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Anyway back onto the original post about the bend opens, i've heard Alan Jones is putting Legs n Lips onto the bends, she might pull a couple of wins off although she's a bit light for bend racing (finals) Little Madam managed it at 21lb.

Me and Michelle are probably knackered for the bends as both our dogs are just out of season.
Anyway has anyone trialled their dogs on the bends yet ready for the bend season?  How did they do?
:D he is going to whippet race aren't you chuck, well are you,!!!!! but i am going to have to put my money on the 16lber who is racing your dog over 25yrds :D she is a fast one :p   ;) i bet your dogs are lovely though, have you any photos of them, if so put them on here so we can have a look at them :p toodlypip see you later no doubt..... ;)
now who is getting shirty first i was slaged of about my english now your trying to upset me about banning hunting it will never happen mate it wont stop me   ;) im not english and i travel around a lot   enjoing crack on tis site pate or pat nicest to me so far  give me more info about your sport
Hi, whippets are raced in classes. from 16lb upto 32lb.

distances vary fron 150 yards to 200 yards , then there are the bends for those who wish to race their dogs around.

a whippet is given a yard a pound start, some races are run at 2ft a pound.and some races are run at half yard a pound . weight groups. 16lb to 20lb---21lb to 25lb and so on .

five whippets are raced in one heat. ( if enough dogs entered) the winner of the heats go through into the  semi final, then the winner of the semis goes into the final. these dogs are raced off to get a class winner.

All class winners run off in a grand final and the winner is the supreme of the day..Its really good fun u know ;) Then there is the championships ;) wow what a day, thats another story though, :p the dogs have to be weighed in of course at every event , this some times takes a bit of time, not always of course, then a programme is made out with all the races andit tells u what colour your dog is in..its brill, honest it is :D   ;)
There is as well as the above racing for 40lb dogs, scratch dogs and no limit dogs,( camels neil ) pups , up to 12 month old ,veterens dogs over the age of five years and yearlings, dogs upto the age of 18 month old. if i have missed anything off i am sure some one will remind me ;) will be seeing you soon long dog   :p   ;)
hi long dog,im no expert but i would think a greyhound saluki cross would have more stamina than speed,i know lots of greyhound whippet crosses that would put up a good race over 400 metres,on a greyhound track,but as for greyhounds and salukis they are both great dogs   ;)
hi all well what a spunky he is lol

so if your dogs are that good come weight then in at murton steve binks open on 21st of september and we will all see how good your dogs are against whippets for imfo on this open or other opens let me know
:0 You frightened him away now Dee,  he wont answer ........ ???  ???  ???
Hi BILLY NO MATES, remember me   :D  from years back. And my big whippets. Hey Mrs. left me. Ran off with a racer from WORC.  :0  nOW THERES SAD FOR YOU   :(  Still live in good old  Dyfed.  Where you been then boyo.  ???
well butch have we found out how billy no mates got to know about this site seems funny you came on and a few days later billy arrived on here.

seems to me you are mates would i be correct in asking that?
Hello Denise,  I can swear on my life I did not tell Billy about k9

I think he was looking in on k9 long before me. Billys not a bad bloke most of the time   ???

 now theres happy for you   :D   :D   :D
theres alot of rubbish on this topic,but not many tips ???   :D

heres my 40lb tip then,  PEMS LAD
:angry: HEY, what do you mean there is a lot of rubbish on this site, you put most of it on :p only kidding dink ;) it's the best site for comments, we all don't agree on certain subjects, but we are only human you know :D come on every one tell us what you think will win on the bends, i don't know cos I don't run the bends, yet ,things can only get better :D   :p   :)
:D rrrrrrrrrrr sorry neil, but i say again you started it ;)   :p   :D
Can i firstly say thank you to Kipper, yes ladies and gentlemen the Baroness Minge is BACK!!!!!! SHE'S BACK!!! Yes hello to all you new people who have joined this site since i have been gone i am the whippet Agony Aunt.  Just Ran my 3 legged, 1 eyed...ect bitch after her litter of 9 pups, 4 dogs, 4 bitches and 1 intergender all for sold after 1 hour of advertisment as advertised at the championships,(Has anyone seen any of them recently?) Anyway my Bitch was entered in the worlds first Whippet paraolympics for the Baroness Minge Shield sponcered by Viagra INC. The Shield was won by Arnie Prescots, Daylami was first, Steve Boyds, Fluke was second and Ronnie Harrison, Snowfire was third, all recieving a lifetimes supply of viagra for their dogs and themselves.  There will be a boost in puppies next year!!!!   The person who has the seluki cross and the greyhound come to the BWRA championships and come to my caravan with your dog and i'll give you a good time free of charge. Don't worry you and your dog will be able to use some of my supply of viagra it does wonders for women i'm just not sure of the side affects my b***s have never been so hairy and i've never had b***s till i started using them.  The best dog at this years championship on the track according to Baroness Minges Best Whippet Award goes to The little Italian Greyhound running around,  The prize of to be lined by a 63lb greyhound next May.


See you all later and complaints get back to me and all your whippet problems just drop me a note i'll get back to you.  All your personal problems keep them to yourself.


See you all later Love your all little posums.



:D   :D   :D   :D   :D   :D   :D   :D   :D   :D
well baroness minge i hope you enjoyed your holiday and all the pups that are running are a credit to that wonderfull mum singe minge the third i believe you were at the carlisle open last week with you new dog chunky who i believe has pineapple balls is that true well if you read the comments made by long dog i am in no doubt you will give him short time looking forward to reading your replies it will be very refreshing to read the sexperts views of and thanks for the viagra but i dont need it i have forwarded it on to gary bailey who i believe is desperate thank you for your kind mention bye for now   ;)
There is some funny names coming out of the hat, wonder who they all are!!!!!! ???