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Forums V Facebook

i prefer facebook as nothing i say is taken the wrong way or misconstrued to mean something else and at least you know you can choose who you add to your friends list i am careful who i add though i do love k9 but feel in the last few months it has really lost the feel of it being a community :(
29 guests, 41 members, 19 anonymous members

I wonder if Guest's and Anon members were stopped reading all the forums

and all these people with multiple accounts were stopped would K9 would

settle down and become a friendlier place again.......
29 guests, 41 members, 19 anonymous members

I wonder if Guest's and Anon members were stopped reading all the forums

and all these people with multiple accounts were stopped would K9 would

settle down and become a friendlier place again.......
Hmm - would have thought it worth a try Ann - how do you become an anonymous member anyway?
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i prefer facebook as nothing i say is taken the wrong way or misconstrued to mean something else and at least you know you can choose who you add to your friends list i am careful who i add though i do love k9 but feel in the last few months it has really lost the feel of it being a community :(

Yes I totally agree ;)
29 guests, 41 members, 19 anonymous members

I wonder if Guest's and Anon members were stopped reading all the forums

and all these people with multiple accounts were stopped would K9 would

settle down and become a friendlier place again.......
i would like to think so ann but i doubt it too many spiteful people out there im afraid it's ashame as we all have one thing in common a love of our dogs especially hounds

don't get me wrong i have met some truly lovely people it just disheartens me when people are horrible would be nice if i am proved wrong :)
29 guests, 41 members, 19 anonymous members

I wonder if Guest's and Anon members were stopped reading all the forums

and all these people with multiple accounts were stopped would K9 would

settle down and become a friendlier place again.......
Hmm - would have thought it worth a try Ann - how do you become an anonymous member anyway?
when you log in you have a choice as to wether you username is seen david ;)
29 guests, 41 members, 19 anonymous members

I wonder if Guest's and Anon members were stopped reading all the forums

and all these people with multiple accounts were stopped would K9 would

settle down and become a friendlier place again.......
Hmm - would have thought it worth a try Ann - how do you become an anonymous member anyway?
when you log in you have a choice as to wether you username is seen david ;)
I have mine saved so i dont have to sign in,

just click and im in as me :)
29 guests, 41 members, 19 anonymous members

I wonder if Guest's and Anon members were stopped reading all the forums

and all these people with multiple accounts were stopped would K9 would

settle down and become a friendlier place again.......
Hmm - would have thought it worth a try Ann - how do you become an anonymous member anyway?
when you log in you have a choice as to wether you username is seen david ;)
I have mine saved so i dont have to sign in,

just click and im in as me :)
mind you Ann, I admit I myself have logged into K9 anonymously too on occasions, and once logged out and couldnt get it back again..

sometimes when you clear your history on the pc etc, Ive sometimes had trouble logging back onto K9...

but Im sure some people seem to prefer to stay anonymous for some reason.....
29 guests, 41 members, 19 anonymous members

I wonder if Guest's and Anon members were stopped reading all the forums

and all these people with multiple accounts were stopped would K9 would

settle down and become a friendlier place again.......
Hmm - would have thought it worth a try Ann - how do you become an anonymous member anyway?
when you log in you have a choice as to wether you username is seen david ;)
Oh right. Thanks
I am a Forum girl, my family despair of me. My friends I keep close to my heart, I e-mail them, speak to them on the phone or would you believe it actually still write letters. I don't have anything to say about my beloved whippets I couldn't say on a Forum and if I could not put it on an open forum then it stays where it belongs in my head. I honestly don't have a need for people to contact me from years gone by, my good friends have stayed my friends and I can live without the rest. I do sound a miserable person but I'm not, I'm just totally content with my life as it is.

I am a Forum girl, my family despair of me. My friends I keep close to my heart, I e-mail them, speak to them on the phone or would you believe it actually still write letters. I don't have anything to say about my beloved whippets I couldn't say on a Forum and if I could not put it on an open forum then it stays where it belongs in my head. I honestly don't have a need for people to contact me from years gone by, my good friends have stayed my friends and I can live without the rest. I do sound a miserable person but I'm not, I'm just totally content with my life as it is.
Doesn't sound miserable at all Jenny - sounds perfect!
Hmm difficult one ... but think I prefer facebook :) That said I'd be sorry to lose the forums.

Most of my facebook friends are doggy friends anyway, from K9 and elsewhere, and like Jenny I mostly keep up with my old friends and family via telephone, email, etc.. On facebook privacy settings allow me to control who sees what I post and I have the option to delete anything on my profile page, or my posts on others pages, in perpetuity. Have to say though that I'm hopeless at refusing friendship requests and so have friends who's K9 identities I'm not sure about and friends who can't abide each other ... but that all adds to the fun ... and I am in the process of streamlining my friends list (so if I delete anyone on facebook who I shouldn't, please don't take offence, it was probably a mistake cos I didn't know who you were ... if you rerequest friendship with your online id I'll gladly add you again).

