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First time Spaniel Rescue owner


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I have a seven year old Spaniel Rescue. He has a few issues which are being addressed but we are seeing some very positive results. Fantastic gentle nature except for birds and squirrels anything small that moves is fair game . He can run like a greyhound, jump like a gazelle and dig like a jcb. We love him to bits.
Welcome to the forum, Kessifer:)
Hello Welcome.
We have 7 of the working type Cockers.
They keep us motivated all year round. They work with us in the shooting season, they are great little dogs.
A picture of your chap would be great.

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Here is a photo. He has spent a lot of time today rolling in the wallpaoer I am scraping off the walls. He does zoomies in the house and he'd butted an old hard whicker ottoman. Right through it with his nose luckily no damage. Garden zoomies are so fast and he digs holes in between running. He is very excitable.
Hello Welcome.
We have 7 of the working type Cockers.
They keep us motivated all year round. They work with us in the shooting season, they are great little dogs.
A picture of your chap would be great.



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Hello Welcome.
We have 7 of the working type Cockers.
They keep us motivated all year round. They work with us in the shooting season, they are great little dogs.
A picture of your chap would be great.

Welcome. A learned profile.
Thankyou. I am sure I could not handle as many Spaniels at one time. They must have super obedience. In the past I had two together and also Irish Setters but this little blighter pushes all our buttons. He loves jumping and cleared our 6ft fences with ease at first. He will try to jump any and every wall we pass. I never let my guard down. He tried to jump a wall as we walked over a railway and he could jump that from a standing start. The consequences does not even bear thinking about. We have had him 4 months feels like forever.
Oh what a lovely chappie. You must put him on your Avatar :rolleyes:.
Does he have a name ? He looks like a show type.
What kind of life did he have before you rehomed him, were you given any information?
It sounds as if he is having a good time with you. Ahhh the joys of a Cocker Spaniel :D

Walking our lot is easy, (all off lead) they respect the word "Wait" which just either stops them or brings them back to a close and steady distance for walking. We are lucky that we don't have to do any pavement walking, any way that's no fun for them.:oops:

