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Friday Night

lid off a bottle of bath pearl things/ bath salt
Lid off some dental floss

My brain hurts :wacko: :wacko:

a tampon tub lid .. i don't flippin know
eve said:
lid off:hair wax/gel/mousse/spray

face wash


running out of ideas :(

it the inside of a lid of a jar of hair wax

Yay, well done whoever got it.

we ere all close but sadly no cigar
I'm sure those pics of Nicky's dogs on her signature is when they all fell about laughing at us :teehee: :D :lol:
Right dinner time.. I am hungry and my head hurts :wacko:
well done eve! !!! :cheers: when's the next one Nick? :wacko: :wacko:
thanks lol i went in the bathroom n there was a pot of hair wax there lol :D its scary nicky its the exact same as the one you took a pic of