Forums are good for live chat that involves more than 2 people, and brilliant for getting answers from a wide range of folk, often experts, when you have a problem. And it's great to see peoples pics. What bothers me about the forums is the politics. Not just talking about K9 here you understand, but I think as a poster it is easy to forget that many forums are owned by people who may be making money from them ... those individuals appoint moderators to ensure that the forum heads in a certain direction and that traffic stays high to keep advertisers on board ... and what happens when personal allegiances get in the way of good moderating can be most unfair, as many of us I'm sure have seen. Couple that with the trouble makers and trolls and it doesn't surprise me that I'm noticing more and more of my friends abandon forums in favour of facebook.
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I am a Forum girl, my family despair of me. My friends I keep close to my heart, I e-mail them, speak to them on the phone or would you believe it actually still write letters. I don't have anything to say about my beloved whippets I couldn't say on a Forum and if I could not put it on an open forum then it stays where it belongs in my head. I honestly don't have a need for people to contact me from years gone by, my good friends have stayed my friends and I can live without the rest. I do sound a miserable person but I'm not, I'm just totally content with my life as it is.
That's really nice...I agree about friends from the past..if they were actually your friends they'd be there now.

I am on Facebook and have been for a while but only have a few work mates and vets/nurses as my friends on there.

The truth is I don't actually have any friends at all.....I realise that sounds rather odd but it's true,my husband has loads and loads of mates and he spends 99% of his time off with them so I just go out cycling or running or walking the dogs on my own.

It's not actually all that bad having no friends..I'm used to it, haven't had friends since school days but back then I wasn't encouraged to have friends and my mum deliberately isolated me so I wouldn't have made it much easier to bully me if no one could see :b

My Facebook is mostly just littered with my madness :clown: and pictures and stuff about the dogs and rodents and Moonpig :b :clown:

I know a couple of people on my Facebook don't get the whippet thing at all,so I come here when I need people to understand about my love for my dogs(except Moonpig of course, cos no one in their right mind would like her :lol: )

If I sound a miserable person, it's because I am :lol: :lol: :lol: . To be honest though I would never willingly upset someone on my Facebook or face to face especially since then I would know who they were and it's just not my way to upset people..BUT on Forums I guess people can portray themselves as anything and sometimes they do come across as rude etc and it's easy, when dealing with some faceless person at the other end of the country on a computer,for things to turn ugly.....

I guess it's easy to get cross and for things to get out of hand when typing away and it's definitely easier to say things to people you have never met,on a forum but Facebook is usually people you have met so I think people would tend to be nicer......

what would I know anyway lol...billy no mates....I enjoy the forums very much for sharing tales of my dogs and silly stories where people understand but I also enjoy Facebook where I can have a stupid conversation with people who know me.

I never log in as anonymous but I do sometimes sit here wearing a disguise :lol: :lol: :clown: :clown: ( joking, just in case one of you really thinks I'm nuts)
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I';m a bit like you whippets_rule - not really a person who HAS loads of friends :lol: I was always the odd one out at school and in High School I was into my dog training (did obedience with my mongrel Lady) and birdwatching. Had absolutely no interest in boys, make up, pop THAT definitely made me weird in the other girls' eyes LOL Even now, at 41 years old, I'm still looked upon as 'different' to other women as I'm not bothered about babies (I'm only broody over the furry ones LOL), jewellery, sunbathing, foreign holidays, watching soaps/x factor/Strictly etc etc :b I love these forums because folks are just like me in that they UNDERSTAND why we have dogs anmd what they bring to our awful lot of 'normal' folk just don't get it :(

I have a wonderful husband, live in a fantastic part of the UK and all I REALLY want in life is a dog or two.....and they are one week old now and I just cannot wait to meet them and smother them in love! :wub: I don't know what it I get older I just want the simple things in life like walking the dog and strolling along the beach looking for cowrie shells (Neil and I set the stopwatch for 5 minutes and see who finds the most LOL Nutters or what!)

I've never even been on Facebook yet......I spend far too much time on the internet as it is LOL I've heard how addictive FB is so need to somehow control myself :lol: Perhaps in the future I might join but for now I'm happy enough with a couple of doggy forums :)
ummmm facebook addit here :clown: :clown: forums are great for all the imformation shared but i don't usually have anything to add and tend to just lurk and i'm no good a keep saying awww cute pup ,its easier to upload all my photo's (of dogs of course) on facebook and enjoy a easier banter about showing on there
ummmm facebook addit here :clown: :clown: forums are great for all the imformation shared but i don't usually have anything to add and tend to just lurk and i'm no good a keep saying awww cute pup ,its easier to upload all my photo's (of dogs of course) on facebook and enjoy a easier banter about showing on there

tish what u like???? :) exactly the same..i prefer k9 for advice, and gossip on f/b. :clown: i have seen people on here ask for summink or another and they get shot to peices :rant: , on facebook its your friends that talk to you and if they say summink u dont like u can use the delete button :oops: ...if everyone was just a bit more chilled out on here instead of bitchin it would and could be good... :cheers:
Thats a thought......if the OP could delete on thier topic.....that could stop some problems.....
ummmm facebook addit here :clown: :clown: forums are great for all the imformation shared but i don't usually have anything to add and tend to just lurk and i'm no good a keep saying awww cute pup ,its easier to upload all my photo's (of dogs of course) on facebook and enjoy a easier banter about showing on there

tish what u like???? :) exactly the same..i prefer k9 for advice, and gossip on f/b. :clown: i have seen people on here ask for summink or another and they get shot to peices :rant: , on facebook its your friends that talk to you and if they say summink u dont like u can use the delete button :oops: ...if everyone was just a bit more chilled out on here instead of bitchin it would and could be good... :cheers: