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Fao Sarahloveland

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Having real computer problems just wanted to tell you all it case it dies Also

Going my holidays on Saturday so will miss all your chit chat for a while


I will be back lol :lol:


Be good while I'm away !
You have a great holiday - we will still be taking the same old tosh when you get back :lol:
Have fun on Holiday Alison :D


tosh Juney??? speak for yourself lol!!!


Afternoon everyone by the way :D


I'm off to babysit for my brothers kids and his new 7 month old boxer pup, who I haven't met yet...

i have just eaten 4 snicker ice creams bars in a row...and do know what? if there were more i would eat 'em as well....took kids to maccy d's last night after spending the day with debbie..thanks hun..hope dogs havent wrecked your garden too much :b then we got lost..ended up in brighton i got there i havent a clue..sarah seriously needs to buy a sat nav but i am scared too cos i have lost a couple already..anyhoo..where was i? oh yeah...macdonalds last night..spent £40 :eek: honestly...40 smackers on food in there for us!!! i said to the kids they are gonna have to roll us out of here :clown: charlie had 2 big mac meals and 2 milkshakes!!! thats my boy! i had a chicken legend meal...and a big mac one too :b then ended it with caramel macflurrys :D
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love snicker ice cream bars...and malteser ones too :D i dont think i have that thing that tells you when to stop eating....
Having real computer problems just wanted to tell you all it case it dies Also

Going my holidays on Saturday so will miss all your chit chat for a while


I will be back lol :lol:


Be good while I'm away !
Have a good holiday Alison :huggles:
Good Grief Sarah! Ever tried eating slowly...apparently that helps you to know when you're full...never had time for that myself though...what a waste of eating time (w00t) :lol:
no clair..eating slowly in an impossibility for me..have to ram in in as fast as poss :teehee:
i have just eaten 4 snicker ice creams bars in a row...and do know what? if there were more i would eat 'em as well....took kids to maccy d's last night after spending the day with debbie..thanks hun..hope dogs havent wrecked your garden too much :b then we got lost..ended up in brighton i got there i havent a clue..sarah seriously needs to buy a sat nav but i am scared too cos i have lost a couple already..anyhoo..where was i? oh yeah...macdonalds last night..spent £40 :eek: honestly...40 smackers on food in there for us!!! i said to the kids they are gonna have to roll us out of here :clown: charlie had 2 big mac meals and 2 milkshakes!!! thats my boy! i had a chicken legend meal...and a big mac one too :b then ended it with caramel macflurrys :D
ffs sake when you said you were going to maccy d's i thought everyone would just a have a big mac meal or a meal, not you lot :lol: :lol: :lol:

it was lovely having you the kids and dogs down here, you must come more

as for the getting lost what you haven't told them is you got lost coming :lol: :lol:

then when i took you to the start of the m25 i said take the m3 turning which is quite a few junctions, no what do you do you take the m23 and go sight seeing around brighton :lol: :lol: :lol:

you are murder bird i tell ya,

the garden is fine i just have to fill the dirty great hole in the flower bed that murph and lilly dug little feckers :lol:
Thanks folks , hoping for another little whippet to join my team when I get back :D
Thanks folks , hoping for another little whippet to join my team when I get back :D
have a smashing holiday alison, and good luck getting another whippet

but you must put photo's on here first
next time i will be sat navd up....cant handle that again :wacko: kids all asking where we i just kept saying" not far from home now children" after about half an hour i had to confess to them that i hadnt the foggiest idea where we were :teehee: i blame you to be honest deb...follow the m3 isnt enough info for a prat like me...if you had directed me into Poole then i would have made it home quicker!!
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