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First time with a puppy


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Hi, I’m semi retired and have had several dogs over the years, however they have all been rescue dogs, usually 3/4 years or more old. I have just got a puppy. After a very intensive search, triple checking no puppy farms etc we finally got our puppy last week. On the way home with said puppy my daughter phoned to say she was in Labour (3 weeks early) so I got a new grandson and a puppy on the same day.
Since then the puppy has proceeded to eat the house. I’m sleeping on the sofa with her at my feet and making several trips down the garden throughout the night. Puppies are both delightful and exhausting! I’ve just found the thread on crate training and it’s been very useful. Here’s to the next few months of puppy training my lovely little fur bundle
Oh, congratulations on both of your new arrivals! I do hope both your daughter and grandson are doing well. What breed/cross is your pup? I can't work it out from your avatar pic.
Hi and welcome from me too:). And double congrats on your new additions! What is your pups name? We all love pics here if you have any to post.
Puppy’s name is Raven. she’s a little live-wire. We have lots of young children visiting so the garden is a bit of a nursery. Raven is finding all of the lost Lego, the volcano ‘to Ka’ and socks! She has found so many odd socks.


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That's a pleasant change. My dog is the creator of odd socks (sock thief) :D
I am flabbergasted at how many she has found. I can only think they’ve dropped out of the laundry basket whilst I have been hanging out the washing. I used to think the washing machine ate them, but evidently they go to a mystical place when odd socks go and Raven has found this sock haven.
Love the name too, she is gorgeous and you can see mischief in those eyes, lovely!:D
Congrats on the new arrivals! We have just got a lab cross (think he's a collie cross), and he is very energetic. Luckily he is six months and already had a bit of training so haven't had to get up in the night with him.
How is the crate training going? We offered our pup a crate and a dog bed outside of the crate - he seems to like the dog bed!
Hi, congrats on your new puppy. crate training is steady, She’ll happily go in the crate and stay for 20 minutes if awake, longer if she goes to sleep. I immediately open if she whines as I want the crate to be her best place. I give her frozen peanut butter in her king in there. Overnight I’m up every 2-3 hours to take her out and generally she’s been very good. She hated the rain last night though. She has lots of chew toys but prefers to chew anything else do we are constantly watching to stop her chewing the table leg, the door frame etc and offer her one of her toys instead. She loves puzzle toys I’m thinking that’s the Collies mind at work. Her 2nd vaccination is due 8th June so I’m really looking forward to taking her out.
She loves puzzle toys I’m thinking that’s the Collies mind at work. Her 2nd vaccination is due 8th June so I’m really looking forward to taking her out.

Sounds like it's going well. I might try the frozen peanut butter in Kong toy. We have a snuffle mat which has been useful, apparently it's the equivalent of a short walk as they get their noses working. He's just had 2nd vacs so we can't take him out yet, will be much easier when we can do that!
He also scared himself (and us!) last night by barking at his reflection in glass door in kitchen!
Congratulations on you new puppy I know what hard work they are. When I retired from the NHS I thought it would be a good idea to get two basset hound puppy’s together, having had basset hounds all my life I knew it would be hard work with two puppy’s. They are 5 years old know and have just started to calm down but it’s all worth it and they are my best friends