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For the att. J Greenwood


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John. I hope you have by now received details of the Dent Challange Trophy. and the Bob Blatch Trophy. I hope you will do all you can within the two clubs that you run with to help make them as fully supported as poss.

This should be the sport at its very best so we want the best dogs in attendance

Hope to see you and your clubs in Jan.

In the best of sport Clive Searson and the Cheydanhar Whippets.
Hi Clive,

I'm not sure how often John manages to get on here these days so I'll answer for him. The forms have been received and they've been circulated. I believe the best dogs have been picked and I too look forward to some top class sport.


May the best dogs win , looking forward to it and all the banter , all in good fun
I believe (could be wrong) that the Vale Royal have chosen the 4 dogs to represent the club. Can you shed any light on the format of the stake ???


Best wishes to all,

I have sent my entry off today, for the Bob Blatch will be THE day for whippet coursing........there will be some great sport, my little bitch is unbeaten so far this season :c

Been looking at the's a long way :w ......but it will be worth the effort.

Looking forward to meeting you all, how's the Chief performing this season.

In sport GREENY
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John. The Chief is O.K. He hit a bank in the first run of the year so was a bit sore. He as since run in 5 more stakes makeing the final in 4.He is a strong dog and as the winter moves on he tends to come into his own so we are happy with him at the moment and just hope to keep away from any injuries. Dont even look at the distance just get the imfo. on the back drop for the days sport and think about the quality of the dogs and you will be up well on time.

In sport Clive and the Cheydanhars
The forms/cheques went in the post for both meetings for El Diablo on Tuesday. Really looking forward to a couple of great days.

Just as an after thought, what size/weight are the dogs that will be running?

I know Crack On is around 24/25lb, and El Diablo is 24lb.

What's the Chief ?

Scott. Cheydanhar Apache Chief is 20" and 32 lbs

It would look to me as if a gun or two have been jumped hear as my entry form states [for 16 top coursing whippets to be decided by B.B. and A.L. ]

We all live in hope of a place in the 16 but must take nothing for granted

In sport Clive and the enigma that is Cheydanhar Apache Chief.
No gun jumped here. Little unsure as to how B.B. and A.L will pick 16 top coursing whippets when there will be many they have not seen. Like you say, we live in hope.

Fingers crossed my dog gets the chance to show what I know he can do.


Scott. If you look in your N.W.C.C. seasons review books you will see the way A.L. works out the seasons results.I think this point system will be the main way of picking the top 16 so it is he same for all ?

If the dog as done the biz over the last year or so it will be given a chance ?

This is to find the best dog in the land on the back of a hare

Any comments from the man with a saucy little bitch?

In sport All at Cheydanhar.
Entries from pups are welcomed, though Clive, and B.B. has witnessed my little bitch behind a hare..........we will wait and see.
Fingers crossed my dog gets the chance to show what I know he can do.
Scott shouldn't that should of read ~ A chance to show what anybody who's seen him run a hare knows what he can do! ;)
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Can't help but get the impression that it seems like a closed shop ? Not what you know but who you know, rolled up trouser legs, etc.


O.K. John first, i am with you all the way on that one if you look at your record of last season you will see that Ultra Vixon won the E.A.W.C.C. puppy cup and then went on to win the club championship as a puppy.So John it can be done at that age and a good dog of that age is well in with a shout so best of luck to you.

Scott Closed shop ?.It is open to the members of all 4 clubs not that closed then?.

I will forget the odd comments about trouser legs and just hope that you are not questioning the integrity of B. B. and A. L. two men that have been involved in cousing longer than i for one have been around.

I like a bit of bannter lads be lets no kick this of into any thing but a bit of fun[untill the day that is]

In the best of sport Clive.
Scott if you hve got the dogs ,which have done the biz under rules , you dont have to know any one your dogs should do the talking, Lets get it on , Coursing man
Clive, I was discussing these very issues with Mr. Dent, of our mutual aquaintence at the E of E last Wednesday.......Crack On has yet to meet C.D.s' Terichline Villanelle (Panda), on the coursing field......another name which should be causing the men of the fens a few sleepless nights...........I hope the Chief is very fit, it WILL be interesting. Ask B.B. and Andrea what they think of my little white bitch.

There is another bitch which you will never of heard of, Savernake Tia's babycham, (Racing name Red Wind)......made up to racing champ this year....just because you haven't heard of it doesn't mean that you shouldn't be very afraid :8

In sport GREENY
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Greeny what about a freindly invitation North/South ;)

Congraturalations for last night :)
Been reading with great interest the comments re. the big events to come and how many of you are talking a good course already. The fact is of course, no one knows who will get a run and that point certainly has been touched on! I have to say that it might have helped if the criteria for selection had been stated at the outset rather than merely saying that the entries will be decided at some time in the future. To have done so would have saved time for everyone, saved disappointment for some and enabled those who were likely to be selected to focus and dream. I for my part had not considered entering( I haven't told Saucey Madam) as I do not consider the afore mentioned to be on a parr with some of the dogs in our club. I know that there are no guarantees on the running ground but I think I am a realist. Having said that of course I have looked up Saucey Madam's results this season and discovered that she has competed at 3 events winning one stake and runner up in another, so is she out of it??

Let us all hope that the position is made clearer I will of course be there to watch but only from the sidelines. Unless........ but no don't think of it lamping man!!