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Food advice- my dog keeps being sick


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I hope someone can help me.

I have a 7 month old Labrador called Bear who LOVES his food!

He eats far to quickly and gulps his food down like he has been starved to death!

Pretty much straight after he has eaten he is sick about 4-5 times. It's all food no blood, no bad smells etc and its obvious to me he has gulped it down that quickly he brings it back up again.

I have put a giant pebble in the middle of his bowl to slow him down the last few months. This helped at first when he was still tiny but now he eats just as quick and the pebble is no longer working.

he doesn't chew his food he just swallows it whole.

He is on adult food now as per the vets instructions and want to know if anyone knows of any good large chunk dog food that doesn't cost a fortune?

I will still use the pebble and hope that if i can get hold of some large chunk dog food he will learn to chew his food and this 'should' solve the problem.

I look forward to any advise anyone can give.

thank you in advance :)
We had a JR did just same. We spread his food in small piles around the floor, leaving just a little in the dish, sometimes hiding a couple of piles so he has to find them. Make him sit until you are ready to let him go hunting. He cant gobble it all in one go as he has to look for the food in batches.
Didnt even think about spreading his food out you know!

he doesn well with his food manners so i can make him wait whilst i spread his food out.

i'll give this a go tomorrow and see how i get on.

thank you x
thank you for your post.

i have looked at the link you have sent me and it looks like just the ticket!

i will look to order one and see how the little man does!

thank you for the tip it's greatly appreciated.

Sophie x
Hi Wendy!

Just to let you know we ordered the Green Feeder and have used it with Bear the last couple of days and OH MY GOODNESS!!!! what a difference.

It is taking him over 10 minutes to eat his food now when before it was gone in about 30 seconds and no being sick, no gagging or belching! fabulous!

I'm over joyed at the results and hope that he continues to do so well!

Thank you so much! You really have helped me with this problem as i was getting very concerned over it!


Sophie xxx
Fantastic!! I'm so glad to hear it worked. The other concern with them eating so fast is bloat/gastric torsion (which is horrible and life threatening) so I'm thrilled that this feeder made a difference.
Hi Wendy,

The miracle of the green feeder is continuing :) however i have another concerning matter now. It seems to be never ending with this dog.

Bear was playing quite happily only 10-15 minutes ago and then all of a sudden he stops and starts drooling A LOT! then he starts heaving and this continued for a few minutes with him gagging incessantly and then only saliva coming out.

He had a empty stomach when this happened as he is currently having his breakfast now.

This has never happened before he was only sick literally after finishing eating which was obvious as to why but this has thrown me!

Any ideas as this worries me?

Sophie xx
Keep an eye on him, watch that he is eating and drinking and that what is going in is coming out the other end properly. I think I saw on another post that he is eating his bedding so you do want to watch to ensure he doesn't have a blockage. This would show up with not being able to keep food or water down and increased thirst to name a couple things.

More likely though he had what I call with my whippets 'empty tummy syndrome' where often first thing in the morning or before their evening meal they'll have a small bit of throwing up yellow bile from too much acid in their tummies. Or he could have got a bad taste of something off what he was playing with. While our gag reflex is a lot more sensitive than theirs think what it's like if we accidentally inhale instead of swallowing or get a taste of something nasty. It can cause us yo salivate, gag to choke.

I'd be inclined to think the 2nd more likely, but I don't want yo rule out the possibility of a blockage (having had a dog with a life threatening one), so keep an eye on him but don't panic yet.

I see this was posted thus morning. Fingers crossed he's been hood the rest of the day
Hi Wendy!

Thank you for the reassurance!

No more gagging or being sick since then which i'm very pleased to report :)

Here's hoping it continues!

Many Thanks
Sorry for all the typos. Drawback of answering from my phone (oops). I'm glad to hear he's doing well, so in all likelihood just an acidly empty tum.

Give him some smooches for me. I have a soft spot for him, our heart dog (who we lost last year) was a gold coloured whippet cross called Chelsea Bear
Awwww thats so sweet you have a soft spot for my lil man :)

not sure if you have seen a pic of him yet so i have popped one on :) it's a picture taken the day after we got him- he's 8 months now so slightly bigger! cutest photo ever though i reckon :)

And i read alot of your posts and i must say you're probably one of the most helpful on here!

Bear is now a teenager so reading all these helpful posts from one topic to another will help me power through :)

Ooh I just want to squish that sweet puppy!! Awww :wub:

And thank you for the compliment. I appreciate it. I don't get on here as much as I should, but I'm always happy to try to help :)