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Ive just got back from a nice hour walk, and now i know its coming up to winter.

We were in the park with same of has Friend's were all having a really nice time.

he was playing ,i was talking. :- "

Me and another lady thought we would do a walk and get back home. This is what we do every night. So the dogs get a run and then a road walk.

It was not even 5 mins into the walk when up goes the dreaded firework, :rant: (the first one of the year) with a big bang Zeb tries to run the other way and hers just will not move. :angry: just got them back on track when up goes 2 more this time Zeb is really not happy. :angry: I can feel him shaking through the lead. There's me trying not to say anything to him. Cats are going running out of everywhere and there's poor Zeb still with a lest anther 10 mins until we get home.(the quick way) :rant: :rant:

so now i have 1 scared whip that is under my chair at the moment so i cant move.

B****Y FIREWORKS should be baned :rant: :rant:
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I agree whole-heartedly - fireworks should be banned from sale to the general public and only sold (under licence) to organised displays (which should be well-publicised beforehand so people know to keep dogs/cats/rabbits etc, inside).

The fireworks have just started round here - which is actually quite late for round here! (funny how some people always have money to waste on chucking fireworks about :rant: )
I agree , I have a shiba inu who is absolutely terrified for them and shakes uncontrolably when he hears one . If we are unlucky enough to be outside when one goes off he just freezes to the spot and won't move so , reluctantly , I have to pick him up and carry him home .I know this is totally the wrong think to do but it is impossible to get him to walk and he hides for the rest of the evening in fear . We now go off in the camper over Guy Fawks because it gets like world war 3 here . I have ordered a DAP collar for him so hopefully it will help but I've never used one before .
im starting to wonder what gypsy will be like when the fireworks start round here (normally a couple of weeks before :angry: ) the people over the road always have them and im wondering if she's gonna freak out :(

i hate the bloody things :rant:
Scullcap and vallerian tablets are supposed to be good...

Dorwest Herbs do them. :thumbsup:
theyve just started round here too,and the supermarkets are selling them ,still think its too early for the public to buy them,makes me sick :rant:

ive just one bitch thats very nervous of the bangs :(
poor little D once ripped out all her front claws trying to dig her way through the kitchen door to get away from fireworks....and that was the middle of the day in the first week in oct!

i hate the bloody things and they should be resticted to organised displays only on the sat closest to bonfire night.
totally agree with everything u are saying about the fireworks being kept for organised displays. The neighbour over our back wall always have em and once one set fire to the back of our shed! :rant: Benji was absolutley terrified of them n not sure what buster will be like with them yet. How do these DAP difusers work?
Dij is absolutely fine with them - I'm terrified!

I've never been keen (the bangs make me jump) but after turning a street corner and walking straight into one that some kids had lit, my fear has really ratched up a notch. Luckily for me it whizzed off in a different direction :rant:

I've no idea how Bloggs-dog will react - but he goes all quivery if I shout so am guessing he's not going to be too keen. Just hope the presence of Digit helps to settle him a bit if he does get scared :(

I'm also in the 'ban em for the general public' camp. They are explosives - you ought to need a license to handle them! And anyone who doubts how dangerous they are, should spend 5th November with a fire crew or in A&E.

Yes, I may be advocating the 'spoiling of other people's fun' but having to go to an organised display doesn't hamper your enjoyment of life anywhere near as much as having your face melted or eyes fried
Yes, I may be advocating the 'spoiling of other people's fun' but having to go to an organised display doesn't hamper your enjoyment of life anywhere near as much as having your face melted or eyes fried

couldnt agree more :thumbsup:
i don't even like the organized ones because a few years ago (before i had the kids) my OH and myself went to a organized one and half way through a firework went off course and was pointing at me, luckily my oh saw it coming and pulled me out of its path. I was really lucky because it was at the same height as my chest so would of been really nasty.

why would anyone pull with anything that could blow something up. All year we tell our kids not to play with matches then we let them hold sparklers. STRANGE WORLD WE LIVE IN. DONT MUCH SENSE.
im a real spoil sport and dont take my kids to firework displays, they have to make do with looking out the windows ;)
when it comes to fireworks i have neighbours from hell :rant: last year the chavs decided wouldnt it be fun to have a bonfire in the back garden,i have never seen so much smoke,the cars were filthy the next day :rant: hose at the ready this year :- "
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A lot of people seem to be bringing in these enormously loud bangers from Spain and the like, they don't do anything else just a huge bang which terrifies everyone :angry: how do they get them ? My dog ran off last year and i spent the night searching.. he came back eventually, very shaken.

I did love sparklers as a kid though and jumping jacks :lol:
If I had my way they's all be banned. Except pretty sparklers of course :- "

I've never liked the really loud ones that just bang, what's the point of them?

My youngest lurcher, Scrumpy has a problem with loud bangs so I'm not looking forward to this years fireworks at all :rant: We are going off to Anglesey in the camper van to hopefully get away from the worst of it. Some of my neighbours are big firework fans, even tho they have dogs themselves :blink:

About 3 months ago one of these :rant: decided to set off a firework/bomb he'd found left over from last year. This was about 3 in the afternoon, mid week,on a sunny day so my back door was open. Suddenly all hell let loose about 5 doors away, the bangs were so loud & it went on for about 5 mins. Must have cost a fortune.

Scrumpy hit the floor & just crammed herself into a corner in the front room, shaking & panting :( Even Hebe who is not normally bothered was scared. Rafferty didn't notice :wub:

I went down thr road & hammered on this idiots door & totally boll***ed him. He was oblivious to what he's done but did apologise. I found out later he's actually gone all along the street apologising to dog owners so maybe he'll think twice next time. Then again maybe not :rant:

Every year I sign petitions to get these things banned but nothing ever happens.
i agree!! Im scared of fireworks myself. Round here there are loads going off before bonfire nights. Imagine what its like obn bonfire night! TRecently 3 lads were setting off fireworks up and down my street :rant:

Pepa is fine not sure about phoebe though.

I love the colours btu hates the noises and watching them going up from the ground. I never leave the house on bonfire night and have to keep the animals in
since this happend iv been getting pains round my chest Appertaly iv pulled the chest musles. All because of fireworks.

Took him out last night with my mate and he was jumping at ever noise and light. took him a good hour to walk without flinging.

Tonight he was fine thank DOG.

When well they stop!!
I agree with you.........

Fireworks should be banned untill people use them properly

as a young child i was not keen on them, dont know why, liked the colours but not the noise, it was when i got older and had children of my own (mainly 4 Rotties) & 2 cats that i realized that it is not just me that dont like them.

for the big size these dogs are, they was like giant jellies on legs.

fireworks went on for about 7 weeks and they just about got over it by april, not looking forward to it this year either as i picked up my 2 new babies today ( 2 little shih tzu girls, 9 wk old)

the best thing to do is keep them indoors with the windows blacked out with bin bags to keep out the light, i usually put some nice calming music on and take them to bed with me. this usually works with them.

Hope this info is of use to you.

Tracie and the Brood
