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Florence Court


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OK.I will just start this off with a couple of pix,as ive loads to go through and edit,before posting them.But 1st a wee bit about today's show.We arrived about 1.30 pm,as we know that over the years this one don't start to 2 pm,at least.Soon as we got out the car,we were told that there would be no one racing,as the track was a mess of cow hole's,with once again,a great herd of cattle in the middle of the race track.After speaking with a few people about this,we eventualy got the chance to check it out.Unbelievabe,is the only answer i can give here.It was even imposible to walk on,never mind race a dog on.There was litteraly not a space without a great hole in it.Now if you take a Tettley Tbag,and magnify it a million time's,and then add another million hole's of about 4/5 inches deep in most places,then you might just be on the right track.But leaving that for a few moment's we will go on to the show.The judge,(although some might not have agreed with his decision's,and one or 2 of the disagreement's were spoy on),was ,and still is,one of the best and most experienced lurcher men south of the Irish border,and many a great days ferreting,and nights lamping i had with him and his mates,many moons ago.I didn't follow the showing much,although i did enter Niki in 2 very large classes,one being lamping ,and the other being the under 23 inch rough or smooth,dog or bith,as they show these altogether.I was happy enough with a 3rd in the lamping,and a 2nd in the under 23.Thought Reni was one of the best looking pups int the puppy class,but Alannah was showing her,and she had a hard time getting her to do anything right for her.All in all,a good day for us in the show ring.Then there was,no,have to go back to the showing for a moment longer.It started with the kiddies class,then ladis class,followed once again with gentleman's class.Believe it or not,that was followed by a class foe both ladies and gentleman.Then we had a whippet class,followed by the puppy class,and so on.We were actualy waiting for a class foe married couple's,and then one for happily married couples,although they scrapped this one,as only 2 couple enterred the ring,and one of them were arguing about which one of them would walk the dog.Ok,back to the racing,which was eventualy moved to where the show ring's were,as this was a much better surface,with i might say,a corner to boot,and a few dip's n bumps,oh and a thing like a small bank at the finnish line.Terriers went 1st,then whippet's,followed by under's and overs.Only 5 unders raced,which included China,Zena and Niki.Dont know what happened at the start when the lure took off,as i was half way up the 150 yrd stretch,(at the corner),but Kisty say's she missed her slip big time,and China,Zena and co left her for stopped,then after whatever distance,as i dont know how far,Niki collided with China,and possibly lost her the race.Needless to say,Mr Stormydog was not too pleased and had a wee bit to say about the whole thing.We were all friends again though,before we left for home,and he gave Kirsty a big Tellytubby hug,without the Tellytubbies,ha ha.Im jealous,as i never got one,so he owe's me.I cant understand how Niki caught up with them,to cause the collision though,so does that mean she was going faster or what,lol.Anyway,poor Zene ripped her dew claw right off somewhere along the line,and she too was beaten.Next came the big dog's,and again i couldn't see what was happening,but there were a few bundles at the start line,and a few more up the field.I gave Scruff his 2nd ever run at the lure,as the ground was soft and a lot safer than the other original track.He got wrecked within the 1st few strides by a mate's dog,who didn't realy want to chace the lure.Then just as he started to get goung again,the same dog whacked him again.This didn't put him off though,and away he went again,only this time he showed me a wee bit of what he might be made off,as he flew past one the dog's,and as he got close to the line,he moved into 2nd place,but it was the dog that didn't like him much,and he whacked him again,costing him the chance of another run in the final.All i could do was laugh at the big idiot.He was awee bit lame on the old left again,but i dont think it is too bad.He will have to get looked at though tomorrow morning.Ian did the buisiness in the final,though Frankies Whistler had different idea's,and tried everything to get on top.Well done Ian.On the way home qwe had a good feed in a local chippy,and may i say,they do a great fish supper.I will work on the pix tonight,and post them tomorrow.Think i have some crackin racing pix.Sorry again John bout that wee collision,but she needs to stop letting Niki catch up on her like that,ha ha.One other thing i would just like to add here.A few people made remarks about Scruff being a greyhound.Every one knows on here that Scruff is out of my Megan bitch and the father of Niki,Trouble and co.There are a couple of very big and powerfull dog's out of Sky,over in England,and Megan.s brothers are ,or were between 70 and 80 lbs.None ped people will know how many throwback's you get in greyhound/whippet's,to greyhound's and on the otherhand,to whippets.Its all to do with whatever gene pool they have or summit.Iseen quite a few dog's racing today that are more like greyhounds than Scruff,and some who are more grehound.If i wanted to race a greyhound,then i would breed a litter out of one of my bitches and rear the lot,n keep the fastest ,over grass.There aint many grehound's that will beat a goodun up a grass field.We seen that when we were doing our bit in the film,Man About Dog,as all 3 of my bitches at the time,stuffed all the greyhounds they had.Megan was one of them.So gave my head piece please.I have a couple opf pix somewhere,of Megan feeding Scruff.I could put them up here,but why should i.Will post a pic of the big skinny 62 lber later. Hope everyone else had as good a day as my family,and my young bro's family had.He is a new kid on the block,and getting hungry for a racing dog. Now those couple of pix.What a setting,and then we had these boy's drop in for a wee cup of coffee.


