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Ferret Name Ideas?

maybe...but they might be to shy to perform in front of such a hot shot superstar :- " :lol:
So Tanya, you ended up with 2 then? So much more fun than one lonesome one :(

How old are they? What colours? Where are they coming from?

Questions, questions & yes we want photos

How about Bubble & Squeak for names.

they are coming from lonewolf, he has kindly let me have 2 , i have never kept ferrets but saw a pic of them and fell in love :wub: so as im up his end of the country and they are ready to leave i will collect on the way home from leeds sat, i have had a lovely court made for them, will take pics as soon as they arrive and see what they think of it? ive been given lots of do`s and donts so fingers crossed i will have them out working by end of year?? 1 is albino and the other is polecat so be sure ill be asking lots of silly ferret questions!!! get ready for pics sun as i will be shattered on sat by the time i drive 200 miles to leeds then about anothr 80 to get them and back down country again again!! :wacko:

hows my baby hebe :wub: :wub:
what fun - ferretty boys

What about:

Jim & Jam

Tintin & Snowy

Pooh & Piglet

Adam & Ant

Wallace & Grommit

if you go classical.....

Castor & Pollux (heavenly twins who became Gemini)

Romulus & Remus (suckled by a wolf)
posh totty said:
they are coming from lonewolf, he has kindly let me have 2 , i have never kept ferrets but saw a pic of them and fell in love  :wub:   so as im up his end of the country and they are ready to leave i will collect on the way home from leeds sat, i have had a lovely court made for them, will take pics as soon as they arrive and see what they think of it? ive been given lots of do`s and donts so fingers crossed i will have them out working by end of year?? 1 is albino and the other is polecat so be sure ill be asking lots of silly ferret questions!!! get ready for pics sun as i will be shattered on sat by the time i drive 200 miles to leeds then about anothr 80 to get them and back down country again again!! :wacko:

hows my baby hebe  :wub:   :wub:

I just thought i'd mention bit i'm sure you already know, that you won't be able to keep to entire males together during the breeding season, which in this country is from roughly March through to September.


Come on Tanya....what are you calling them then... :- " :lol:

you could always call in and see are only 20 minutes from me when you pick them up.. :thumbsup:

Ive got 7 rabbits here ...they would love them... :lol: :lol: :oops:
posh totty said:
i will be collecting two ferret boys on sat after leeds , and i really cant think of 2 catchy names for them? all ive come up with is henry and harry?? any ideas please?  :thumbsup:

I have always wanted a ferret called Bryan (Bryan Ferret/Ferry). I think it's an excellent name for a ferret :))
tinker & tucker

bill & ben

kevin & perry
Janimal said:
Come on Tanya....what are you calling them then... :- "  :lol: you could always call in and see are only 20 minutes from me when you pick them up.. :thumbsup:

Ive got 7 rabbits here ...they would love them... :lol:   :lol:   :oops:

i would love to janis!!! pm me details , but ill swap you a ferret / eddie cuddle for an oscar, kobi and little archie cuddle :wub: :wub:
(w00t) What about

Cheese & Pickle

Ham & Eggs

Egg & chips

:- " Must be nearly tea time :lol: .....
its looking like chalk and cheese?? the albino being chalky and poley being cheesy coz he does have a cheesy look to him ???!!! :wacko: (w00t)
O come on you are getting them Saturday the same day as the last ever Harry Potter book is out they have to be

Harry and Ron

Or Potter and Weasley

:cheers: :cheers:

very good!!!! like that!! :thumbsup:

will post pics of them in a bit as ive finally taken some!! :thumbsup:
we once had an albino and a pole cat called Streaky and Bacon the pole cat had white streak between her ears so she was Streaky and the albino Bacon :oops:
Where the pics Tanya????

Come on now, this is've had them for a whole day now and your not :lol: