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So pleased your nieces little girls operation went well :) must have been a worrying time for you all :thumbsup:

Hope Fritz soon feels better :thumbsup: Very wise to keep him only on food made for dogs-sometimes some of our food is to rich for their tums :thumbsup: most probably why he is eating grass- its like medicine for them usually when they feel a bit dippy.

Caz x
Fritz having one of his many snoozes underneath my bed with Pet toy Parrot.He's getting all rested for his big day tomorrow with his Aunties.He's feeling much better,eat more of his food all the time and his going to the bathroom is fine,no sign of blood,thank goodness,was really there for a while.
Fritz tryimg to be a real pleaser and get a treat out of me.Alright Fritz,but all you are going to get is bacon bits,no people food.
fritz licking the bowl clean of Ice-Cream and Cake he had on his birthday june 3rd.he had a great time with his Aunties yesterday.Gave him all kinds of treats,just doggie treats ,no people food.Went on all kinds of walks with them and even was carried part of the way on of them.They met a neighbor who asked about him and told her he was doing great.Should have seen him licking ice cubes from a Pepsi that Dad had.Aunties got a picture of that and a picture of him with his head resting on a flower pot.He did a great job looking after our house when we went out to supper.His Aunties took him on several walks after that and that tired him out and he had naps under the couch and on our coffee table.He didn't want to see them go today and didn't give them any kisses when they left.
Fritz getting ready for a lip smacking taste of Cake and Ice-cream from his birthday on june 3rd.he's going to stay inside where it's cool as it's going to be in the high 30's all week here with humidity making it feel like the low 40's.Just got a brushing so he looks pretty spiffy,but he stiffens right up and is stubborn when getting it done.Last night he growled and barked at the water i was drinking from a bottle and he wanted some,so i poured into his dish and he drank it down.Met his girlfriend, another Bichon Gracie who gave us kisses and she didn't like my water bottle either.
Fritz cooling off under the chair in the kitchen.Too warm to do anything outside as we are under an extreme heat and smog alert with temperatures in the mid 30's, and humidity making it feel like the low 40's.
Fritz lounging around on the living room couch.Not much else to do here as we are under an extreme heat alert and smog advisory.,so staying inside where it's cool.Fritz got a little sick eating beggin wraps(bacon treats)and brought it up and hasn't ate much since.Tries to eat blades of grass,have to keep him away from that,don't want him any more sick.he's been checking out the goings in from the front window.
Fritz beside my dad on the couch,playing with his toy Parrot.We are all staying inside where it's cool,way too warm outside,feels like in the mid to high 30's.Fritz doing great,eating a lot more of his food and drinking a lot of water,which you have to do here as i said,it's way too warm for any activity outside.
Fritz,the old sleepyhead having a snoozy on mom and dad's bed.our town was out selling dog tags yesterday,fritz's was free as we had him microchipped.We had a heck of a time getting his collar off today to put the tag on.He didn't like it off.He even sat up and begged for it to be put back on..Fritz just sat and stared at dad while he put it on and now it's back on and he's happy as ever.Now looking outthe front window to see what's going on outside.
Fritz keeping Dad's pants warm while having a snooze at the end of their bed.He was a pretty good dog yesterday while mom and dad went to dinner,except when he wanted some of my Kentucky Fried Chicken which he didn't get and when he barked at the kid bringing the local paper to the front door.He had ate his own food when they got home and then had a big play.The big play was too soon after eating as he brought it up,but he's fine now.Trying to stay cool here as it's another warm one with humidity making it feel like 40 celsius.
Is that my yummy cake?I want a piece with Ice-Cream.Ice cream would go good here today,still warm and muggy here.fritz staying in where it's cool.
Fritz all cool and comfy on the coffee table.Best place for him today.Too warm outside.Going to be 33 feeling like 41 celsius(105 fahrenheit) today.fritz now napping in the living room after a snooze on mom and dad's bed with all fours in the air.My niece's daughter Samantha is in the hospital.She thought it was something to do with the shunt they put in to drain fluid,but it was fine,did some more tests and found a blood clot.That doesn't sound too good,but she is in the best children's hospitals there is and they will do all they can to help her.
