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Fighting With The Neighbour

Oh god Katie.. :( the woman is best ignored me thinks if shes so petty about all this.

It could have been sorted out so easily without resorting to arguing like this.

I would get those letters drawn up asap.....get the fence up...and carry on as though nothing has happened

if thats at all possible.

I so hope it dosnt cause any more bad feeling, I feel sorry for your children well as the dogs.

The kids wont understand whats going on at all.. :(

As Nicola says Keep your chin up...we are all behind you here.. Best of Luck :luck: :luck: :luck:
Sorry you're having neighbour problems Katie - I'm not surprised you're feeling upset about it all. Lots of good advice for you on this thread though and you've been perfectly reasonable throughout so you can hold your head up. I hope she comes to her senses soon though and you get the apology you deserve for all of this stress.

I know how you feel with your OH my hubby is the same but thats men for ya :D

If you really want to annoy her be as nice as you possibly can it would drive her crazy that you are not biting and arguing with her in public. Plus it will show everyone how unreasonable she is and how you have tried to resolve the situation nice and calmly.

I would just say to her when she starts saying things again listen (name) my landlord is writing you a letter about the situation i do not wish to argue with you as i valued our friendship and would like to keep things as pleasent as possible if not for anything else for the children. Try to say all this with nice sincere smile on your face and a soft calm voice then walk away.

Glad your getting your fence sorted and goodluck with finding a new home if it comes down to that .
katie your neighbour sounds to me that she wasn't really your friend anyway, so don't loose sleep over her, best thing is to get it fenced and a big notice on the gate, saying private property, and in future just ignore her she sounds very ignorant anyway, so when you get your fence up go out with the kids and the dogs and bloody enjoy your space, if she hasn't removed her stuff after the seven days you are within your rights to move it, but don't go in her garden as that will spark off more crapp, good luck and rise above all her pettiness enjoy your life as by the sounds of it she hasn't got one, as for your OH i wouldn't worry about it, he probably listened to the crap and saw red, good job i'm not their neighbour as i wouldn't be my OH knocking on the door it would be me and their stuff would be tossed into their garden.
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This neighbour only has the right to go onto the green to hang her washing out! nothing more , she has no say about what or who goes in YOUR garden unless she is paying the rent, and I would make certain to tell her that, seems to me you are a kind considerate person and frankly she is taking advantage of your nature, if you let her win on this one she will dictate to you always, personally I would let my dogs out when ever I chose, like I stated your the one paying the rent, also who needs friends like that, cut your loses and do whats right for you your kids and dogs, her loss not yours :p
It will be so sad having to explain to the children that the other kids are not allowed to play with them. What a stupid woman your neighbor is.
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Its horrible when you consider someone a close friend and they turn round and stab you in the back over the most trivial stupid stuff.

I lost someone i considered a really close friend about 8 years ago she was also my dads cousins wife ,alot of family members didn't like her because of some stuff that had happen yrs b4 but i don't go in for all taht rubbish i like to make my own desicions about ppl .

To cut a very long story short i thought we where close friends but she didn't like it when i got togther with my husband and it turns out she was the biggest twofaced b**ch i have ever met . All she wanted was for me to be there when she wanted and have no life i guess soon as i started doing stuff other than with her things started to turn bad. She tried stiring crap about me until i kindly remined her that if she carried on i would tell every member of the family what she had said about them not heard a peep from her since lol

Some friends just ain't worth having on the upside though i do have a friend my best friend we have been friends for 28 yrs :)

I think sometimes ppl are only your friend when it suits them soon as you stopped doing/giving what they need they turn on you.

A true friend is someone who is always there no matter what even if you don't see them for months they will come running when you need them.

Get on with your life with a smile on your face she ain't worth the hassle she is the one who has lost out not you she has lost someone who was a good friend .
This neighbour only has the right to go onto the green to hang her washing out! nothing more , she has no say about what or who goes in YOUR garden unless she is paying the rent, and I would make certain to tell her that, seems to me you are a kind considerate person and frankly she is taking advantage of your nature, if you let her win on this one she will dictate to you always, personally I would let my dogs out when ever I chose, like I stated your the one paying the rent, also who needs friends like that, cut your loses and do whats right for you your kids and dogs, her loss not yours :p

well she moved her stuff, but from my land to the drying green :rant:

letter is not done yet, which im even more mad about :rant:

OH has been coming home from his work at lunch time some days to help, but he wont be able to do that for ever :(

just praying this fence goes up soon :(
This neighbour only has the right to go onto the green to hang her washing out! nothing more , she has no say about what or who goes in YOUR garden unless she is paying the rent, and I would make certain to tell her that, seems to me you are a kind considerate person and frankly she is taking advantage of your nature, if you let her win on this one she will dictate to you always, personally I would let my dogs out when ever I chose, like I stated your the one paying the rent, also who needs friends like that, cut your loses and do whats right for you your kids and dogs, her loss not yours :p

well she moved her stuff, but from my land to the drying green :rant:

letter is not done yet, which im even more mad about :rant:

OH has been coming home from his work at lunch time some days to help, but he wont be able to do that for ever :(

just praying this fence goes up soon :(
Katie, does she have her own garden? I would think it quite teasonable that you don't have the kids playing around your washing. When you do the letter, I would also say that if she is using the communal drying area as a play area, you would feel quite justified in doing the same.
Katie, does she have her own garden? I would think it quite teasonable that you don't have the kids playing around your washing. When you do the letter, I would also say that if she is using the communal drying area as a play area, you would feel quite justified in doing the same.

yes she does, she has the front we have the back and we share the green,

the reason her toys were on my land is the back garden is a sun trap, and her front garden is inclosed on 3sides by a 5" hedge and then the other side the house is on so it get no sun at all. (not my fault)

when the fence goes up all my toys will be on my side, so why should she get to use the green???

no sorry, she cant have it both ways. i tried being nice and coming to a compromise but she didnt want that it was all or nothing for her,

so thats what she will get nothing!!!!!

we will be speaking to the landlord today again to get him to put that her want the toys removed from the drying green as its a drying green for drying clothes (check your deeds) not a back garden for playing.

i just want a peacefull life again :(
well, a little succsess,

my landlord appeard this morning.

listened to exactly what we had to say, what we wanted and what we needed. (its all been over the phone so far)

he then left to go visit her landlord so that it was started as a verbile thing, as for all we know her landlord may be reasonable.

he spoke to her and apparently she is fed up with my neighbour going on about it, and has told her on may occations that she has no right to tell us what to do in the back and she had told her to appologise, which apparently she tried to do but it ended up a shouting match.

her landlord is going to go down to her house today to have another word to try get her to appologise again, as the last thing both landlords want is to start putting big fences up blocking things off. our landlord is going back to speak to her landlord tomorrow to see how she got on.

the only time i can think off that she may have wanted to appologise was at the nursery, when i tried to avoid her as a didnt want it brought up at the nursery, but thats when she said i had sent OH down to knock her OH out. :rant:

hopfully if she appologises and then we wont need to put a full 6ft of fence up, but i will still want a small boundery thing so my dogs can freely move in the garden without affecting the drying green, and hopfully it will prevent any further upset.

although we havnt had the appology yet i feel alot better that now i know her landlord is on our side.

thank god her landlord is a reasonable lady :sweating:
that looks good new I still think a little boundery fenc is best all round incase she kicks off again in the futre an i ould ask for a wrighten apolagy as shes odviusly be calling you and your dogs to others if anythig said in the futer you have proof she was in the wrong hope everythings sorted soon
tbh hon I wouldn't get all strung up about the apology - you might get one, you might not - but a forced apology really isn't worth owt is it? ....... Just think of a teenager saying SOZ and you'll get what I mean!

It sounds like both landlords are pretty sensible - which must be a relief. Is interesting that her landlord has been telling her all along that your garden isn't her business, yet still she thought she'd have a go!

Feels like you're starting to move towards a workable solution - if her landlord will tell her to move the toys from the drying area and you can put a wee fence up to stop your dogs straying into the washing ....... then her kids can do their thing in their garden, and you and yours can do yours in yours.....and the washing can be just washing!

Maybe as she sits in her shady garden in the summer she'll spend a bit of time reflecting on her own stupidity in creating this situation for herself - what goes around comes around eh?

Good on ya for working through this- sounds like it's paying off :thumbsup:
I think it sounds hopeful that the landlord and landlady of both parties are acting as intermediaries. I hope this brings the desired results. :thumbsup: I don't expect you will ever really be friends again, but it would be nice to be able to see the kids play together and see everyone at least being polite to one another :sweating: Poor you, what a trauma. :(
What a horrible woman! You must have all been living under such a cloud lately :( . Sounds like her landlord is sick of her too though! It seems to me that most people who moan excessively do so because they have nothing interesting going in their lives and nothing of any real consequence to complain about. Maybe if she got herself a little dog she'd loosen up and enjoy life a bit!

I really hope that everything gets sorted out soon and you can have a few less worries. If you manage to get a fence up you'll be able to enjoy your garden a lot more. It'll be lovely to sit out there in the summer and leave the back door open for the dogs to pop in and out for a spot of sunbathing!
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