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Can.,t agree more.My poor Greyhound is a changed dog these last few days.I have to scrape her out of her bed,cannot let her off the lead,as she is so stressed.We had made such a difference,she was so happy go lucky,i just hope she gets better when the fireworks stop.My other 3 dogs are fine,its just Lady.

It has made us all miserable to see her so frightened.

Freya went outside for a wee last night when the neighbours let of a big firework. We live opposite a park that is in a slight hollow, it amplifies any bangs so you can imagine it was like having a firework set of right infront of you.

Little girl pricked her ears and looked up but carried on toileting then I spent the next ten minutes trying to convince her that Bonfire Night wasn't the best night for playing in the garden. :wub:

They all sleep soundly here, go out and do toilets when they need.

Kerri was sedated she's terrified, though having a firework thrown at you when you're a puppy isn't the greatest confidence booster. Pills helped her sleep quietly right through the night (but didn't help when she was still a little out of it this morning and wee'd on the Living Room Carpet. I said to her later on "who wee'd on the carpet" (usual reaction she does a runner) but her reaction was to eat Mum's sandwich so I don't think she even remembers. :teehee:
Fire works I hate them, Lady ok, Bob it was awfull never seem to bother him before, but this year a nightmare poor little boy, I had the tv full blast,  felt awfull on the neighbours, but it helped Bob, next year think I will have him sedated.
Nic xxx

Well on Bon fire night Bob was a nightmare, but last night he was fine, even went outside for a wee when a rocket went off, so havent a clue what goes on his head.

Nic xxx
here we go again,BANG BANG BANG,bloody rackett,me dogs are crapping themselves, :rant: :rant:
Its been like bloody Beirut here for days , most of my lot are okay , but Bramble and Lisa are s***hing them selves
It is a pity that there is not someway of sending those who like the flashes and bangs back to 1914-18 in france , maybe they would not be so keen as to step back for those fireworks. :- "
It's ww3 out there just now,,I cant let the dogs out for a pee as they are scared stiff :rant:

Robbie is coping well,,no tablets tonight,no cage, but Gizmo is running about panting,,he keep's going into the cage that's now in the diningroom, but these are very loud.

There is no need for fireworks to be so loud,,they are like bombs going off :rant:

Gary has just got up as it's so loud it woke him,,bloody long night ahead,,,now I hate :rant: FIREWORKS :rant:

Ban Them for housing estates ,,or :nuke: the daft gits whouse them after the 5th
yup been going off here tonight although not as bad as 5th but come on it supposed to b 1 night only :rant:
Its quiet now,,well all of 5 mins, going to let the dogs out for a quick pee, get Gary back to bed and it's going to be hell tomorrow are our town is going the public display about 1/4 miles from the house and all the other daft b's who will be letting them off again :rant:

Robbie will be full of tablets (thank god he does not race now :oops: ) in the cage with x factor very loud on the tv, Im goin to phone the vet in the morning to see if Gizmo can get tablet's also,,,so he might be in a cage, doped up,,,

I used to love fireworks, but they are getting too loud now, there needs to be a cap on the noise that the public can buy :oops: :thumbsup:

PS Glad Poppy does not take after her dad Decca :thumbsup: a scared of the big bangs :D
i was watching the news lastnight weather man says will be wet for the bonfire displays tomorrow night????the 8th,so another bloody long night,for me poor dogs,these councils must waste a lot of money,if we went and asked for a sponsership for an open,we would be told sorry cant,do that,,,,but they can blow thousands of pounds on stupid fireworks, :rant:
Three o'clock in the f**kin* morning !!! "Let's do fireworks on this park, makes them sound really really loud."

Sonic boom would be an understatement. Or booms in their case :rant: . That and some numpty in a car revving the engine and riding the clutch. :rant:
I have a couple who are scared of them but my vet gives me something for them every year and they just sleep through it and are great the next day full of beans. Would you belive 1 just went off as I'm typing this and its Saturday.
i dont mine bonfire night and fire works as long as its one the 5th of noveber and its an organied disply not for 2 weeks eather side of that date and day and night with tanega lads letting bangers off 24 7 if its one night y and you and scitty dogs you can shut curtins turn tvs and radios up and give them somthing to settel them but i dont want them druged for a bloody months we have the jahovas whitness doing there fireworkd tonight next door but one i think there hole church is in there garden and its been going on since 4 30. iv allways taken my kids to organied displaces and most concils do the free so carnt see why they dont just ban the sale of them to the public
sharon whincop said:
I have a couple who are scared of them but my vet gives me something for them every year and they just sleep through it and are great the next day full of beans. Would you belive 1 just went off as I'm typing this and its Saturday.
ive got two that are scared the other one dont bother with them. now we have xmas to look forward to with them
Only heard a couple going off earlier :D as the days go on I think Max gets used to them, the others don't care lol
Our whippet is frightened. All TV's on loud. Upstairs where she's under the bed hiding, loud dance music to mix with firework noise and hide them if poss. Wednesday last was the worse so far this year.

My daughter horse is also terrified, he had diarrhoea it was dreadful to see him suffer. We couldn't get him in the car to put under the bed.

Last year the pub next door to his yard, literally a wall between him and the pub garden, and they let off professional display fireworks. Yard owner went round and shouted at them horses trying to jump out of stables. Response from customer was ' Shoot the horses then'.

RSPCA would not even talk to the pub owner but did state that if a horse was injured and not treated immediately they would be after the owner of the horse. Luckily no one or horse was injured but this year all horses have had to have calmers etc. every day this week. Horses in from fields at 3.00pm as fireworks could be heard just after school home time sending horses running around fields.

Pub had more fireworks but this year were smaller versions.

The animals that suffer do so without understanding and us as humans should not be so selfish. I believe professional firework displays only if necessay.

Tanzy was ok with fireworks until she was outside doing her business and a really loud one went off. Weve had a hard job trying to calm her down. Piper isn't phased at all, even with the really loud ones. She just goes outside and does her business no trouble at all. When it started raining we thought great that would stop them going off but there must be some really determind people out there because there still going.

if only people realised the trouble they cause
ive had 2 wet beds tonight been going off all bloody night again!!!!!!!!!!! :rant:
davbow said:
Tanzy was ok with fireworks until she was outside doing her business and a really loud one went off.  Weve had a hard job trying to calm her down.  Piper isn't phased at all, even with the really loud ones.  She just goes outside and does her business no trouble at all.  When it started raining we thought great that would stop them going off but there must be some really determind people out there because there still going.
if only people realised the trouble they cause

piper was reared with ricky remember, my elliot couldn,t careless
:( Poor Tanzy Dave :( hope she has settled down. Hate fireworks :rant: