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Ferreting Day Take Two

All I can say is Mally must of been hungry to dig that deep fotr a rabbit o:)
It wasn't the rabbit i was worried about, it was the 15ft locator collar the ferret had on. At £35.00 each they are not to be left nor are my ferrets. I think mark and jeff will agree my ferrets work really well so i'd never leave one down a burrow.

It looks like i will be out of action for a few weeks so i'll organise the day for after christmas now hope you don't mind.
are you shure thats not a bit of badger digging going on m8 o:)
No couldn't agree more mally, would never leave a ferret down a hole alone, and have dug a few big uns in the past, but nowadays unless I am forced to by darkenss I leave them to come out on their own, especially if it's a deep un.

How's the long nets coming on Mally looking forward to trying them out with permission of course :- "
How's the long nets coming on Mally
I think I now realise why they call them long :- " (he's promised them for xmas? but he didnt say which :p )
Now then mark and jeff if your up for it i'll take you ferreting again when i get my new gun.

I'VE JUST ORDERED A BRAND NEW 12G SEMI-AUTO 5 SHOT .so i'll let you know when i get it. Hopefully should get it end of next week.
mally said:
Now then mark and jeff if your up for it i'll take you ferreting again when i get my new gun.I'VE JUST ORDERED A BRAND NEW 12G SEMI-AUTO 5 SHOT .so i'll let you know when i get it. Hopefully should get it end of next week.

So it looks like we will need a trailer for the ammo (w00t) (w00t)

Mark Mally's other gun's no good to you unless he is giving you a hacksaw with it :- "
There is a couple of days for you down here lads if you want . We'll take the dogs one day and the guns the second day.

we may even see some of those rabbits with the big ears :oops: