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For the att. J Greenwood

Hi Lamping Man

Surely the best way to find the best dog in the country would of been to invite the entry of the best 4 dogs from each club (as they know who their best dogs are) and then running a 16 dog stake to find the best in the Country.

CC's I know Scott well and he would never cast doubt on the two who are to choose the runners but surely the format above would of been a fairer way and not left it open to question regarding who gets a run.
Hi Mark. I would agree with you in principle but can see problems applying your suggestion in practice. What would you take as your yardstick. For example do you take this seasons results only? As we are only part way through then maybe we should look at last season's results and use them? But hang on , maybe some whippets that swept all before them last season are not really cutting it so far this season so we would upset some people by doing it that way. It aint easy as I see it. What must not happen is to suggest that perhaps a particular dog has been particularly unlucky of late but knowing what it is really capable of on a good day it should be selected. We must be more objective than that in order to avoid any disappointment , and of course world war three. I do not suggest for a moment that that will happen but everything in this matter must be up front and well thought otherwise we might as well draw the names from a hat!! Or select all brindle bitches. Now theres a thought.

Best to you

Lamping man


By leaving it to Clubs to select the top 4 from their club it would mean you would (in theory) be getting the 4 dogs that are running the best at that moment in time from each club?.

I held with the theory that such a dog was running briliant but is out of sorts at the moment but should still be in the 4, as at the end of the day a dogs only as good as it's last run and on that basis you would get the top dog of that moment in time, run the same event a week later with the same dogs and you would probably get a differant winner as you Know dogs form peaks and drops so it should (IMO) be the top 4 at that present time that should be nominated for the event by the people who know them best ? The Club Officials.

I accept that Club A's worst club dog might be better than the best in Club C but C would be putting their best 4 forward and so all the country would be represented equally and as A would be putting their best 4 forward anyone lower down the order in club A would (in theory) have no reason to moan as they wouldn't of beat the other dogs from club A.

At the end of the day it's just a bit of fun and the Dog that will be crowned Top Dog will still need a lot of luck in running or the best dog in the world with a bad draw/hare could still be out in Round 1
Im no way was it my intention to question the integrity of anybody, if anbody took it that way plaease accept my apologies.

Redwind is a good example, ran in Canada last year so no NWCC results from last year. Cracker only 13 months old, so ditto. But both very good bitches that potentially could be excluded.

Suppose we'll have to just wait and see.


Mark/ L.M. The format of the 4 best dogs from each club is just the plan for the Dent Challenge Trophy at the end of Jan.

I would at this point like to back L.M. and his plan to push the case for small brindle bitches if poss. under the 18 1/2" mark and living within 20 miles of the running ground.

L.M. put her in with the sport as it is with all the possibilitys of bitches in season etc.I would say if you feel you have a dog that is top 25 its worth a go ?

I cannot understand the lack of a dodgey dealer from Norfolk not trying to run a book on this one?

As Always Clive and the small brindle girls.
Hia CCS.I am a bit worried. I would hate to think that the tounge that s stuck firmly in your cheek might slide down your throat!!

To Mark. I'm still pondering over your last piece. I hope to reply later. I'm not convinced that you're right. LM
Hi to you all and to Mark in particular. I cannot agree with you Mark. I do not think that to apply your means of selection will deliver the best 4 dogs. Your way would only be a snapshot of the overall picture. It must be a broader selection than that. Also, I do not hold with the view that the club officials are the best qualified to make the decision. To apply your principle we would only need to run a meeting on a particular day and take the results forward to serve up the select 4. Not good enough Mark. On the club officials point,some officials have not/may not have attended meetings on sufficient occasions to make a judgement. In my club, at least one official hasn't attended since very early in the season. Should this person therefore have a better view than me? I don't think so. I as an ordinary nobody do not profess to hav e the definitive answer to this quandary. Coursing as we know does not take place on the level playing field and therein lies the problem. I f we want a level playing field (more or less) then we should go whippet racing. In the meantime i think one way of dealing with it would be to consider the results from a stated number of consecutive meetings to arrive at the 4 competitors. This though must only be done with the backing of the membership. To do otherwise would only create division.. As always LM

I wasn't even going to come in on this topic, now you can't shut me up!!
In the meantime i think one way of dealing with it would be to consider the results from a stated number of consecutive meetings to arrive at the 4 competitors.
ahh now were starting to think along the same lines that it should be the best on performance that runs,
But going back to Scott & Johns points We all know & accept that the men making the selection are experianced and fair but how can they make judgement on some they have never seen run. (ie Red Wind as stated by John)

in an ideal world the entry would be thrown open to all whippets in the country with ni limit on numbers they would then be run off in reginal heats untill the top 4 from each region (club area) was found they could then run off in a grand final meeting and that would give you the true Champion Coursing whippet not just the best from those that get the chance to run but as I say that would be an ideal world with unlimited hares.

