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Farmers Rights On Shooting Dogs

RIP Pippa and Teigan.

I very much hope you see justice for them and that Farmer gets what he deserves.

When we were walking our dogs a little earlier this afternoon I was thinking of you. It seems as if the Farmer knows somehow he is above the law and I wouldn't be suprised to find out that he knows the chief constable, or something along those lines.

As for your dogs - they were out having a fantastic time playing - they died having fun. They were not lost, injured, hungry or worried. They knew they were part of a loving and secure family. Obviously their lives should not have ended that day, but had they run on you might never have known what had happened to them and you'd look for them for years to come. One of our dogs was hit by a truck who mounted the grass verge - his back was broken, he screamed all the way to the vets and we had no choice but to let him sleep when we saw the xrays. We miss him every day, but I thank God he did not run off injured and leave us searching for him. (Now if I could get my hands on the truck driver....)

Please let us know how you get on. :luck:
I'm so sorry for you & your family and your poor dogs. I hope you get some justice for this insane act of violence. That farmer sounds deranged and certainly shouldn't be in possession of a a gun but rather locked up in a padded cell. :rant:

RIP Pippa & Tiegan.
sorry to swear but that farmer is a Ba*****, sorry to hear about the dogs
i wish you the best of luck in your search for justice for your poor dogs. :luck: :luck: :luck: i hope your family can come to terms with whats happened and i hope the farmer gets his the end of the day this is still england and folk cant go round shooting other peoples dogs and acting in a threatening manner with a gun. i still say go to the press with this. :thumbsup:
Thanks for the update Dave and Paula

We're all thinking of you, fingers crossed, that farmer should be shown the full weight of the law. How DARE he act like this without any justification.

Please keep us posted as/when you are able.

Best wishes

Hi just keeping you all informed, we have had Tiegan an Pippa's post mortem done this morning by our local vet & received his report back. which i will disclose later as we dont have the report at the moment as its in the hands of a gamekeeper friend, who is taking it to a fire arms officer colleague.

This was a cold blooded calculated premeditated attack by a callous lunatic farmer

rest assured we will not rest until he has paid for this brutal savage attack which took our beloved dogs lifes.
eskview said:
Hi just keeping you all informed, we have had Tiegan an Pippa's post mortem done this morning by our local vet & received his report back. which i will disclose later as we dont have the report at the moment as its in the hands of a gamekeeper friend, who is taking it to a fire arms officer colleague.
This was a cold blooded calculated premeditated attack by a callous lunatic farmer

rest assured we will not rest until he has paid for this brutal savage attack which took our beloved dogs lifes.

so sorry for the loss of your pets

the sick piece of shit need a fuc--- great hole blown in his sick head

but this is the real world and you must beat this bas---- talk to the police and if they dont listen go over the pc head and tell them you will make an official compliant

be strong and dont do any thing that will get you or your family in any trouble or danger

be careful what you say about this guy also

i very much hope you sort this out

after things are sorted publish it on the net and tell the papers
eskview said:
Hi just keeping you all informed, we have had Tiegan an Pippa's post mortem done this morning by our local vet & received his report back. which i will disclose later as we dont have the report at the moment as its in the hands of a gamekeeper friend, who is taking it to a fire arms officer colleague.
This was a cold blooded calculated premeditated attack by a callous lunatic farmer

rest assured we will not rest until he has paid for this brutal savage attack which took our beloved dogs lifes.

so sorry for the loss of your pets

the sick piece of shit need a fuc--- great hole blown in his sick head

but this is the real world and you must beat this bas---- talk to the police and if they dont listen go over the pc head and tell them you will make an official compliant

be strong and dont do any thing that will get you or your family in any trouble or danger

be careful what you say about this guy also

i very much hope you sort this out

after things are sorted publish it on the net and tell the papers
Post Mortem Examination Report

Dog 1 A female , liver & white Springer Spaniel whom I beleive to be known as Tiegan

The dog was in good condition & had been dead for approx 48hrs

The findings of significance were as follows.

1. Multiple small round skin perforations to the lateral aspect of the left fore leg, consistent with a midrange shotgun wound.

2.Fracture to midshaft radius & ulna deep to this skin wound. Several flattened shotgun pellets were recovered from the inside of the skin medial to these fractured bones

3. Several skin wounds to the medial aspect of the right foreleg around the level of the carpus. These were consistent with shotgun pellet entry wounds.

4. A circular wound between the dog's' eyes through both skin & skull around 4cm in diameter. The brain of the dog had disintegrated & several flattened shotgun pellets were recovered from inside the back of the skull. this injury was consistent with a shotgun wound from very close range.

The cause of the death in this case was massive brain damage.

Dog 2 A female liver & white Springer Spaniel whom I beleive to be pippa. This dog was also in good condition & had been dead for approx 48 hrs

The findings of significance were as follows

1. Large skin wound to left side of neck.This was a skin tearof around 6cms in diameter with several other small circular perforations around the periphery of the main wound. Several shotgun pellets were recovered from inside the ski. Thiswas consistent with a shotgun wound of short to medium range. Next to this skirt tear was a second wound.

2. The second wound was medial to the first & seperated by only a centimetre or so of intact skin, It was circular & around 6cm in Diameter & contained several flattened shotgun pellets, This injuryhad resulted in the complete transection of the trachea of the dog, This injury may have been caused by a seperate shotgun wound, allthough I cannot rule of the possibility that the pellets had come from the first wound,& that the injury to the trachea was caused by a sharp instrument.

The cause of death was asphyxiation due to tracheal obstruction with blood combined with severe haemorrage.
my heart goes out to you eskview, it's so painful to read all that in black and white. i have everything crossed that this man gets what's due to him.
Words fail me.

I'm so, so sorry for you, your family and for your poor dogs.
Eskview I'm not too sure on this but I think the postmortem being posted publicly may be hazardous to your case, may be best deleting? After reading this, I for one want to make sure this bloke gets convicted. :(

Does anyone know if it could compromise??
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Hi 2 trained dogs trained to hand commands & whistle commands, trained to ignore livestock unless a command is given otherwise, the farmer knows this he has seen me in the field often enough training them,

posting the post mortem wont jeopardise the case I have seeked legal advice, & as it is the police aint doing a lot about it,

Its down to me to publicise an name an shame the as*hole

maybe get a few animal rights extremists intrested now thats a thought :cheers:

that would shake the quiet village up lol......

Back to a serious point the police are useless unless it involves some kid riding a bike without lights or on the pavement they aint intrested.

I should put a price on his head but i suppose the police would construe that as illegal as they would if I give him a good hiding cos if it had been me who had done what he has,

I'd av been remmanded in prison so fast like say one law for one an another for another
eskview said:
Hi 2 trained dogs trained to hand commands & whistle commands, trained to ignore livestock unless a command is given otherwise, the farmer knows this he has seen me in the field often enough training them,posting the post mortem wont jeopardise the case I have seeked legal advice, & as it is the police aint doing a lot about it,

Its down to me to publicise an name an shame the as*hole

maybe get a few animal rights extremists intrested now thats a thought  :cheers:

that would shake the quiet village up lol......

Back to a serious point the police are useless unless it involves some kid riding a bike without lights or on the pavement they aint intrested.

I should put a price on his head but i suppose the police would construe that as illegal as they would if I give him a good hiding cos if it had been me who had done what he has,

I'd av been remmanded in prison so fast like say one law for one an another for another

HOW MUCH IS IT WORTH TO YOU...........just incase i might know someone ? :- "
got a half eaten bag of wotsits cheese flavour,N suppose i cud call a favour in an get a cple stone of crabs an a few boxes of fish fillets, :oops: i better watch what i'm saying I could end up being charged with inciting & aiding an abetting someone to comit a criminal act :eek:
eskview said:
got a half eaten bag of wotsits cheese flavour,N suppose i cud call a favour in an get a cple stone of crabs an a few boxes of fish fillets,  :oops:   i better watch what i'm saying I could end up being charged with inciting & aiding an abetting someone to comit a criminal act  :eek:
some people might say..for me it wouldnt take much...given that the circumstances match the "act" ofcourse

funnily enough I was just reading an article the other day, Farmers are prone to committing suicide with their own shotguns how apt o:)