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Food Concerns


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Dear All,

I am having a problem with my whippet pup eating carb's, I have tried pasta with his fresh meat, which he filters out from the meat. I have also treid wholegrain brown rice with his meat and veg, but this goes through him. I have also tried a good quality puppy mixer with his meat but he also filters this out as well..

Does anyone have any ideas on how to deal with this, he does not appear to be loosing condition, as he also has SA37 and Bonemeal with his food. Any advice would be welcome. :)
Hi rabbitrunner try something that smells like tripe or the juice off tuna mix this with the pasta leave it to soak up the juice or smell of tripe & see how you go on good luck :luck:
Hi, I have just made up a pot of chicken stock from the remains of the roast chicken, will try that, which seems to the same as you are suggesting. Will report later on how it goes..

You could try potatoes?

I usually boil them up before I add meat and then drain everything off and add my other veggies.
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How do find that ? and do you feed them raw or cooked ?

Apologies crossed over on the replies here !
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Sorry I edited just as you was replying to say they needed cooking, apparently raw potatoes ( I think maybe when they're green) can be poisonous so boil them up. :)
If it helps at all. The natural meat feeders don't feed carbs at all. Dogs don't need to eat cereals. Think about a wild dogs natural diet. Where would they get cereals from? Hence why your pup is growing okay and looking good.

Not saying that you shouldn't feed them. Just not to worry about it.
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i use oats if Oto is being picky, they really take on the flavour of anything they are put with and make the sort of goo he likes :x
i feed mine on meat , heart , tripe , lamb , chicken etc . have to cook it for mine as they are whimps (w00t)

i leave complete biscuits down for them and mine seem fine :thumbsup:
try putting everything through a mincer what you get is in effect a complete mince i wouldn't stress too much about carb tho
Thanks everyone, As beejay said the natural dog diet does not feature carb's.. so I am not going to worry about it.. Some biscuit will be available if he should want to nibble, but up to now he's only interested in the raw meat etc. and he is looking good, coat is gleeming and he is muscling up very well.

Rabbitrunner said:
Thanks everyone, As beejay said the natural dog diet does not feature carb's.. so I am not going to worry about it.. Some biscuit will be available if he should want to nibble, but up to now he's only interested in the raw meat etc. and he is looking good, coat is gleeming and he is muscling up very well.

sounds like your doing o.k stick with it
dogs in the wild get a very small cereal content from the gut of their prey....however todays refined carbs are not a good substitute for this and it is generally accepted that carbs are not necessary and can sometimes even cause intolerences

if you do want your dog to eat a small amount of carbs then wholewheat cereal /bread is best but there is no evidence to suggest that they suffer without any at all

i tried to feed wholewheat carbs to mine....they generally wouldnt eat it ! (w00t)

however i felt i wanted them to have something of that nature and also to make sure they had their veg (which they were fussy about too) now i feed them a frozen pre prepared food that contains offal and various meats (all raw)a small amount of bran and veg and cos its all mixed together....and it goes down a treat!

it also contains ground natural bone

i personally recommend it...i feel it is a better way for me to feed my dogs a complete diet

obviously a homemade balanced diet although it is better it depends how fussy the dog is (and if im honest i find raw meat difficult enough :x even if i do think its best!) so it suits me personally

anyway heres the link if anyone is interested :thumbsup:

good luck :luck:
I try to fed my dogs a varied diet, tuna, sardines, cottage cheese, pasta etc but have found with Scrumpy the pup (now 7months)that she can't seem to tolerate all this. For a few months she had irregular bouts of diarrhoea :x . She'd be o.k. for a few days & then it would flare up again. I now feed her the same food every day, James Wellbeloved Junior mixed with Nature Diet Chicken & she's been fine for weeks. As she gets older I will try to introduce a bit of variety again, one thing at a time to see if it's any particular thing she cannot tolerate. She can have raw carrot as a treat-WOW!! Lucky Dog. :b
J.T. said:
I try to fed my dogs a varied diet, tuna, sardines, cottage cheese, pasta etc but have found with Scrumpy the pup (now 7months)that she can't seem to tolerate all this. For a few months she had irregular bouts of diarrhoea :x . She'd be o.k. for a few days & then it would flare up again. I now feed her the same food every day, James Wellbeloved Junior mixed with Nature Diet Chicken & she's been fine for weeks. As she gets older I will try to introduce a bit of variety again, one thing at a time to see if it's any particular thing she cannot tolerate. She can have raw carrot as a treat-WOW!! Lucky Dog. :b

same thing happened to me with my pup...tried homemade food...then all the hypo diets too...but still ended up with loads of squits! :x was only because my other dog was diagnosed with pancreatitis and a rice allergy that i tried barf...both dogs are now fine and looking really well! :D
I tried JW when I first had the pup, but he wouldn't touch it. He was fed on raw flesh etc by the breeder, who also has a farm and produce their own organic meat and veg.