I wasn't even going to come in on this topic, now you can't shut me up!!
Good it's about time this section saw a bit of life again!
CCS, if you would like a book run for a bit of fun (note bit of fun , )I amsure I can help you on this , wait till the day , Yours in sport (its all good banter ) Coursing Man . ps Hope the boys from Essex ,ie Fred ,Behind the mask , Had a good 40th, Remember that name Behind the Mask
Hi all been out with the club to day , Just a word , watch Mr Greys Whats behind the mask , could be the top dog this year. Yours in sport Coursing Man
Hello to all you coursers. I was out with Coursing Man and others yesterdayat a select venue in Norfolk. Another great result for Whats Behind The Masque as has already been said. I must say though that there is a terrific little bitch by the name of Magic Trick by that prolific stud dog Lando Bob ( Lando who I hear you ask) who is doing very very well( owned by Mr C Doyle / Mrs P Buick ) this season, having competed at three meetings and achieved a win and a runner up for her efforts. This form is exactly the same as that enjoyed by her litter sister, the now famous Saucey Madam who is soon to return to the running grounds after injury. Mr Doyle is finding it rather difficult to accommodate the rising tide of rosettes and is seriously thinking of either attending fewer meetings or having an extension built! In the meantime Iam told that he is about to ask CCS if he could look after a few of his ribbons as he must have plenty of space on his walls!!

Best wishes as always LM
L.M. abit of an odd day all in all but congrats. on the win. The fastest thing with my name by it was a conrod as it shot out onto the road.Thanks must go to Coursingman for his passing help and to the coursing car dealer from the city for the loan of a car etc.

Whats Behind the Mask? looks very strong thats 4 wins this year all against top dogs

I have been talking to someone from the E.of E and word is look out for a small Black and White bitch ?She is looking

They do say that true quality can be seen in Black and White

Yours at home thanks to the boys from Norfolk. Clive
At the request of others and to bring back a bit of sophistication I am back so Hello all .

Yes The Mask is a good dog , so is that little black and white bitch , with a good draw she could upset the apple cart , that of course is if both of these dogs run . We must not forget though there are other good dogs , AC , SM etc within our fine club and hopefully the top whippets will be from it . I must say what is it with those funny hats that some of you wear , is it to do with your age ! And another thing Essex Women is getting keen for another dog and guess where she wants half of it to come from .

Lamping Man make the most of it once the boy starts coming out of those slips better and when the other pups come along , nice little one yesterday , we may be winning one or two .
Nice to see that Essex Man and CCS are not totally demoralised after yesterday. Sorry to read of your mechanical mishap CCS. Just wasn't your day maybe. You must remember, as in coursing, you get back whet you put in . Now might be the time to get rid of that twenty year old Escort van. Nothing will last forever, not even Saucey Madam and Magic Trick. Essex Man , what can I say other than keep dreemin' buddy.

Coursing Man, are you there? How did the measuring go yesterday? I mean the dog of course. He looked very impressive as he took that hedge during his trial. We need to see more of him. As my wife often tells me , size is not everything!

Keep trying. Best wishes (The) Lamping Man.
Further message to CCS. Who is this geezer from Eof E? Who is the black and white bitch? What has she done of note other than turn up? Magic Trick and Saucey Madam are waiting!!
L.M. Just got in [ lamp burnt out befor the dogs]

The B/W bitch belongs to a chap called Greeny or something they say shes fast but so was my van on Friday?.

As for your other post i take it you are talking about the size of Cheydanhar Hall and yes it would take some dogs to fill the walls of a place this size with reds.

That said we find most of the space is full of freezers.

Must go try and pack a few more in.If i have to buy another freezer can L.M. help me out for space or have you fallen asleep in a bed of red and blue?

Y.I.S. Clive.
Lamping Man ,With a sad heart i have to tell you that Kenmillone silver tounge of Lynperry , go in at 30 lb and 20 1/4 . thats a basterd, I had my £25.00 ready if he went under. As for Lynperry Nancey Noodle is had a very good first run , hope she takes after father . She went in at 19 lb and 17 3/4 . thanks for the intrest, Hope your Lynperry bitch gets into slips soon , The ground is now getting right for her All the best TO ALL YOU COURSING MEN HAPPY CHRISTMAS from Coursing Man
John i do hope we get dogs from all clubs and was also going to post you tonight on the Laguna thing

Do you think that in years to come all the dog dealers will be saying[banatay/Terichline/Stonards/Jamanica] to try and add a £££ or do they still think

that the Lagunas are top of the pile.

One for L.M. The van is not as bad as it looked on Sat[just like the dog]

The van and the Chief will be back after Christmas and i must say they must both run beter than they did in Norfolk

Y.I.S Clive.