Fritz dreaming of cooler days ahead and his Aunties visits.Fritz going to look spiffy tomorrow,getting his hair groomed,then it will feel much cooler for him.He does a new thing now.He growls and wags his tail for mom to bring the food from his dish to feed him.All he has to do is walk over and get it,but he wants mom feeding it out of her hand,he sure is a spoiled little doggie and sure love him.
Fritz posing with Auntie irene and Mom on his Birthday June 3.He is off at the groomer's getting prettied up.didn't want to go at first.He his under the dining room table,but Mom did get him.When they got there,he couldn't wait to get inside,just a tugging on the leash.One of the groomer's dogs was waiting for him at the door and i i'm sure the cats weren't far behind.The groomer told mom taht it was needle he got at the vets that caused the virus.He's been a whole month getting over it,finally finished the medicine last night,Eats like a "horse",can't give him enough which is good to see.Mom thought at one point we would lose hi,but he is still with us and are happy about that.
Another picture of Fritz on his birthday,this Auntie bev and Mom.Fritz staying cool inside and that's where i am also.I got 1 more picture from his birthday and that will be it for these pictures.Will have to wait til the next roll of film is done to see more of him.
This is the last of the current pictures of Fritz.I am taking new ones,hope to have them soon.Mom was talking with my niece's husband last nigth and really no change in Samantha's condition,although they have put a bandage around her head to control swelling.Haven't done anything with the blood clot yet.Shannon has been there every day with her and I can't imagine what she is going through.I hope everything will turn out for the best.
Fritz has been feeling too great.he brought up yesterday,didn't eat after that,but has drank water.he has ate a few pieces of food today.It seems when he goes outside,he does or wants to eat grass.Just curious,is this good fo them?
fritz is all better now,it was just a 24 hour thing.he went for a Van ride with mom and Dad to where Dad lived as a child.He was was quiet and well behaved for the long ride,only raising his head when mom slowed down.His Aunties phoned this morning and they are coming to visit on August 6th before they go on a 3 week holiday to Regina,Saskatchewan which is in Western Canada.Frit zis leeping right now with all fours in the air next to dad on the's much cooler in here than out.Another hot and humid day's 33 with humidity making it feel like 37.i got 6 pictures taken so far of fritz and hope to have the roll of film done before his Aunties get here. :lol:
Fritz had a scare today.We had thunderstorms roll through here today and I guess the boom really scare him.his whole body was literally shaking.He is fine now,but there are supposed to be more rolling through,so we'll see what happens.Fritz has my mom trained really well.He wil lay down,growl and wag his tail for her to bring food to him.then she feeds him by hand.he really is spoiled.He likes chewing on plastic water bottles.We take everything off it that would hurt him and then give it to him.Fritz has a good time chewing on it,I guess it is the noise it makes.He just got through playing with it and is now having a snooze.Friends of my Sister had a collar made for him with his name on it.looks really nice.They also had one made for my sister's dog Taffy.
fritz35 said:
Fritz had a scare today.We had thunderstorms roll through here today and I guess the boom really scare him.his whole body was literally shaking.He is fine now,but there are supposed to be more rolling through,so we'll see what happens.Fritz has my mom trained really well.He wil lay down,growl and wag his tail for her to bring food to him.then she feeds him by hand.he really is spoiled.He likes chewing on plastic water bottles.We take everything off it that would hurt him and then give it to him.Fritz has a good time chewing on it,I guess it is the noise it makes.He just got through playing with it and is now having a snooze.Friends of my Sister had a collar made for him with his name on it.looks really nice.They also had one made for my sister's dog Taffy.
I love thunderstorms, poor Fritz though! Please do be careful with those plastic bottles Barry, they are very sharp when chewed- wouldn't like him to see him cut his mouth on one :( . Can we have a pic of him wearing his new collar?