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For Sale Nwrf

so now it seems the fed gear is open to offers, this is a joke just like the pair of you :clown: how can the members gear be sold when it does not belong to you :clown: -_- -_- -_- -_- :- "
and what will happen to monies that were in fed funds mmmmm :b
maybe they need the money from th sale of our property to pay off all the others they have conned... Lets hope theNEW, N.W.R.F. commitee act quickly and slap a restraining order on them. ...L.B.
Lets hope the New Committee have a little more sense than to be dragged into this load of Bullshit.
As most members on here are aware at the AGM in may there was a vote to see if members wanted the equipment ,books and monies back, all most all members wanted everything back.

After the meeting a letter was sent to Mr T Weatherson informing him of the members decision and asking when all the gear would be returned, as to date the committee has not had any information back from Mr Weatherson

The equipment belongs to all NWRF members and should be returned to the new nwrf within 7 days, as the old committee that resigned were only caretakers and do not and never will own any of the equipment.
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well they have done what they intended to do have you talking about them and stirring the shit between everybody. this wants to come to a end one way or another either the new commitee get some legal advice and see where you stand or they count there loses,i know the last option is probably a no no but if this the way these two should not be allowed to run a whippet in this country again for what they have done. this as nowt to do with the drugs test anymore but just arrogance and stupidity
What use is it chasing good money after bad.--with legal fees ect, the equipment is probably useless any how.Keep it i would say and run with those of a like mind.Racing will be all the better for it.
As expected didn,t get a call from the odd couple to collect our gear . disappointed to hear THURROCK CLUB are trying to buy it for themselves have you no shame I would think if not all then most of you are New Fed members I can,t believe all the members are in agreement with this which is simply aiding and abetting tony aad yvonne to wilfully dispose of something that does not belong to them .I CALL THAT STEALING DON,T YOU.
I think the THURROCK club had a meeting and decided not to persue the buying of this equipment, could any member of the THURROCK W.R.C. confirm.
glad to hear it shame on those who suggested it good to know the majority are fair minded
i dont know much about this but ive read sumthin about if on here before.why dont you go to the small claims court?it only costs £10.00 for every £100.00 you are claiming for,you dont need solicitors its a form of arbitration and it would sort all the probs out for once and for all.having used the small claims court myself for bad debts they are very informal an friendly.just each party and a guy who sits in a room round a table an listens to both sides of the story an makes a decision.why not try it?youve nothin to lose.(sorry if you think this is none of my business, :thumbsup: just trying to help out)