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Feed before or after walks ?


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I'm sure this must have been asked before but I can't find it.

I only walk our 3 month old puppy about 15 mins each time anf of like to feed her at around the same time.

Is it best to feed her before or after her walls ? She's a cockerpoo so not a large type.
I feed mine an hour or so before a walk.

I don't have time for that in the morning unfortunately. I get up at 7am to play with her in the garden and let her empty out, them walk her for 15 mins then feed her. That gives me 25 mins to get ready for work, when my wife looks after her.
Mine only eat after a walk,mind you theres dried food left down all day. They never touch it,they only eat if I'm here with them.
After the walk - Harri isn't interested in breakfast until he's worked up an appetite.
Mine get fed after a walk as they have a 90 min offlead walk every morning and i would be worried they would get bloat ...
I couldn't walk on a full stomach
I'm with Kara1 - feed after exercise to reduce the risk of bloat. Though I'm not sure if this is a concern in breeds like cockerpoos.
Any breed cross breed of dog can suffer from bloat it is just more common in deep chested dogs ...
My friend lost her young jack russell to bloat last year ...she had always fed her dog before a walk despite being advised not to ...
Murphy is fed after his morning walk.. We go out early and walk for 1-2 hours although if we are off on an adventure we take a light breakfast with us that he can have when we stop for a cuppa.
I take mine for a walk first, then after half an hour's rest she gets fed. I don't have time at the moment to feed her first and then wait an hour before taking her for a walk, so this is why I do it this way. But when it starts to get darker in the morning I will probably switch it around.
I've done both. Sometimes before, sometimes after. Rox doesn't mind. As far as I know you can do either as long as you leave about an hour or so between feeding and walking.
I've heard people say they prefer to feed after because the dog feels like it worked for the food, as they would in the wild.
Having said feeding after is preferable, Jasper has his breakfast almost as soon as he gets up, but then we have a good hour or so before we go out. It's not ideal, but he's a greedy/perpetually hungry dog and if we waited till an hour after his walk before feeding him, he'd be desperate to eat, and probably scavenging and scrounging on the walk even more than he already does. I dare say he'd adapt, but it could be a painful process. Though it might mean he didn't insist on us getting up at the stroke of 7am every day.
Mine are fed at7am then walked at 9.30am just how ive always done it, as long as they get an hour after eating.
Having said feeding after is preferable, Jasper has his breakfast almost as soon as he gets up, but then we have a good hour or so before we go out. It's not ideal, but he's a greedy/perpetually hungry dog and if we waited till an hour after his walk before feeding him, he'd be desperate to eat, and probably scavenging and scrounging on the walk even more than he already does. I dare say he'd adapt, but it could be a painful process. Though it might mean he didn't insist on us getting up at the stroke of 7am every day.

Yes when it gets dark I'm going to be interested to see whether eating an hour before her walk makes Piccolo's scavenging lessen!
That's a good point @JudyN about scavenging, although I'm sure Rox scavanges just as much whether she's eaten or not! She's a greedy bugger! Lol