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For All You Horse Lovers

Incredible! (w00t)

Her extended trot is breathtaking- she just seems to float on air- and what a perfect seat he has- it looks as if horse and rider are one animal. Wish I could ride like that :b

Thanks for posting- it brought a tear to my eye too! :thumbsup:

Liz and the Monellis
Jess and Lilys mum said:
Stunning isnt it? My pony can do ALL them moves! Usually when shes having a tantrum :p

my mare is the same (w00t) then if i ask her to do it she huffs and puffs and says she cant possibly do it :lol:

i too have seen that vid before, she is a beautiful horse and enjoys it so much :wub:

im going to see pat parelli at the nec next week end, i cant wait :D abit off topic i know :b
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