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Jan Doherty said:
Took Shelley to the vets this morning. She is a lot better but is still showing signs of staggering and hypersensitivity. Last night she was biting her feet and keep licking her lips and was disorinetated. I have just bathed her and she is now under the heat lamp and we have to wait and see what the next 1 to 3 days brings. So far she has not had convulsions which is the next danger. I cant believe that they are selling a product on the open market that has had no tests done. I havent had to use any type of flea spray for years so none of my Iggies have ever been done. Apparently the product is an Organic phosphate. I thought they were banned years ago :(

With regards vacumming up, I dont have carpets. I have washed all the bedding and sprayed their beds plus the settees. I have only seen one flea but they have all been scratching like mad.

Anyway thats a lesson learnt I wont be using anything again that isnt from the vets.

Poor little Shelley :( I hope she's soon feeling much better :luck: :luck: :huggles:
Poor Shelley -hope shes ok soon. :luck:

Ive never had an adverse reaction with the dogs either, but I have had a really bad experience myself a few years back when I had fleas in the cats and dogs and used the old Nuvan Top to spray the house - I had to literaly lie down later as I felt nauseous and faint and terrible. Apparently its been taken from the market now - no wonder. (w00t) It was leathal stuff.

I prefer to use treatments from a Vet and wont use anything bought over the counter now. I dont think some of the treatments from the pet shop really work that well also.
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Janimal said:
I have had a really bad experience myself a few years back when I had fleas in the cats and dogs and used the old Nuvan Top to spray the house - I had to literaly lie down later as I felt nauseous and faint and terrible.  Apparently its been taken from the market now - no wonder. (w00t) It was leathal stuff.
I prefer to use treatments from a Vet and wont use anything bought over the counter now.

:lol: sorry Janis couldn't help but laugh! The vets sold us a huge bottle of flea spray for the house when we first had Alfie, thinking back why??? £££££ :- " we've never used it but I guess it's there in an emergency :sweating:
None of the dogs in our family have ever had fleas.....but we've never had cats so maybe that's why. Therefore, i never use flea treatment.

Molly the Staffie has got hedgehog fleas a couple of times (once the night before a show :lol: ) They don't breed on dogs though but they're massive! You just have to pick them all off and they're very obvious on a short haired red dog.
Hope there are no lasting effects. Poor Shelley.....I'm sure just the one adverse reaction won't cause lasting'd probably have to have more prolonged contact over a period of time to experience nerve damage etc.

Stan has had a few hot spots recently and Fred has been scratching his head a fair bit too. After changing their diets, Stan still got another hot spot and the scratching continued, so I bought a huge can of flea spray from the vets (they had been Frontlined just after Christmas). It was bloomin' pricey, but it seems to have done the job. A lot less scratching. I'd always get treatments from the vets, or treatment normally prescribed by vets. I guess the reason they are so expensive is partly down to research and testing overheads.

So in answer to your initial question...yes I've noticed more fleas this year. First time I've ever had to spray all our carpets (yuk....I hate using chemicals, but couldn't let Stan suffer).
Have read somewhere about adverse reactions to flea spot on.

I think though it was cats that had the problem.

If you put in the brand and adverse reaction in a search engine

I'm sure it will bring something up.

Have heard that Garlic is supposed to repel the biting hopping beasties.

Has anyone tried dynamite? As that's supposed to help too.

But they don't kill the nasty biting fleas..

I do use an environmental housespray with growth inhibitor and it seems

to help.

Poor Shelley - what a frightening reaction, hope she improves rapidly. :luck: :huggles: :luck:

Like the previous comment, I have heard of adverse reactions in cats before, and didn't use any spot ons for years because I was worried about side effects. I usually use Acclaim and Frontline only if I have to, but not on a regular basis.
lol as a mobil hairdresser i meet loads of people and one client who works with the public also had caught fleas off somones house but didnot realise till aparted her hair and this made them move and bite her allover, are these diff types of fleas? :cheers:
Jan Doherty said:
Took Shelley to the vets this morning. She is a lot better but is still showing signs of staggering and hypersensitivity. Last night she was biting her feet and keep licking her lips and was disorinetated. I have just bathed her and she is now under the heat lamp and we have to wait and see what the next 1 to 3 days brings. So far she has not had convulsions which is the next danger. I cant believe that they are selling a product on the open market that has had no tests done. I havent had to use any type of flea spray for years so none of my Iggies have ever been done. Apparently the product is an Organic phosphate. I thought they were banned years ago :(

With regards vacumming up, I dont have carpets. I have washed all the bedding and sprayed their beds plus the settees. I have only seen one flea but they have all been scratching like mad.

Anyway thats a lesson learnt I wont be using anything again that isnt from the vets.

Hope Shelly will improve soon :luck: :luck: :luck:

Fleas will hatch in any undisturbed dust; on skirting boards or in small crevices. But are you sure it is fleas that makes them scratch? Could it be some plant in your garden?

Nowadays you really need to read every label carefully, and degree in organic chemistry to be able to judge if you should use any particular product. Do not forget that there was a time DDT was hailed as perfectly safe wonder product. :x
In the past I have used the frontline spot on and the only bad reaction was from my oldest cat. He started to salivate & drool a couple of mins after application, this went on for about 10-15 mins. He was fine afterwards, if a bit wet (w00t)

I try not to use anything at all on mine, I brush them all regularly, cats too & if on the odd occasssion I find a flea then I just squish it. They all have garlic tablets which seems to keep the fleas away.

Typing this with one hand as I'm now scratching again cos just talking about fleas sets me off :blink:
Shelley is much brighter tonight (enough to go out barking in the garden :D )

You are right you do need a degree in chemistry to decipher the contents. My vet said that what I used on Shelley they used to use as a kill or cure treatment for mange :(

I will be contacting Bob Martins when I am sure that I will not let rip down the phone. I looked on their website and they are claiming their products are as strong as ones used by the vets. The difference is the vets have been tested theirs havent.
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Glad that Shelley is feeling better Jan :thumbsup: I hope that you get through on the phone to Bob Martin....... :luck: :luck:
Good news that Shelley seems better :thumbsup: :D
Jan Doherty said:
You are right you do need a degree in chemistry to decipher the contents. My vet said that what I used on Shelley they used to use as a kill or cure treatment for mange :(

I had to use a kill-or-cure mange treatment on a whippet once and it nearly did kill her - we spent all night at the vet holding drip bottles .. she had drips in her neck and leg and had gone into toxic shock. The most awful night of my life.

hugs for Shelley :huggles:
I hate them. Esp. when they bite you in the undies or top of the sox. :(

I do a lot of carpet cleaning. Some houses have been locked up for months at a time, if the past tennet had dogs then the place would be full of them :x I use a yard spray in a 5 litre spray bottle & hose the carpet, then clean.