telly tubbies hahah !! no damage done billy :sweating: she just seemed to run sideways straight from the slip. then the next 30 yds was mayhem ! ...i think china must be magnetic to nikki (w00t) however its not the first and im sure it wont be the long as none of them get injured thats the main thing :thumbsup: ive worked out billy this happens cos everyones standing almost elbow to elbow...ofcourse wasnt much choice on a starting line as narrow as it was today.

can i read your post over 2 nights as im soooo bolloxed -_- ?
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(w00t) flamming hell billy that must have taken you a few hours to write my head hurts just looking at it nevermind reading it :lol:
awww look at wee craig on his wee deck chair :wub: :huggles: :huggles: .

looks nice and sunny anyway,more than i can say for over here,and billyanother girl in the family into it :lol: good good, maybe the game fairs and shows will be over run with the ladies at the shows to come (w00t) .

hope zena's ok rhonda.

cant wait to see the pisctures billy.

take care all yous back home. :thumbsup:
Just got red up there,so im gona put up a few pix for the early birds to google at in the morning.Just noticed too,that my spelling in that post was a disgrace.Have to blame the old pain killers i had to take,soon as i got home,as i couldn't take any more at the show,with having to drive home.Anyway here goes.

Couple more of the big babies,and their kite's ha ha.




Graham,these are for you mate,as they're a bit better than the last one's.



And the proud Alannah.


Now.I suppose we should start with the judge.He is from down south,and as ive said,one hell of a hunter.We used to take 50/60 + bunnies,every day,with the ferrets,and then the same at night ,with the lamp.I remember one day,we were ferreting this bit of ground,and the farmer came up to us and told us to call at the house,when we were finnished,and he'd square us up.We hadn't a clue,what he was on about,but it turned out,his neighbouring farmer friend had pulled a cracker on him,and told him we were charging them for clearing the ground of bunny hoppers.There were so many rabbit's at the time,that they couldnt even put the cows out to grexe,in case they went down the rabbit burrows,that were all over the land.Anyway,here e is.


Now a few doggies.





This is youre's truly,minus a few lbs,with Alannah.



and this is my wee niece,with her pup,which i gave her a couple of day's ago.


Now does anyone know how this pikey got from portloise to Eniskillen,in just one whole week.What a walk.No wonder China couldn't run today.Her wee short leg's must have been wrecked.

Couple of the terrier racing 1st.



and wasn't this a lovely shot of a team of working whippet's.


Now for the serious stuff.Whippets 1st.




This was what i got of the overs.The winner is on the left of you're screen,in the number 5 jacket.Zena,in the blue,then China,Paris,and Niki.


Then thing's started to spread out a wee bit with Zena going on,till she hit the wee bank ,just before the finish line,and got piped on the line or summit.


Don't know where she did her dewclaw,but it must have been pretty sore.Hope she mends for the all Ireland Collin and Rhonda.But don't rush her,and if she's not ready,don't race her.She'll keep for another day.

Next came the big fellers.This is Frankies Whistler,verses Ian's Smokey.As it turned into a 2 horse race.



All lined up for the 2nd heat


Still lined up.


and we're off.


Another of the 2nd heat.


and another.


Now for the last heat,which my Scruff was making his debut in.Poor sucker didn't expect what was coming next though.But he rode the storm,and will hopefully learn from it.Now just see what i meant,when i said ,in the first few strides.This brute wrecked the whole show,starting with poor Scruff.All lined up for the bumper car race ha ha.


See where Scruff is looking.He hasn't a clue.

The off.And look where bumper car number 4 is looking,and going.


Then he makes his 1st move.


Now his 2nd.


Then he thinks the race is all his,but believe me.Although Scruffy didn't know what was going on at the start line,he soon found out,and was moving pretty well,before the number 4 bumper car,did him for the 3rd time,just as he was going by,before the line.


Look how far he was behind number 4,and this was nearly half was up the 130 yrd gallop,(as i think John or somebody stepped it out.)He was by the brute,when he strck him again.

Another one of Scruffyboy. Now this was where he got a wee short chance to run.


Kirsty,catching him up.


Now the whippet final.





The big dog final,which Ian's Smokey took,and Frankies Whistler,2nd.

Get ready.






and that was that.Day over.Goodnight all.Or should i say.Good morning folk's. Ha ha.

Opp's.Forgot about that pic of Scruffyboy.Beautifull dog,if i say so myself.Soon as i get the bad toe off,on his front foot,i might get him fit for a bit of racing.That is,if he's any good.Bye.

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billyboy45 said:
This was what i got of the overs.The winner is on the left of you're screen,in the number 5 jacket.Zena,in the blue,then China,Paris,and Niki.

Then thing's started to spread out a wee bit with Zena going on,till she hit the wee bank ,just before the finish line,and got piped on the line or summit.


Don't know where she did her dewclaw,but it must have been pretty sore.Hope she mends for the all Ireland Collin and Rhonda.But don't rush her,and if she's not ready,don't race her.She'll keep for another day.

Next came the big fellers.This is Frankies Whistler,verses Ian's Smokey.As it turned into a 2 horse race.



All lined up for the 2nd heat


Still lined up.


and we're off.



Just checked out those pix of the unders again,and it look's like China was in a very good posision to let fly John.Maybe Martin was right mate,when he told you under no circumstances to run her this week.Coursing grehound's do 5 runs,in a 32 dog stake,if they reach the final.But even though they are supper fit,amd ready for the job,They're not 13 month's old mate,and they can only do the 5 run's over two day's.Give her the break she needs john,cause she ran her heart out for you last week.I think she hadn't got the leg's today mate,as she had every chance to go.Even Niki was going by her at one stage,going by the photo.Might be worth getting her checked out mate,case summit is up.
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billyboy45 said:
Opp's.Forgot about that pic of Scruffyboy.Beautifull dog,if i say so myself.Soon as i get the bad toe off,on his front foot,i might get him fit for a bit of racing.That is,if he's any good.Bye.

Just been looking at a few pix of Pyper,and they are more or less the exact same shape.
no billy shes fine. shes boxed in and thats after she got herself together from the bollox she was in at the start..pity you didnt see the start you would see exactly what im talking about. on a wee sprint like that if a dog gets hit immediatley theres no recovering no matter how fast it is especially if theye boxed and trying to run through. no worries though all i do the next time is get as far from niki as possible and shel not got hindered :thumbsup: a straight race with all dogs getting away off the first 10 yds makes for a better race and generally theyve missed the danger zone that is the first lot of yards. you should start videoing billy that would show that particularly in that heat they dogs bumped and twisting and maneouvering for the first 75yd. zena got it too as they bunched up..your pix show them after the dodgems as the first couple have untied themselves ..but good shots all the same :thumbsup:
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ive learned a lot from this 1 little run today. leave the wee sprints at little shows alone..its not worth risking her. and also..join the starting line up last at the bigger tracks atleast if theres argy-bargy theres time to fix it for the dog. moira next week, if its like i think itll be im DEFO not racing at it. bumpy and next week its going to be like concrete.
stormydog said:
ive learned a lot from this 1 little run today.  leave the wee sprints at little shows alone..its not worth risking her. and also..join the starting line up last at the bigger tracks atleast if theres argy-bargy theres time to fix it for the dog.   moira next week, if its like i think itll be im DEFO not racing at it.  bumpy and next week its going to be like concrete.
I was going to post last night, but I dropped to sleep -_- :lol: sound's like your going to have to stop racing China at the fairground's John.
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milly said:
stormydog said:
ive learned a lot from this 1 little run today.  leave the wee sprints at little shows alone..its not worth risking her. and also..join the starting line up last at the bigger tracks atleast if theres argy-bargy theres time to fix it for the dog.   moira next week, if its like i think itll be im DEFO not racing at it.  bumpy and next week its going to be like concrete.
I was going to post last night, but I droped to sleep -_- :lol: sound's like your going to have to stop racing China at the fairground's John.

ita about selecting venues true enough mate. shes very fine and dainty,, shes not boned for rough ground. moira is renowned for being a battle zone lol

again geoff its easy to forget shes 13 months and very puppyish.

like ive only learning how to race a non-ped :wacko: different kettle of fish compared to my other dog whos more like a race horse :D
billyboy45 said:
Just got red up there,so im gona put up a few pix for the early birds to google at in the morning.Just noticed too,that my spelling in that post was a disgrace.Have to blame the old pain killers i had to take,soon as i got home,as i couldn't take any more at the show,with having to drive home.Anyway here goes.Couple more of the big babies,and their kite's ha ha.




Graham,these are for you mate,as they're a bit better than the last one's.



And the proud Alannah.



Billy reni looking great thanks for the pictures.