most of the panicky feelings have subsided.

Why can't all dog owners be responsible people ?

Calmer Doreen
bloody arseholes. hope chalky and bill r both ok?
Doreen and Bill, hope Chalky make a speedy recovery,

see you soon

Jane and Dot.
Bl.......dy furious, Bill got back from walking Chalky ( Sun Up ), almost home passed a man with his dog NOT ON A LEAD, it proceeded to have a go at Chalky, bit him in his side, the other dogs owner became absuive when Bill told him to put his dog on a lead and said it was Bill's fault ( moron )

I don't normally wish bad things to happen to anyone, but this guy deserves something horrible to happen to him.

One angry whippet owner

e your little mate is ok

we had similar 3 weeks ago only tha akita was having a go at our which where on leads 630 am.i shouted get that f--------thing on a lead. his answer your not right it woudnt even come to him . our bentley tor his abductor muscle while riving on.some folks have no concideration our have been attacked 8 times in the past.hope your little mate is ok :luck:
Sorry to read this, there are some very ignorant people around.....this is every dog owners nightmare, poor Chalky, hope he is soon on the mend Doreen.
So sorry to read this, hope Chalky is feeling better. Unfortunately there seems to be more and more of these morons about !!!
oh no, some people just make you sick. I hope Chalky is ok Doreen and will heal quickly. I hope that man trips up over his dog and smashes his nose and face into the floor VERY HARD.
poor chalky hope hes soon on the mend, and Bill as well

fiona x
A pack of three Patterdales attacked m young whippet, drove him into a load of brambles down a bank and bit him. The owner said "sorry, they will pack up and do that" my reply's unprintable. I didn't have a chance to grab him as they just appeared, their owner was out of sight and they were out of control. :rant:

Now my dogs is very wary of other dogs, he's gone from a confident youngster to a wary dog. shame.
My one concern now is that if in the future Chalky comes across another dog that is loose he will either freak out and try to have a go to protect himself or he will now be a shivering wreck when anything approaches him. So p.......d off I could scream.
