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Freeeeeeezing Thursday!


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Morning everyone! :)

It's a cold, early start for me today. Had to drop the husband off at the airport - I wish there was time to get back home for a snooze before work!

Hope everyone has a lovely day.
LOng day - our electricity is going off today for 4 hours whilst some work is done to the lines or something.... So I might go shopping! lol

I had a complete drama yesterday, my son texted me to say his school was on fire and then I lost signal.. luckily it was confined to one area and all children and staff were fine, seems to be naughty teenagers smoking in a corner!

All housework done along with feeding the masses and litter trays, feeling virtuous, I may even have a hobnob with my tea!
Wish I had chance to get the house work done haha got 3 poorly kids keeping me on my toes! And then I've got my English bull terrier in season flirting with my 2 whippy bitches! Don't ya just love kids and dogs haha they always keep us busy :) but I wouldn't change it :)
Dear god you must've been panicking, Anna!!

Sorry you have poorly children, sadieandco!
Thanks Dizzyjenni :) it's the time of year for coughs and colds isn't it!

I would have been a panicking wreck if I'd have found out my kids school was on fire! Glad all was ok tho!

I get the kids to do all the housework.. Kill two bird with one stone ;-) Hehe
Tis the season for sick kids - nightmare after the holiday!

My youngest who is 8 was sick after sick from xmas until about July - I was really worried there was actually something horribly wrong with him and he had to have loads of blood tests, in the end 3 different multi vitamins every day sorted him out.. I might up his dose for winter!! lol
It's my youngest I have to be carful with she's 4 and any little cough or cold goes straight to her chest she had pneumonia twice in 6 months last year I'm gunna try to avoid the hospital this year haha

I wish it was summer all year round :)

Jamesydog that is a great idea hahaha if only my lot would
Awwwww a littleun with pneumonia must be terrible!

Sadly I have to do all my own cleaning and tidying as no children yet to do it for me lol!!
My babysitting tonight has been cancelled because of a sickness bug too. Both children and mummy are splitting their time between puking and feeling like they've been hit by a bus, so mum won't feel like going out and having fun tonight :(

Sending my thoughts to anybody with sickly children today.

My news for today is that Molly Moo has all of her beans back (and a few extra) and all it took was a single dose of Metacam for her poorly foot. She must have been feeling really quite dreadful to have been so subdued for the last couple of days.
Poor girl - I am glad she is feeling better.

Does metacam have any bad press in the dog world? I hear more and more all of the time of it damaging cats?
My English bull had metacam a couple of times after having her nails cut at the vets as she has really long wicks so needs them cutting and obviously would be painfu! but my Molly has had no bother after having it there's no limping or pain shown so in my books I think it's a great pain killer for her :)

Metacam is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory developed for animals rather than humans. Most of the human ones are actually toxic for animals. The downsides of Metacam are the same as most NSAIDs- mostly gastric problems and clotting problems, but only a small proportion of animals get the side effects.

However, for the animals that don't have those bad side effects, the positive effect of getting out of pain is pretty fabulous :) as I'm sure Molly would tell you if she could.

The problem with cats being overdosed with cats is quite often down to the fact that the concentration of dog Metacam is different to that of cat Metacam, and if you give a cat the same dosage of the dog product then you overdose them.