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Fuel Prices

Don't knock the Government. They are too busy trying to ban hunting to worry about things like fuel prices, troops being killed in Iraq, medical care education. The list goes on. :angry:
Well said Chris.

it was on the news tonight the Government are also planning a 2p a litre tax increse in the near future?

The only way they would sit up and listene would be if everybody locked their cars up for a month and bought no fuel, i'm sure once the 40+p a litre taxes stopped coming in they would soon want to sort things out.
there is a petrol station in Bispham (north Blackpool) that is reportedly charging £1.09 per litre for unleaded!
they had it on the news £109.9p (daylight robbery is it owned by Dick Turpin?)
as this middle east crisses worsens, which it will expect the worse, it will be the new cold war, but closer to home you all know who to vote for , im not gonna spell it out, this country should start to think of providing its own fuel , remember that show called "what if?" its starting to come true, p.s i saw the whippets on cutting it last night mark!
p.s i saw the whippets on cutting it last night mark!
you've got good eye sight then Paul?
think i'll play the Video back in slow mo so it looks like they were on longer! :p
There is a way to bring about some government action without locking your cars away. I got an email on my works pc which explained it. Can't remember word for word but the gist is this ...........

If we ALL refuse to buy from the 2 biggest petroleum stations Esso and BP (they are actually the same company but hey, stay with me ...) and only buy at locals or (better bet) supermarkets - which are usually cheaper anyway - then it ought to spark the big two into CUTTING their prices or losing business to the supermarkets. That is short term .... in the long term Esso are a major and powerful company who for sure have friends in high places and will almost certainly lobby for less tax on fuel not more.

Ok they can do nothing about the price increases in crude oil, but that increase is a pittance against the levy placed on prices by the government.

This may seem a bit mean - picking on one company, but I doubt they will go bust 8)

Well I have already implemented this, even though the BP is nearer for me than Tescos (not by much mind!) and forwarded the email to a dozen others. If each of them send to 10 of THEIR friends we can cover 70% of the car owning population in just a week or two!
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Thats a good idea. but as I already buy my petrol at Tesco I can't change.
Its worrying us cos when were doing home checks and transporting dogs for the greyhound and lurcher rescues and RGT the fulie cost is not fully coverd buy them so were going to have to start saying no to some jobs we just carnt afore it all ourselvs. Its horred to think we might have to leave a dog on death row to be put to sleep for the cost of petrol but we or the rescues arnt made of money.

There are people panic buying here :wacko: the entrance to Tesco had to be shut because the queue was blocking the road outside (w00t)


Tesco's at Rochdale the same today when we went for shopping, they were queing right down the street . lot of horns blowing as well :wacko:
we were at gin pit last night and needed petrol so we whent round to tescos there and they had run out. we just made it on fumes to the next staion

No panic buying here.... yet :unsure: Mind you it's still 'only' 81.9p - is this at the 'lower' end at the moment? :blink:
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Tesco Rochdale 81.9p (at the mo) another shell I think 89.9p.

Blackpool £109.9p
Jones said:
There are people panic buying here :wacko: the entrance to Tesco had to be shut because the queue was blocking the road outside  (w00t)

Today I queued for fuel at the cheapest servo in town with a 4 cents a litre discount voucher. I was was in a line that reached out onto the road. I kept looking in the rear view mirror hoping nobody would tail end me. :unsure:

Seems to be the same the world over. Prices in southern Queensland, Aust. have risen well in to the 90plus cents per litre for unleaded. (w00t) Makes you think twice about how far and how often your going to travel. :angry: :wacko: