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Why shouldn't you feed the white part of the egg to your dog raw? :b
This is some info I found on another site....

Repeatedly adding raw eggs to a dog's diet can cause a deficiency of the vitamin biotin. Raw egg whites contain avidin, an enzyme which ties up biotin (makes it unavailable for absorption into the body). Symptoms of biotin deficiency include dermatitis (inflammation of the skin), loss of hair, and poor growth.
I think the egg issue is one of those that can go on and on, there are plenty of people that are happy to feed it raw and those that believe it should be cooked! As always with these things it depends what you read!!

I have a vague memory of reading that the amount of egg you would have to feed to create a biotin deficency is so great it is pretty unlikely, and as long as you are feeding a healthy diet feeding raw eggs should never cause an issue.

I have just looked in up in Ian Billinghurst book and he explains it all pretty thoroughly, and he says feeding eggs is perfectly okay- but as always its up to the individual.
It does depend on which Billingshurst book you are reading. In the first one he says raw eggs complete with shell are the perfect food or something like that. :) Then in the second one he changes his mind and says that eggs should only be fed I think once or maybe it's twice a week.

I can't look it up 'cause I only have the first book here and goodness knows where it is. :) I know about his change of heart from being on BARF lists and reading what people have said about feeding eggs.
When I worked with the Greyhounds they all had a raw egg,everyday and they all did well enough :)
All seems very contraversial.........I know my last dog was fine on raw eggs, it might be prudent to be a little more cautious with young puppiess :8
I have recently bought pup and I am not sure of her eating habits. I have always had border collies and jack russells and they eat what ever you give them. I have tried to feed her little and often but she sometimes eats and other times doesnt. Someone told me to leave a bowl of dry puppy food out so that she cant eat when she is hungry, is this wrong? Are whippets fussy feeders? I feed her on beta puppy and pedigree chum tinned puppy meat. She also has scrambled egg a couple of times week. Bu again sometimes she will have a nibble and then just leave, until the cat comes and she wil have a little more then. I am unsureof what weight she hould be, the vet says she is fine, maybe I am not use to slimmer athletic dogs


This is a picture of holly
parksie said:
I have recently bought pup and I am not sure of her eating habits. I have always had border collies and jack russells and they eat what ever you give them. I have tried to feed her little and often but she sometimes eats and other times doesnt. Someone told me to leave a bowl of dry puppy food out so that she cant eat when she is hungry, is this wrong? Are whippets fussy feeders? I feed her on beta puppy and pedigree chum tinned puppy meat. She also has scrambled egg a couple of times  week. Bu again sometimes she will have a nibble and then just leave, until the cat comes and she wil have a little more then. I am unsureof what weight she hould be, the vet says she is fine, maybe I am not use to slimmer athletic dogs

This is a picture of holly

Hi, did your breeder give you a diet sheet?? I personally would not leave down food all the time (chance would be a fine thing in my house with Frankie around! :lol: ) Your pup will just be picky and know that she doesn't have to eat all her dinner because there's always something for her to nibble on! A bit like giving kids loads of snacks between meals. Im not sure how old your girl is but she should probably be having 4 small meals a day.

If mine don't eat their dinner within 10 mins (there is only Holly who sometimes doesn't), it gets taken up away. She isn't fed again until her next meal time. (fed twice a day) I have been persistant with this and found that Holly's eating habits have improved and these days she rarely leaves anything.

Everyone has their own personal preference on what they think is the best thing to do about feeding....there is loads in the FAQ's section. :thumbsup:
Cheers. No my breeder didnt give me a diet sheet. I was going to call reputable dog food company to see what we should feed her. Do you have any suggestions? I will try doing what you suggested, and see if that works
Hi .....I wouldn't leave food down either ....I had a fussy puppy and I just persevered .......and offered the diet I wanted to feed him on every 4hours ......he eventually ate ;) ...... :luck: .......
When you first get your pup it is best to carry on feeding the same food as the breeder - any sudden change to diet can play havoc on delicate tummies! You can then gradually introduce your desired food until it takes over from the breeders. (if that makes sense!)

I personally feed a raw, natural diet (see BARF in FAQ), as do quite a few people on this board. However, lots of people feed good quality complete food. It's down to personal choice. If you feed complete, i personally would choose one that didn't have any sure my Dobermann's severe skin condition was down to those nasties as since changing to BARF she's made a complete recovery. I know that 'Laughing Dog' do a complete thats not got any in. There are others.

As i said, this is what i've found works for my dogs. Everyone has a different opinion :)
Just about anything eaten in large enough quantities can be harmful. Vitamin A is toxic in large quantities, so theoretically you could overdose on carrots. :) I think the same goes for eggs. I used to always give my dogs couple of eggs a week, and when we lived in the country and had chooks and ducks, the dogs often beat me to the nesting boxes and I was finding egg shells all over the lawn.

As far as 12 weeks old puppy goes I would feed at least twice a day. Lot of people make the mistake of expecting Whippet to eat more than they need. Look at the puppy’s abdomen, just at the ribcage where stomach is located, and see how much food could possibly fit in there in one go.

Friend of mine, who had a lot of trouble with a picky eater, just found a product that stimulates appetite. It called NUTRIPET, it is a vitamin supplement paste made by Troy. This Whippet was always very bad eater but started gobbling his food down after the first dose. Can you get Troy products in UK?

Anyway, your puppy looks nicely covered. :) :luck:
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i feed my dogs twice a day.

it really is better to feed more than once because their blood sugar will fluctuate throughout the day much like a persons and if only fed once their blood sugar can dip really low and leave them without energy.

i also never leave food down...if its not eaten in ten minutes thats it and they wait til later,generally they wolf it down unless unwell in which case something nice and light is cooked up to tempt them.
i feed my adults twice a day , breakfast and tea .

my pups are 12 weeks now and get fed 3 times a day .

all fed on raw pet mince :thumbsup:

i do leave beta puppy complete down all day but i am lucky and since i changed to raw mince ive not a problem with there appetites although i do agree that leaving food down all day CAN cause dogs to be picky in some cases :thumbsup:
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I currently have a 6 month old Whippet ( Getting our second this weekend ! ! Really Excited! ! !) We feed raw as do many others here (Check the FAQ if interested). Samantha gets 3 meals a day. One of a meat, cottage cheese, and veg; one goat milk, natural yogurt, baby rice cereal and a raw egg; and one of Raw chicken wings.. . Until samantha was 3 months she was getting 4 meals a day, 2 goats milk and 2 meat / chicken wings..

We also don't leave any food down for longer than 10 minutes... If she doesn't eat she waits till next feeding time.. ..Also when introducing food we wouldn't bring in more than one additional food per weeks ( with a raw diet we rotate what meats and additive we give her )..Be sure not to change or add to the dogs diet to quickly or they can become picky or not trusting of what they eat..

Hope this helps.. Welcome to the fold and good luck...