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Flooded House, What Do I Do ?

Thank you everyone for the kind comments, pm's and phone calls, its really appreciated, will let you know what happens :thumbsup:
I,m very sorry to hear what has happened,poor you :( hope you get soted very soon.Lots of :huggles: :huggles: If you lived near me,i would of put you up till you were sorted :thumbsup:
Only just logged on as i have been away..........I hope u are ok and get everything sorted. Take care. My thoughts are with you, its such an awful thing to happen.
What an awful thing to happen. :eek: I hope your possesions aren't damaged beyond repair. :( It could take ages for everything to dry out. Would the insurance company pay for alternative accommodation for can't be good for one's health having to live in damp accommodation, especially at this time of year. Could you borrow/hire any large dehumidifiers and dryers....what an awful situation to be in.

Wish I could help. Good luck getting it all sorted :luck:
Jill what an absolute nightmare for you... :huggles: and your dogs too...hope they are safe and well.

I hope the Insurance Company deals with your situation quickly for you, we were with Barclays after the street explosion here, (that was way back May) and finally this week we got our new windows in, but are still not settled with the damages payment. :( ..long story though. :angry:

I do hope things get sorted for you very soon,

and thinking of you all. :huggles: Take care..
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Oh no ... only just read this. Hope you get things sorted out with the insurers etc and get your home back to normal soon. Please let me know if there's anything I can do to help.

take care,

Oh my !! What a dreadful thing for you to come home to. I`m sure your Insurance Company will guide and advise you.

Stay warm !! I hope all is sorted out soon. Water is a dreadful thing !! It ruins everything and at this time of year, very difficult to dry out !!

Thinking of you :huggles:
hope you find some alternative healthy accomodation 'til it's all sorted, I think if the insurance are dealing with the drying out they'd want it sorted more quickly if they're having to fork out rent.

Glad you're looking on the bright side and the dogs are ok though

:luck: :luck:
Well, having no documents that wernt ruined I called direct line, as i insure my car with them, they went through my details and said i didnt have house insurance with them :eek: , in a blind panic i managed to dig out a dry bank statement, and saw a direct debit that looked about right, and called my mortgage lenders who was the name next to the direct debit, by this time i was feeling sick thinking i didnt have insurance, but hooray they had my records and said im very comprehensively insured :cheers: , they are sending a loss adjuster round, and hopefully an electrition to see what white goods in the kitchen i can use - im getting sick of sandwiches !!!!!

The house is now pretty dry, ive had a dehumidifier on 24/7 and the heating, my laminate floor in the lounge is getting really warped, and the kitchen units have expanded at the bottom, but theres not much aparent damage, apart from water marks especially on the sofas, but me and the dogs are fine, thanks again for all your concern :huggles:
:oops: Missed this story - you poor thing, what a nightmare :( - hope the insurers cough up quickly and you can get back to normal before too long :luck: :luck: :luck: :huggles:
trac said:
like trish said contact your insurers,last year we had a burst from the bathroom into the kitchen at first it didnt look much, but it took 4 weeks to dry out the wall in the kitchen and the floor in the bathroom using very noisy dryers. good  :luck:

A damage and restoration guy has just been round and will be back tomorrow with industrial equipment to dry the place out, he recons it will take at least three weeks, and the repairs to ceilings etc might take till the end of January :( , I think I totally underestimated the damage as its all in the walls, ceilings etc. He didnt seem to think the loss adjuster is one of the friendliest, hope he is ok, its been a stressful enough week without a needing to be made more uncomfortable :(
Sorry to hear it's going to take a while to dry out........ :unsure: