Thank you for your advice it’s nice to hear xxWell, I'm not experienced with breeding, but I am going through our first time with it right now. But yes...I would say 'missing the target' is normal. Dog are keen, excited and in a rush to 'deliver'...nobody is perfect each and every timeParticularly if the dog is not that experienced with these takes practice....
As for 'how many times'...there is many different approaches to this. I was told that as long as the bitch is keen and accepts it, it can be done several times given a day or two in between for the dog to rest and get the semen levels up again...and if I remember right, this was what my 'book of bitch' say as well.
My girl had two good ties couple of days apart, day 8 and day11 so we left it to that. It is of course late for you now, but there is canine ovulation tests available to target the mating to exact egg releasing 'slot' in the bitch's season....something to consider should things not work out for you this time round.