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Floyd Is After


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Merry Christmas to you all.

I am looking for a new bed for Floyd, I would like something with a cover, roof?? but in fabric material, I like the igloos for cats, are there any that are whippet size? someone also posted something that was like a material tunnel that was a bed, the idea the whippet roots his way down to the bottom and snuggles in (similar to what he does under my quilt!!!!!! it looked like a windsock (the whippet bed not my quilt)

We currently use his crate but would like to dismantle and use for travelling etc, but still want him to have the same sense of security.

Floyd, by the way, is coming on nicely. He eats all his food regularly, is good off the lead in safe areas, and brings us endless hours of fun and love!!

I would love him to have ago at racing, but need more info first, as it's a long way to travel, and I am not sure if he would be any good, its more for fun and exercise really.

Lise & Floyd
Aww he looks lovely Lise maybe a large cat igloo would be ok for him or a doggy sleeping bag there are lots of shops on the net that do lovely beds have a look at the FAQ section there might be some info there, I'm sure someone will have some good place to recommend :)

As for racing IMO it doesn't matter if he's any good at it it's whether he enjoys it or not my girls aren't the fastest but love it all the same, go along to a racing club give him a go if he's got a smile on his face then it's a good place to be :thumbsup:
Floyd is a real cracker! Racing would be great fun for all of you as you would meet so many like minded people there and Floyd would meet a load of other dogs and have a whale of a time! Good luck with him - he is VERY gorgeous!
Floyd is absolutely gorgeous! :wub:

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I like the look of these "igloos" (USA - but might export). It would save all that being woken up in the night to recover Shadow with his own little duvet after he's got too hot, rolled onto his back and then got cold again. He'd still need his bean-bag underneath, of course . :- "